
Chapter 119


Luffy blinked. "Oh, that… do you guys have any medical personnel on your team?"

Dragon frowned and nodded. But he asked, "What happened?"

"Well, you see two of my crewmates, Gin and Hatchan were got attacked by Aramaki… and they might need some medical attention," Luffy said. "Aramaki has the chemical chemical fruit, so his chemical toxins are messing with their bodies…"

All of the members of the revolutionary were surprised and had frowns on their face, before Sabo could question one of them spoke.

"Wait, Hatchan as in the six-armed fishman?" It was Koala who spoke, she looked a bit worried. "So, he did join your crew? Is he fine?"

Luffy blinked. "Yes, he only lost two of his arms." The girl paled a bit, so Luffy explained. "Don't worry, it seems that Octopus Fishman can grow back their limbs, actually he would love to meet you… you are Koala right?"

The girl blinked but nodded. Before she could say anything Sabo spoke.

"Wait, so the news about you fighting the bounty hunter Aramaki was true… but why would a big shot bounty hunter from the grandline come here? We thought, Morgan, was just hyping up the news about your success." Sabo said.

Well as revolutionary they couldn't believe all the news that the newspaper gave out. "More importantly how are you fine… don't you also need medical attention for that? Chemical poisoning is very harmful to the body. Especially if it's radiation."

"Well… thankfully, Aramaki was too of an idiot to know the full powers of his own fruits. And I have of the marine technique, Life Return. So, I know my body full well enough to negate the side effects of his devil fruit powers." Luffy said, "Why you guys don't use that technique?"

Sabo and the rest of them blinked, "Yeah, but you would have to be a very skilled user that do that… that's quite amazing." The others nodded.

Life return was one of the hardest techniques to learn from the Rokushiki techniques. With Marines being corrupt, their secret techniques were quite out in the open. And in a way, it wasn't completely odd seeing some non-marines knowing how to use the techniques.

"Why did Aramaki attack you in the first place?" Dragon said, returning to the subject in hand.

"Well, someone from the World Government doesn't want me in the seas… so they did a whole setup when I was with my crew in the Sakura Island. Even going as far as to link up a random destruction of a Marine Base in our name." Luffy said.

The others in the room were no unexposed to the scheme of the World Goverment. So they could understand what had happened.

"And Aramaki is well known for taking government contact, and so he was eager enough to go for my head. Though, I was able to survive somehow… but I wouldn't be surprised if that bastard's still alive…"

Luffy was cut off by the sheer ferocity of Dragon's Conquer's Haki. It wasn't aimed at anyone. A muffled use of haki, yet Luffy was on full guard, and he could feel a shiver run down his spine.

"Those fools still haven't learned." He said, with a tightened fist. Luffy could see the sheer anger in his face. The haki lasted for just a second, before it was taken back, but the others in the room also had similar reactions to Luffy.

Dragon's Haki felt suffocating. For one second everyone in the room forgot to breathe. And all of them were well familiar with haki. It just went to show how strong Dragon was.

Honestly, Dragon's Haki might be just as strong or even stronger than Mihawk. But then again Mihawk was testing him, while Dragon here accidentally used haki with raw emotions.

Luffy gulped. The world was still filled with monsters, and he felt quite excited about being one of them in the future. To stand on the top.


After the whole ordeal was over, Dragon also promised Luffy to send two doctors to the Going Marry after a few hours. Other than Sabo, the rest of the Revolutionarys wouldn't be staying. They would be crossing to the South Blue, so they didn't want to bring any attention.

Koala also wanted to go to the Going Marry and see Hatchan. She was still grateful for the Sun Pirates did for her, so she wanted to meet the friendly Fishman.

Almost all of the crewmates were out, so Luffy was expecting Sparky, Hatchan and maybe Momoo near the ship. But when he got there, almost all of the crewmembers were on the ship. And then some.

"Hey, guys what happened?" Luffy asked as why all of the crewmates were looking at a pile of something, that was on the dock of the Going Marry. Luffy couldn't see what they were looking at because of the crowd.

Luffy also noticed Bartolomeo and Desire, Luffy almost forgot about them as he was too focused on the Revolutionary Army.

"Oh, Luffy check out my new swords," Zoro said, showing his new blades. Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri. Both blades looked strong, they were named swords for no reason.

"Yeah, we bought some as weapon well." Johnny and Yoskau showed their weapons. Johnny had a spear, while Yosaku was wilding a one-handed axe and a round Roman shield.

"Boys and their toys" Nami said, wearing a new dress which she obviously bought from here. "Anyway, Luffy you noticed something different…" she said, batting her eyelashes, before noticing the two new individuals. "Wait, who are they?"

"Oh, this is my long-lost brother, Sabo. Got lost in the sea when we were young, found him by the sea seashore here." Luffy said, jabbing his thumb at Sabo, the blond wanted to say something but Luffy moved on. Pointing at the girl, "And that's his girlfriend Koala."

Koala waved before she blinked. A small blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Hey, she's not my girlfriend Luffy," Sabo said, blushing, matching Koala.

"Yes, poor you." Luffy said, ignoring his brother. "Anyway, Hatchi, you recognize her?"

Hatchan who was also amongst the group blinked a few times, before realization hit his face. "Is that you Koala?"

"Yes, it's nice to meet you Hatchan." The girl said recovering from his blush, but felt a bit saddened when she saw Fishman wrapped in bandages, and two of his arms missing.

"Oh, don't worry about them… I will grow them back, but what happened to you." Hatchi said, "You are all grown up now."

Koala blinked, "Well, uh… a lot happened. After Fisher Tiger died, I wanted to change things… and I guess I grew up." She said, smiling. "And it seems that you really changed as well. Joining a crew full of humans. Hack would be surprised seeing you now."

"Wait? Hack's alive? That old man isn't dead… but where is he? Brother Jinbe was looking for him quite a few years back. I thought he died." Hatchan said, before remembering what Luffy said about Koala, and shut his mouth, there were a few new people around here so he didn't want to say something unnecessary in front of them.

Luffy appreciated the friendly fisherman's foresight, and looked at Usopp. He was surprised to see the large slingshot. "It seems you also had your own shopping."

Usopp grinned, taking out his large slingshot. "Thanks, it was Gin's idea. I also got my guns checked there, and have quite a few tricks now."

Luffy nodded, and Gin spoke. "Captain… these are…" He then pushed Bartolomeo forward, "Yeah, I'm not good at introducing people, so go ahead."

"And who might you be?" Luffy asked.

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