
Chapter 301


"Gah…!" Teach's body materialized and my blade skewered him to the ground, he screamed, but his scream was dwarfed by the leaking red energy that exploded out of his body.


I lost the grip on my blade, and my nameless naginata was thrown back. I gritted my teeth as I was shocked by hundreds of volts of red energy.

I could see my whole hand getting burned even with Haki protecting it, the rest of my body that weren' covered with Haki was also affected. Pain. The amount of pain that I felt was quite literally unbearable.

Thankfully, it only lasted for a few seconds, as I was thrown back from the shockwave. If I knew that this would have happened, I would have protected my whole body with Haki, but it was too late.

My body skipped across the ground a few times, before I was able to steady myself.

The explosion was quite powerful as it shook the whole island, consuming a good chunk of the ground with destroying anything nearby with wind pressure alone.

"Shit…" I hissed in pain, looking at my crisply burnt right arm, it was still elongated. To put it short, it looked like dead burnt noodles. For a few seconds, I couldn't even feel my right arm.

Several uneasy thoughts flashed in my mind, thinking the worst.

I quickly concentrate all my attention to my burned arm with Life Return. And I was finally able to get some sense back in my arm. My Haki had protected me from the worst damages but still, I would need quite a long time before I could properly use my arm again.

Now that I was paying attention again, I noted that I wasn't in my Gear Fourth anymore. Also, my body wasn't fully responding to my commands. It seemed that the red electricity messed up my bodily systems. I could try to use my Haki to empower my body with Will but I would rather use my Haki sparingly right now.

I also didn't know where my weapon was. I couldn't sense it with my Observation Haki. Nor could I feel the mental link that we had… That never happened before.

Did that blast knock my weapon's consciousness out? Was that even possible?

I didn't have the time to worry about that as we heard Teach screaming while holding his stomach, "Aghhhhh… Shit! Bitch! My heart! You destroyed one of my hearts!" the giant man was rolling on the floor, bleeding himself out and flopping on the floor like the world's biggest disappointment of an antagonist.

He seemed be in a lot of pain.

I smirked, finding sick satisfaction in that… It might have been my imagination, but I think my pain lessened a bit seeing him gravel in pain. Huh, aren't I just petty?

I also looked around, and saw Ace and Sabo had also been thrown back. They were much closer to the explosion, and Sabo looked a bit more injured than Ace. My older brother most probably turned himself into fire when the explosion occurred, while Sabo had to tank it.

Ace panted, supporting himself with Enma, before moving in. He wanted to finish this quick. But I wanted to test something out.

"Kill the roach with fire!" I called out.

Ace glanced at me and gave me a confused look.

"Just use fire."

He blinked but nodded, as he jumped above Teach.

The Blackbeard Pirate had sensed Ace coming and quickly turned, spreading out his darkness everywhere, while his body turned more octopus-y in nature.

"I will fucking rip you all apart!" He roared, as from the spread-out shadows, large tentacles came out, launching toward Ace.

Ace, up in air, held Enma with both of his hands, lacing it with Haki and flames. His blade turned hot red, before turning blue as the fire intensified. Even from the ground, I could feel the heat from the attack.

And it wasn't just my imagination, raindrops dried up into steam even before they could hit the ground, some broken trees that were around the battle field caught fire, just because of the heat. Heck, the shine from Ace's fire was so strong that it looked like a second sun. A blue sun.

A small grin appeared on my face. My brother rocks!

"Nova Flames: Raging Sun!"

Blue flames laced out of Ace's blade, as he started spinning like a wheel of flaming death as he cut through the shadowy appendages. It looked majestic, as the destructo disk of blue flames cut through the shadowy limbs, finally dropping to the floor, slashing at Teach perpendicularly.

"Aaagh! My arm!" Teach gasped as a large wound appeared from his right shoulder towards his left torso, his right arm also getting separated from elbow down. He was thrown away, his body dragged through the ground, and skipped a few times as he flew like a rock skipping on water.

I was awed, almost forgetting the fact that Ace's flames were actually began to be affective against Teach. It seemed Teach's red energy-like powers weren't working.

Ace followed through after Teach, his once orange and red flames fully turning blue as he went after him.

Teach, who had finally managed to stop himself, was wide-eyed in shock and wanted to plead for his life, but Ace didn't give him any time. His form blurring right in front of Teach as he stabbed the bastard right in his brown heart.

"Wh… you…" Teach looked on in wide-eyed astonishment as he bled from his mouth, seeing the sword impale him through the heart. "Bas-tard!"

Ace snorted, "Funny last words." He said, twisting his blade, "Nova Pillar!"

A jet pillar of blue flames came out of his sword, burning a giant hole through Teach, almost separating his body. Burning through skin, flesh, and bones.

Ace took back his sword as Teach started falling toward the ground, life starting to leave his eyes. That last attack destroyed any and all internal organs inside Teach's body, including his two remaining hearts.

But even then, Teach might live for a minute or two. His regenerative abilities might even let him live a little bit longer, but I doubted he could come back from that. Even without his hearts, he had a lot of willpower that would make him suffer his last minutes of agony.

That's why, before his body could hit the ground, as last show of mercy, Ace slashed at him, separating his head from his body, fully taking his life.

Ace might have hated Teach for what he did. But he once called him a friend, and so, he didn't want the man to suffer. If it was me, I might have drawn it out, make his last moments crawl in despair, but Ace… he was better than me.

Ace looked down at Teach with a mix of disappointment and sadness. With that, the blue flames on Ace's body started petering out, and as he slowly sheathed Enma, so did the blue flames that were laced on the blade.

I grinned as I saw Sabo dragging himself towards Ace and putting his hand on his shoulder.

I didn't move, as I was still in no shape to move. My muscles were all locked up, and not working fully and not to mention my right arm. I would need a bit of time before I would be able to fully use that.

I also needed to look for my blade. I also needed to eat, and take a long nap. The fight for the day was over. It could have gone better, but I was grateful for what happened.

I looked to the sky, the rain had stopped and it was starting to get dark. I felt so tired right now.

A blowjob from Nami would be nice. I mean there were a few problems in life that blowjobs couldn't fix.

At least I had my priorities straight. With that, I laughed, "Shishishi… it's good to be alive!"

Ace and Sabo didn't know why I was laughing, but it seemed contagious, as after a while all three of us were laughing.

— — — —

A/N: Finally the fight is over.

So basically how I went with is, Teach had a mythical zoan fruit. The Kraken.

From the day he joined the Whitebeard Pirate, he had it but never showed it to his crewmates.

And as he had three hearts, after fully awakening his fruit, he was able to eat two more fruits.

I mean, he was able to scar Shanks. So maybe he did it 'cause he had a mythical zoan fruit backing him up.

Eh, who knows. I personally subscribe to that theory.

Anyway, have a good day.

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