
Chapter 315


While all of this was happening, Kuina was on the other side of the island not anywhere near the fights that were occurring. She seemed disinterested.

Kuina sat atop a large rock, her gaze fixed on the horizon as the sun cast a warm, golden glow over the landscape. The vast expanse of the ocean stretched out before her, its rhythmic waves crashing against the rocky shore below. The sea breeze gently tousled her dark hair, carrying with it the scent of salt and frost. It was a breathtaking view, but her thoughts were far from serene.

Her last fight still haunted her mind, the memory of defeat gnawing at her pride. Laffitte, the pirate, had outmatched her in speed and power. She might have been more skillful, but it didn't fill the gap and ultimately she lost.

She had been a skilled swordswoman, driven by her passion and determination to become the greatest. But that fateful battle had shattered her confidence, leaving her questioning her abilities and decisions.

"I should have been better," she muttered to herself, her voice barely audible above the sound of the crashing waves.

But that wasn't all, she was also feeling left behind. Zoro, had stepped up and became strong. He was already strong, and now the gap had increased. It made her wonder, doubt herself.

Kuina's fingers traced the hilt of her sword, Wado Ichimonji, a familiar comfort in her grasp. She had trained relentlessly, honing her techniques for years, but it seemed that no matter how hard she tried, she could not keep up with her crewmates' rapid progress. Doubt crept into her heart like a persistent shadow, whispering that maybe she was not cut out for this path after all.

The sun was high, casting elongated shadows on the rocky shore, Kuina's contemplation deepened. She looked back on her journey, the dreams she once held so dearly, and the unwavering belief that she could conquer any obstacle in her path. But now, she found herself adrift, lost in a sea of uncertainty.

"So, that's where you are?" Luffy said, making the swordswoman glance back at her captain.

"Is there anything you need, Captain?"

Luffy shook his head, his arms crossed, "Just wanted to take you out on a date."

"…" She then snapped her head at the young man, "What?"

Luffy burst out laughing, "Shishishi… God, that was hilarious," he said, grinning, "But sorry, no. I'm a married man, and I'm sure a certain someone would grill me if I did…" he winked.

"Huh, who?" Kuina asked, clearly clueless.

Luffy sweatdropped, 'Nami wasn't lying when she said Kuina is as thick as her ice when it comes to these sorts of things,' he thought, before shaking his head. "No, nothing. Anyway, I have some free time, want to spar?"

If it was any other time Kuina would have agreed, but now she wasn't certain, "Are you sure captain? I might not be able to give you a challenge…"

"Huh, what do you mean?" Luffy asked, playing clueless. "You have gotten plenty strong after your fight with the bird-man. Is something wrong?"

She hesitated for a moment, but Luffy pushed on.

"Hey, don't sweat it too much. Feeling down after a loss is totally normal, you know?"

She nodded, slapping both of her palms on her cheek. "You're right, captain." She was feeling down yes, but she could not deny the spark that still flickered deep within her. "I can't give up," she said, her voice determined and resolute. "I won't let doubt consume me."

"That's the spirit!" Luffy grinned, "Now, let's get to training!" he said, pumping his fist up in the air. 'Good thing I was able to get her out of her rut. Who knew being a Captain would be easy?'

Kuina copied him, "Yes! Let's do it!"

Luffy grinned as he took his nameless Naginata out from his back, dawning it with Haki, while Kuina unsheathed her own blade Wado Ichimonji.

"Ready when you are," Luffy said, giving her the first strike.

Kuina took a deep breath, the salty air filling her lungs with newfound determination. She may have lost that one battle, but she knew that the journey to greatness was filled with both triumphs and setbacks. It was a path of growth and learning, and she refused to let her setbacks define her.

"I have one question before we start…"

Luffy blinked, not expecting a question but nodded for her to continue.

"Why… why do you think Zoro surpassed me? I… I know it's selfish to ask, but I want to be the strongest swordsman, so please tell me why."



"I will have to be honest, I wasn't there for the fight, but… I can guess why." Luffy said, he looked her in the eyes, "You, my friend, are afraid to lose."

Kuina was a bit flabbergasted, not expecting that answer. "But this isn't the first time I have lost…"

Luffy nodded, "That might be true… but you see, do you know the one thing that sets Zoro apart from you, Sanji, and even Sparky?"

Kuina frowned but shook her head.

"He's had it worse than all of you in some regards," Luffy explained. "After getting beat by me, the famous 'Pirate Hunter' Zoro fought against Mihawk and lost. You, Sanji, Sparky, and even me, we all were stronger than him. The loss… do you remember that he promised me to never lose a fight…? Well, that kind of being at the bottom of the barrel will push your motivation to the next level. But that's not all.

"Zoro… for better or worse, he is reckless in some sense. Most fighters in most cases try to preserve themselves while fighting. But he doesn't… every fight he takes on. He goes with the intention to win. Which is called a winner's mindset, and when it comes to Haki, mindset is very important… it will lead you to making decisions that will push you further towards your goal or the grave." Luffy said, smiling. "And well, Zoro is just too stubborn to die."

Kuina didn't know what to say before she caught back a laugh, "So, I just have to be stubborn… Doing anything to win… hmm."

Luffy nodded, "Yes, doing anything."

"Oh, Nami… why are you wearing a swimming suit in here?" Kuina said with a frown looking over Luffy's shoulder.

Luffy snapped his neck back at supersonic speed, looking over his shoulder, "Where?!"

Kuina moved in, drawing her blade, "Sakura Hurricane!"

"Agh… you little!" Luffy was thrown back from the non-lethal strike and glared at the girl with an annoying expression. Why did he have to fall for the oldest trick in the book? "You will pay dearly for this." He said before pushing off the air, with his hands tightening around his blade.

Kuina grinned, "I'm going to win this!"

Luffy matched her grin, "Oh, we will see about that!"

— — — —

A/N: Kuina gets her wake up call.

While Zoro had lost to Mihawk pretty badly at the start of the series, Kuina didn't. That's the reason for Zoro's motivation. To beat Mihawk along with his other goal, being the world's strongest swordsman.

Kuina's motivation is similar, but only now did she get her wake-up call.

Also, I don't like the current media making Mery Sue out of female characters. (I'm looking at you Marvel MCU and Star Wars.) Everyone has weakness, and that makes us relatable.

Hmm... maybe that's why I like Sanji's character. (Women is this man's kryptonite and sun at the same time, lol)

Also, Sparky's powers are hard to powerscale due to his fruit. But with how easily he handled Laffitte, one can guess how powerful he is. But anyway, enjoy.

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