
Chapter 200


Jack the Drought stood tall; he had a massive figure. Towering over most of the buildings that he had destroyed. Jack had multiple injuries on his body, and yet he was in better shape than his opponent.

Sinbad was kneeling due to his injuries, and Jack made no effort to strike. He was taking his time to give him as much pain as possible before killing him.

X-Drake suddenly came out from the rubble, his sword and mace covered in the blackness of Armament Haki, "Die pirate! Cross…"

But he couldn't even finish his sentence as Sasaki, one of the Beast Pirates that they had previously captured, met X-Drake head-on. And Jack slammed his fist onto X-Drake's side, sending him crashing into another building.

"Drake!" Sinbad winced from the pain he had from his side. He was sure his left lung was punctured, he could recover from his injuries if he could switch his armor, but it would leave him vulnerable to attacks. So, biting back the pain, he lunged toward Jack who was about to crush Drake beneath his feet.

He was able to stop it mid-air and force Jack to the side while X-Drake recovered, but Sasaki and Sheepshead came from both sides, attacking him from behind.

X-Drake parried their strikes once with his sword and mace, giving his back to Sinbad.

The Prince of the Marines moved, using his tail —a long blue scaly tail, that was part of his Lightning-dragon armor— to grab both pirates. Finding them in close range, he took a gamble. "Bararaq!"

Lightning poured out from his entire body, as his attackers got electrocuted and sent down like bullets, crashing into another group of Beast Pirates that were trying to get past Sinbad.

"Why you pesky little shit!" Sinbad heard Jack's voice before he got smashed down from above by his trunk. Sinbad jumped ahead and parried the strike mid-air, as that attack would destroy the plaza and take many of the lives of injured marines.

But Jack took the chance to use his other arm and swung his sword at him. Sin half-expected pain, but Ain's figure jumped in front and stopped Jack's blade with her dagger.

She was in her half-zoan form, gills could be seen from her throat. Her previous lethal injuries were now only flesh wounds. Her Zoan ability really had a knack for mending wounds but even she was on her last leg.

Sinbad used the chance provided by Ain to grab her and shot off a lightning bolt, "Bararaq!" before jumping back as Jack tried to attack.

He quickly got both of them to the Marine's side. X-Drake was already engaged with Sasaki and Sheepshead, with Binz providing help on the marine's side.

"Boss, we can't hold them back like this." Shuzo, the black man from the long arm tribe, said. His body was also littered with wounds, one of his arms missing. The man seemed to be hiding his pain really well, but Sinbad could tell it easily. "I have called for backup… but Vice Admiral Vergo isn't responding. There aren't any other marines that are capable around the area… but I did send an SOS. If we are lucky, someone will come…" his voice held no hope as, like others, he also accepted that today might be the end. "It was good knowing ya boss! Zephyr-sensei would have been proud."

"Stop talking like that…" Sinbad growled. He felt powerless, amongst the Vice Admirals he was one of the strongest, but against a figure like Jack, even he needed help. Vergo, where was that bastard when you needed him?! 'He's gonna be in a world of pain if I survive this!' he thought internally, he wasn't stupid. Communication was stable, and Vergo wasn't here. The Vice Admiral was actively avoiding duties.

Even though he hated to admit it, he wished Virgo was here. With another Vice Admiral there would have been a chance to fight off Jack, but without him it was a losing battle.

"We have to hold them off long enough for the civilians on the island to evacuate!" Ain said, her breathing ragged.

Jack, seeing Sinbad recovering, smiled cruelly, moving towards one of the weakest marines. He would kill them one by one, starting with those that were weak. Giving the Vice Admiral despair. "Binz! Move!"

X-Drake moved, pulling the man out of harm's way. But Jack smiled, he changed his target using his tusk to stab the Zoan user through his stomach.

"No, Drake!" Sinbad shouted, but he couldn't do anything as Jack grabbed his body and threw it towards Binz. Who caught it… but X-Drake was in critical condition as there was a hole in his stomach.

Ain and Sinbad rushed towards them, fighting off Sasaki and Sheepshead who were about to attack the marine. But Jack didn't stop it, he looked ahead and nodded at one of his underlings.

A few pirates had gained the high ground amongst the destroyed buildings.

"Fire the blaze bazookas!" One by one, the Beast Pirates held an oversized bazooka aiming upwards, their aim wasn't good, but with how much firepower each weapon had, they would smother the ships. "Destroy the ships!"

"Stop it!" Sinbad snapped as Haki flowed out of him, still holding onto X-Drake. His Haki was uncontrolled and yet powerful, knocking out the pirates before they could fire their weapons at the civilians.

Sinbad sighed in relief, before coughing up blood. At least he wasn't totally powerless.

"The Color of Conquer's? And from a marine no less…" Jack grinned, and laughed madly. "You really are a surprise! But the civilians… you fools are still trying to play the hero? I will start with them first, then." Jack said, and all of the marines were wide-eyed as Jack jumped through the air, his full body morphing into his zoan form as he flew through the air, aiming to crush the evacuation ships that were filled with civilians.


But Sinbad couldn't do anything but watch as the massive figure dropped from the sky. And yet he was stopped before his foot could crush the ship. It was as if his front legs were stopped by someone.

"Yeah, Buddy! Lightweight!"

And that was how almost all of the beast pirates and marines had their eyes comically pop out of their eye sockets as the giant of a Mammoth was thrown into the sky by a figure wearing a Straw Hat.



Sinbad's design does look like he came from a desert country, so what better way to make him a relative to Vivi and Z at the same time?

And another thing, Luffy has plans. And it would set in motion after him and Sinbad beat the oversized elephant.

Anyway, power scaling wise, I always believed Yonko commanders to be stronger than Doflamingo.

Why? 'Cause Cracker and Katakuri beat the shit out of Gear 4 Luffy when they first fought. (Who was a far more experienced version of Gear 4)

And Doffy got shit smacked with Gear 4. Sent through buildings, flabbergasted and all that jazz.

Also some might say Fujitora wasn't able to break his bird cage. I always saw that as him 'not' trying to break the birdcage. As Doffy was still a warlord and under the World Government. Cutting the birdcage would mean Doffy would attack the marines as well. And he was also betting on Luffy to end Doffy.

Also, big man Kaido called Doffy weak, while he called Jack strong. So I will also take that into account as well.

So where does 'my' Luffy stand on? Well, I would roughly say he's as strong as Doffy (or a bit weaker) if he pulls out all of his tricks. Rokushiki, Gear 4 (yeah spoiler he figured it out, yay) and Naginata.

Here he only had been training with Sabo for two months or so in Haki. Nowhere near the original Luffy that had been training with a Haki master for years. So his mastery over Haki is balanced out by his diverse techniques.

Anyway, happy reading.

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