
Chapter 117


Kuina checked the corners before looking back, the marines were knocked out. None of them have woken up. Good. She had a heavy bag full of things that she took out of the underground storage and walked to the nearby water source.

Some might wonder how she ended up in the situation.

When Kuina was misunderstood as a marine, she received the shipment for Sea Stone, but she didn't steal it then and there. That would be foolish, and too hasty. She may be simple-minded, but she knew some things were better done complicated.

The sea stone that arrived was a bag of powered sea stone, primarily used to make sea stone prisons or Captain Smoker's jitte. By not snatching and running off with the sea stone powder, she was able to locate the storage of the marines. Storage where it was kept with other valuables.

Which was a bit far from the marine base, in a secure underground bunker. It seems it used to be a prison there, but now it was used mostly as storage.

Anyway, there she found more than just sea stones power, there were already some sea stone cuffs, some bags of gold, and other valuables as well. All of them could come in handy. And not only that, it also had an armory section filled with guns and other useful stuff. Especially the large quantity of gunpowder, held in barrels.

Kuina wondered if that's why it was a far away from the central town.

So after leaving, she watched the place for a few hours, The Marines were smart. There was a huge metal door that connected the underground bunker and it had only one side opening. It is from the inside.

So breaking in would be quite tough, even though Kuina was confident in cutting through the thick layer of steel, the marines inside could easily call for backup and it would end up as a heist. And the they would need to move immediately.

That was why after doing a bit of preparation, she used the misunderstanding again and gained entrance the second time. And after the door was opened, dealing with them was quite easy, as she was already familiar with the structure.

This would be quite hard alone. There were a lot of things, and many of them could help the crew. So he brought it back up.

"Take them to the ship, before anyone finds it." Kuina said as she placed the large bag full of stolen goods to Hatchan. Hatchan had already made two trips for the barrels of gunpowder and sea stone, now these were the gold and other stuff Kuina found.

The storage was near the sea, and bringing all the stuff on foot would take too long, and there was a chance to get caught. That's why she brought along Hatchan and Sparky.

Sparky was looking through the armory section of the storage, packing whatever he could find useful. Not all of the guns were useful and the monkey was taking his sweet time going through the inventory. Also, Sparky went a step further and drugged the already knocked-out marines, so they wouldn't wake up for a few days.

"Hey, what happened here." A female voice called out, and Kuina could hear footsteps. Shit, someone was here.

Hatchean was bit surprised. "Don't worry, I will handle it." Kuina said. "You take the stuff back and come for another bag, Sparky should have the other bag packed up by then."

Hatchi nodded, before diving into the water. He was having quite the fun, stealing from marines. It almost reminded him of the old days when him, Jinbie, and Arlong would sneak up on the marines to steal their goods, before they were even pirates.

Thinking of Arlong saddened him a bit, but he didn't pay that much mind to it. Arlong made his choice and he faced the consequences. And Hatchan was making his own choice, which was helping Luffy and the crew.

And he was quite enjoying it.

While the Fishman left, Kuina took her sword and slowly walked toward the female voice. She was about to sneak up on her, but was surprised when she saw her face.

And she wasn't the only one either.



Both said at the same time, pointing dumbfoundedly at each other. Well, this just got weird.


Dragon wasn't surprised by his son's arrival. But he was a bit glad that Luffy didn't hold any grudge against him… but it didn't surprise him. No, what surprised him was the fact that, Sabo was Luffy's brother. Not by blood, but some relations are more deeper than blood.

One the other hand the second in command of the revolutionary army was getting a headache. The number of memories pouring in was almost making him throw up. And yet he felt the most happiest man alive.

He wouldn't feel lost anymore. He did have a past.

And at the same time, he was mad for forgetting such precious memories. He had brothers, one was Luffy, and the other one was Ace. He… he wasn't alone. Sure the ugly memories of his so-called real family also came back, but he didn't pay them mind.

He was more eager to learn about what happened to Luffy and Ace while he was gone.

That was the reason why they were in an underground bar in Logue Town. A few of the revolutionaries watched the interaction between Luffy and Sabo with interest.

Sabo wasn't the only high-ranking member there, there were others. But all of them were quiet listening to the stories shared by the brothers.

"And then Gramps threw me to sea first for skipping training, before throwing Ace later, knowing he would save me… huh, those were the fun days," Luffy said, while Sabo laughed.

"Yeah, gramps can be a bit rough sometimes," Sabo said, while the other listeners questioned themselves on how the Marine Hero Garp treated their grandson. It was no wonder why both of them were so strong.

Also, it made the few members look at Dragon. He was also known for rough training, often throwing new recruits into dangerous situations. So that's where he got that from.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Dragon of course ignored those looks, he was thinking of something else.

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