
Chapter 205


Hatchan didn't like being with the Straw Hats at first. They did kill some of his friends…

Hatchan knew that Arlong and those who died deserved it. What they did was wrong. And Hatchan couldn't stop them, he was too weak to voice his opinion.

But then Luffy opened his eyes, this wasn't something that Fisher Tiger would do. But still, it hurt knowing that one of his childhood friends was no more.

After that day, Hatchan was invited to the Straw Hat ship. And he could have left the Straw Hat crew anytime, —he wasn't even a member— but he had to show Nami the true face of Fish-men. Arlong didn't represent their race, Hatchan wanted to live as an example of Fisher Tiger.

To one day unite both races and come into terms peacefully. Not all humans were bad. Whitebeard protected their island, and there was Koala who joined the revolutionary army because she wanted to fulfill Fisher Tiger's dream. It was good to know that the girl was doing fine for herself, even going as far to learn Fish-Man Karate to pay homage to the man that saved her.

And that day, any doubts he had about Luffy vanished. Luffy's words were true yet again, and it also made him feel ashamed that he was doing something his late mentor and friend (Fisher Tiger) wouldn't approve of.

Still, there was still time to change, he would show the world not all Fish-Men were evil. They were like humans. And he did that starting with the crew.

The crew wasn't bothered by him tagging along. They didn't even treat him differently either. And over the months of staying with the crew he started to like them. Hatchan had to be honest, he didn't like Sanji at first for killing Arlong, but that's changed. Over the months when Sanji helped him perfect his takoyaki recipe, he started to take a liking to the cook.

Hatchan always wanted to be a cook, and with Sanji's help, he would one day make the world's best Takoyaki. Not any grand dreams per say, but along with bringing peace to both races it was worth fighting for.

Momoo seemed to be liking the crew as well. He liked it even better as he wasn't treated as a pet like how Arlong used to do, and it's never a dull day with the crew.

One thing he didn't like at first was about the crew's motto that every day was training every day. Luffy was strong no bout, and so Hatchan was very surprised at how much he trained.

And there was an unwritten law that whoever was on the Going Merry, unless he or she was half dead for any reason, he or she must train. And Hatchan was no exception. Every. Single. Day. Training was dreadful... And then there was the sparring against the other members of the crew.

Hatchan didn't like how much it hurt the first day. But as time passed he started enjoying it.

Luffy knew how to make training fun, and it helped Hatchan gain some new skills during his stay with the Straw Hat pirates.

Things happened and Hatchan started accepting the crew, especially after Drum Island where the islanders weren't scared of him, even though he is a Fishman, all because they thought he was a Straw Hat.

Hatchan shook his head. Even though Luffy pushed him to officially join the crew, he didn't know what to do. He would have joined Jinbe if he still had a crew, but the Knight of the Sea was a warlord now. He didn't know how that worked, but he could guess there was no chance of joining there as well.

So for now, Hatchan was supporting the crew with Momoo t'ill Fish-Man Island. Still, with the months passing, he wouldn't mind joining the crew. They were fine men and women who would give their all for a single crewmate.

The brotherhood in the crew was something he really admired. He often heard about how the White Beard pirates had deep relations among them, the old man literally called everyone his son.

So Luffy doing that wasn't surprising. The captain might be young, and inexperienced, and yet he faced every challenge with a smile. And his crewmates seemed to be happy to accept it.

Hatchan also accepted the reality of training every day. Especially after what happened with that bounty-hunting bastard Aramaki. He was literally one shot and lost two of his hands. So gaining strength was welcomed.

Hatchan didn't want to be weak anymore. He wasn't as arrogant as Arlong, but he still had some pride as a Fish-man. So of course he wanted to be strong. He would show the world the true face of the Fish-Men. Not all of them were monsters, they could also be pillars that Nami and Koala —other humans— could find support on.

But now… he had doubts.

Hatchan looked around him, bodies of civilians, pirates, and marines lay everywhere. This was a war zone right now, so many people were dying. Arlong was bloodthirsty, yes, but never killed or actively tried to harm anyone from his own race. So seeing this was a bit shocking to him.

But when he found out who was the one behind the whole G-3 marine branch incident. His blood ran cold.

The main perpetrator was Jack the Drought. A Fish-man. His own race, doing something so evil, for what? Sick pride? Even Arlong wouldn't go this far.

Hatchan knew about him being one of Kaido's commanders, but other than that he didn't know much about him. He doubted if Jack was even from Fish-Man island.

But it didn't matter, what mattered was this much bloodshed was because of someone from his own race. Hatchan knew that the Straw Hat crew wouldn't judge him for Jack's actions.

But deep down after what happened with Arlong, he needed to do something.

This wasn't right. He would stop him. He needed to stop him. Or else Jack would give the Fish-Men a bad reputation because of it…

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