
Chapter 300


We fought Teach with everything we got.

As we fought, I realized something, Teach and me… we weren't that different. He might not be the fanciest-looking bastard out there, but he had his own kind of charisma. He was easily able to influence Ace with his words, and to recruit powerful crewmates like that…? We weren't much different.

Also, as the fight went on. All of us got stronger, even Teach. Our Haki were blooming in the midst of battle.

While Ace, Sabo, and Teach were getting stronger in Armament Haki. I was trying to remain calm in the fight, trying to improve my Observation Haki.

Focusing on any unwanted clues that Teach left when fighting; His intent, his aura, his pattern of movement.

I wasn't expecting myself to learn Advanced Observation Haki any time soon, but I could at least improve my Observation Haki.

As I fought, I tried to channel my focus on finding any differences in Teach's body. He looked like something from a half-zoan transformation, so I tried to focus on where his heart was.

Not trying to hear it. No… trying to see it. As we fought, my vision with Observation Haki improved, and I could see stuff that I wasn't able to see before.

My reaction time increased, along with my perception of seeing things in slow motion. Along with it, I started to see aura, it was a slow and lengthy process that took hours. But it was progress, nonetheless.

And I was finally able to see Teach's aura, on how his aura moved around in his body.

It was odd, there were three types of aura inside of him. Brown, Black and Red… they came from three different sources. And they beat like hearts… I grinned. Finally finding what I was looking for.

Three hearts in three places. Disgustingly pumping Teach with power. I also found that two of his hearts looked weaker than the third one. The brown one looked strong, while the red and black one looked quite worn out. Almost artificial.

It seems his body hadn't fully accepted his fruit powers yet. I grinned, knowing what I should target next.

"Sabo, buy us some time…" I said, grabbing Ace by the shoulder, pulling him back as my brother came forward with his metal pipe.

Sabo attacked relentlessly against Teach, buying us some time like I asked.

"What the…" Ace wanted to say something but I cut him off.

"I might have figured something out, but you guys need to give me an opportunity…" I whispered, panting from my overuse from Gear Fourth. I had pulled back from my transformation, "Also, if you can try going for the heart, Ace, one of them is in the middle of his chest… it might seem weird, but I think he has three hearts. I can try something… but you guys need to distract him."

Ace just gave me a serious nod, trusting me without any further discussion.. He jumped forward and I followed him behind after readying myself.

Ace came forth yelling, swinging his blade in wide arcs, using the power of his Haki mixed with Enma.

If any one of us improved in the fight the most, then it would be him. His inability to use his flames had made him rely fully on Haki and swordsmanship to go against Teach. And his Haki was getting stronger quicker.

I smirked, feeling a bit proud about him.

"Zehahaha!" Teach laughed, smashing his fist against Ace's blade. His red energy versus Ace's Advanced Haki. Sabo pulled back a bit, before supporting Ace with his metal pipe.

I didn't attack immediately, as I was in my base form. I skipped around them as they fought, trying to get a better situation on him.

Teach might have suspected that I had something planned. So I needed to be fast… catch him by surprise before he could come up with an effective counter.

Ace glanced at me and gave me a nod.

He was going to give a clear shot at him. I had to make it count.

I took in a breath of air. Biting my arm, as I inflated it, "Gear Fourth… Snake-Man!" A skinnier form of Lion-Man took it's place.

While, Bounce-Man was for tanking and power, Snake-man was about speed and unpredictability. I made Lion-man based on both versions. But that mean, if I needed speed I would use my Snake-Man form.

My grip around my naginata tightened, 'Let's do this, partner…'

'Make sure to make it count.' My blade responded.

I gave a mental nod as I moved at supersonic speed. Blurring around the battlefield while Teach fought Ace and Sabo.

Teach had seemed to notice me, and my increased speed. And it distracted him for a moment.

"Oi, asshole… rise and shine!" Ace said clapping both of his hands, right in his face, his palms, exploding out like a flashbang. Blinding both Teach and Sabo who hadn't looked away, also ringing their ears.

I also hadn't been affected as I was far from them. I really wondered why Ace hadn't used that previously. Flashbang would have been the most effective non-lethal attack against Teach.

But I didn't have time to think of that, I thrusted my blade forward, my arm stretching, "Gomu Gomu no… Drilling Python!" my fist bounced off several times in the air before it neared Teach's . Gaining in speed and power. My blade was covered in the strongest Advanced Armament Haki I could bring forth.

But even while blinded, Teach was no easy opponent. He omega beamed Sabo off of him, before pushing Ace back. At the same time, he turned his own body into shadows, dropping to the ground as he tried to slither away to another location.

But to my enhanced perception, it was playing out in slow motion. My attack also changed trajectory, and stabbed right into the ground, into the shadow. Right into where one of his hearts were.

"Gah…!" Teach's body materialized and my blade skewered him to the ground, he screamed, but his scream was dwarfed by the leaking red energy that exploded out of his body.


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