
Chapter 178


Tony Tony Chopper was worried, he could smell that Wapol was back. He was back on the Island, and he knew that the man might come to the castle at any time.

Unfortunately, Dr. Kureha was not here. But he didn't need her. Wapol and his army mostly let her be, so he wasn't worried. But they might want to reclaim the castle.

But he wouldn't let them. Though he knew it would be quite tough for him alone.

Chopper looked up, the sun was setting, the moon was still not out. Good. He didn't want to transform now. But he knew in a few minutes, maybe around a half an hour the moon should be out. Then, he would easily be able to take out Wapol and his army.

Chopper was also out of the castle himself, as he knew for a fact that Dr. Kureha would kill him if the battle damaged any of the medical equipment. But that didn't mean that the little humanoid reindeer wasn't nervous.

He was, that was the reason why he was pacing back and forth, worrying about what to do.

That was when his ears perked up, he could hear voices, so he looked up only to see a boy with a straw hat coming down from the sky carrying two ladies. The boy might be in his twenties, but had a well-built body, he was wearing minimal clothes in this cold. He also had two spear-like weapons crossed on his back. Chopper wondered who he was.

"Um, hello." The boy said. "Name's Monkey D. Luffy. Who might you be?"

Chopper blinked, flabbergasted. "Um… Chopper. Wait, how did you come out of the sky?"

Before Luffy could answer, one of the girls that Luffy was carrying spoke. "Put us down Luffy!" Vivi said.

But Luffy ignored her, and kept talking with the awkward Chopper.

"Let us go!" the other one demanded, biting into Luffy's neck.

"Ugh! She bit me." Luffy said, gently putting Nami and Vivi down, before he dramatically held his wounds. "Ugh! I'm bleeding! Doctor! Doctor! I need a doctor!" with that he spun around and fell on the ground.

Vivi glanced at Nami. "Why is he so dramatic? No one will fall for that."

Nami was going to say something, but another voice came out.

Chopper promptly took to Luffy's side. "Ahh! We need a Doctor. We need a doctor!" with that the reindeer humanoid started running around, panicking. Before he stopped with a realization, "Wait, I'm a doctor."

With that he promptly took out a stethoscope out of nowhere and held Luffy. But…

"Wait? You're a doctor?!" Luffy said, coming out his presumed coma, "Then join my crew. We are the straw hat pirates, and we have candies."

Both Nami and Vivi face-palmed at Luffy.

"Wha—" before Chopper could say more. Another person landed from the sky, giving Luffy a dirty look.

"You tricked me." The blond-haired human said, he also had two humans with him, and an oversized duck?

Luffy pulled out his eyelid and stuck out his tongue. "I'm a pirate. That's what we do. Isn't that right, eh, Chopper?"

"Uh… yes?"

"See? He agrees." Luffy said, as if it solved all the problems.

Sabo didn't say anything and grumbled something about 'stupid Luffy' before putting down Johnny, Yosaku and Karoo.

"Anyway, Chopper," Luffy said, bringing the reindeer humanoid's attention back to him. "You are a doctor, right? Can you do a check up on me and my crew? We had a long journey and I don't want any of them to get sick."

Chopper dumbly nodded, as he guided all the humans into the castle. For the check up, of course. He wondered… its as if he had forgotten about something. But he shook his head, he needed to do the check up, and then think about anything else.


The Cipher Pol agent looked through his binoculars, he could see the pirate ship from his hidden spot.

He would have usually worn black, as white uniforms were only meant for the Cipher Pol Zero unit. But with this being a snow island, he wore, pure white clothes that made him easily blend in with the surroundings.

He looked down pocketing out the small object. And he held it between his fingers. It was a very small container with pink liquid, and inside a round-shaped object was floating in it. Of, course the size shouldn't be this small. But it was, due to his powers.

A dyna stone. A very dangerous weapon. For a rookie pirate, it should be an honor to be killed by this item. He had modified it a bit, and even set up a small detonator in it.

His only mission was to place the object inside the Going Merry, and wait outside, the moment the Straw Hats would go in he would blow it up.

Kon couldn't see that clearly because of the snowstorm, even with his binoculars. Still, he counted the heads, of people that went out. He was sure that most of them, if not all went out of the Going Merry. Now, after all the Straw Hats left the Going Merry, he stood up from his spot.

He was a tall man standing around eight feet tall. He has flowing blond hair that was combed back, with a few strands of gray in between. He had a small goatee of the same color. He had a serious and sharp-looking face, wearing black sunglasses. He is also wearing a white suit, a white shirt underneath with a matching handkerchief and white gloves.

Honestly, if he wore a mask, he would be called one of the Zero unit's members. He internally chuckled to himself. But if he could fulfill the mission, then he was sure he would get that.

Camael-sama had promised him a seat in the Zero unit, but if he failed… Kon shook his head. He didn't want to think of the horrors if he did.

Now that most of the Straw Hats left he made his way near the ship. His body shrinking down to a smaller size.

His fruit, the Size Size fruit, allowed him and anything he touched to become any size. He could even use it on other people changing thier size. And with its size he could also decrease and increase their weight.

A very useful fruit, made him quite the feared assassin amongst the Cipher Pols. They called him the ghost agent. No one feared an ant, and if you are of that size then you can be anywhere and hide anywhere, no one would suspect it.

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