
Chapter 138


Cancer hummed, "Didn't this Sanji… work under 'Red Leg' Zeff? The pirate turned goodie two-shoe informant after he opened a restaurant in East Blue. I remember the old man, it's said his legs were always dyed in blood red from his opponents. Was quite the cook actually."

There were some pirates who were given freedom in case they helped the marines in some way. Zeff was one of them. A man that only had traveled to the first part of the grandline, but had a lot of information of the underground organizations, with his info the marines were able to catch a lot of illegal activities, which was the reason his current bounty was on hold.

"Uh… huh, I got it, 'Black Leg' Sanji… this should work great with his black-themed suit." Cancer said.

Stainless rubbed his head. "Very thankful for your suggestion," he thanked sarcastically. "Anyway, when we looked a bit inside the boy's file the Sanji kid is quite skilled… being easily capable enough to take down small sea kings that are near the east blue. And for his crime of having secret knowledge of the marines, a bounty is due for him. Not much, but thirty million should be good."

There were others that were notable, like Coby, and then there's Bartolomeo, but they weren't as much of a threat to have their own bounties as far the marines knew.

Cancer looked at Bogard and frowned. "Bogard-san you have been awfully silent… is something on your mind?"

Bogard looked down at Luffy's bounty poster. "I trained that kid."

Both Cancer and Stainless were wide-eyed, and looked around the office, and going as far as to use their observation haki to see if there were any outsiders listening in.

"You really have to be careful with your words, Bogard-san…" Stainless said, actually feeling a bit nervous for his senior. "There are often loyal dogs amongst our ranks."

And that wasn't a surprise, he was talking about dogs that worked directly under the World Nobles.

Bogard sighed. "Don't worry, I only said this because I believe in you both. But Luffy… I would be lying if I said I didn't see him as a pirate when I trained him."

"How long did you train him? Does Sengoku-san know?" Cancer was the one to ask, he even took off his glasses because of the serious conversation.

"Only a month actually… taught him how to use his naginata." he said, fondly, "And yes, he already questioned me and Garp-san if we could train him in Rokushiki?" Bogard said. "But we didn't… the boy already had a great physique back then. And somehow got his hands on the techniques." What was left unsaid was that the boy was like his father, not only does he have strength but also intelligence.

"Wait, the boy taught the techniques to himself?" Cancer questioned in astonishment.

Bogard nodded. "He really was talented when it came to combat, often finding weird ways to push himself… and also he didn't even complain once when I was training him. Even Garp-san often said how much Luffy loved training… it's just sad seeing him on the opposite side."

Cancer and Stainless looked at each other and questioned just how strong the boy was. In the marines after Zephyr, only Bogard was known for his strict training. Even some of the current young Vice Admiral in their ranks were trained by him. But all of them complained about how tough the training was and how they barely survived. So this was quite the news.

"No wonder the kid's strong… sheesh… Bogard-san you and Garp-san really created a monster, didn't you?" Cancer stated, puffing out smoke from his mouth.

Stainless nodded. "Is that why Luffy's bounty was already due? Did Sengoku sign it?"

Bogard shook his head, looking a bit irritated. "No, it was Akainu… he isn't liking how the marines are looking up to a pirate so he gave out the bounty. Even went as far to inform the Warlord Crocodile of Luffy, in case he takes the Arabasta route."

Both Stainless and Cancer were surprised yet again. But then again they knew how Akainu was, but him informing or even making contact with a pirate —even if he is a warlord— was too much of a stretch, unless it was an order from above. Which they could see happening.

Luffy's step to piracy in the first place was unjustifiable, he was framed. Not to mention his fight against Aramaki, a bounty hunter known for getting away with killing a lot of marines and civilians and never getting charged with it.

Only now because of Morgan's news of Aramaki's fight with Luffy could the marines put a bounty on his head and officially declare him a criminal.

"But… sending a warlord like Crocodile… the poor boy might lose his life if he isn't careful." Stainless said.

Cancer shook his head. "No… did you forget after Crocodile lost his hand to Whitebeard, according to reports he was never seen using Armament Haki after that… the most he has is his devil fruit and Observation Haki."

Bogard nodded. Losing a limb sometimes makes you unable to use Haki, mainly Armament Haki. Even golden lion Shiki lost his ability to use Haki after getting out of Impel down by cutting his legs off. Though the old pirate was not seen for years so it could change.

Even former Admiral Zephyr after losing his arm lost his ability to use Armament Haki for a few years. He had to regain the ability and mastery over it.

"Still… fighting a sand logia, mainly such as Crocodile in a country in Arabasta, which is a desert country… it would be better if Luffy doesn't use that route to go to the grandline." Cancer said. "I don't know the boy personally, but the fact that none of the marines that tried to stop him at Logue Town was killed is a good reason why he's in my good books. Heck, there's even news that he saved one of the marine ships from a pirate attack."

Bogard smiled, shaking his head. "Knowing Luffy, he might challenge Crocodile just to get a challenge out of it. The boy has a hunger for strength. He always used to say he would be the strongest in the world before claiming the title of Pirate King. Bold dreams… he could have been a great marine if things were different."

The other two vice admirals didn't say anything, remaining silent.

But they knew Luffy being a marine would be impossible. Even with Garp's reputation the fact that his father Dragon had betrayed the marines once wouldn't sit well with the authorities.

Maybe that's the reason why Garp didn't push Luffy into the ranks.

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