
One Piece: The Strongest of the Shinobi

Alex... No, his name is Gu now. He died, but thanks to the System, he got his second chance. However, even with the System, Gu will have to work hard to gain a grain of strength in this turbulent world.

vektor_189 · Book&Literature
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10 Chs



This was all on Gu's mind when he woke up.

"Damn, I completely forgot about it!"

As soon as a person awakens the Chakra in himself, it becomes an integral part of his body. The chakra strengthens the body, and the body produces the Chakra together with the spirit, using the nutrients of the body.

Therefore, the use of the Chakra inevitably entails an increase in food intake.

"I'm ready to eat a whole elephant!"

Without any preludes, Gu rushed to the kitchen, where Versa was already preparing breakfast with might and main.

The minutes of waiting for Gu were like an eternity. As soon as a plate of food was on the table, its contents immediately appeared in Gu's stomach in a matter of seconds.

- Thanks Mom, I'm going for a walk! - before Versa could look back, Gu went for a walk.

Gu's mother was stunned by her child's similar appetite and energy, but she did not say anything, thinking that this was normal for children of his age.

Meanwhile, Gu ran outside and dashed into the forest, ignoring the various sidelong glances of others. Right now he could barely think about anything but food, and he certainly didn't have time for other people!

"How do I understand Luffy and Naruto now... Although, one has a Devilish Fruit of the special Paramecia type, while the other is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed! And I have only Chakras-nothing!.. Most likely, this happened to me out of habit and in the future, I won't blow my head off so much."

Overall, Gu's thoughts were correct. He is a product of a completely different era and is not used to food shortage conditions.

But still, such an exaggerated reaction is caused by the fact that Gu's body did not have time to fully go through the period of adaptation to the Chakra. And its sudden deficiency has become a very unpleasant blow to the body.

Imagine that in the heat of summer you were given ice cream. Nice?

And now imagine that it was taken away from you at the moment when you didn't have time to really taste it. You definitely wouldn't like it.

"Boar! Sorry buddy, but today is not your day!"

Without a drop of pity, Gu consecutively threw three kunai at a nearby boar. What he certainly did not expect was that the trapped kunai would literally demolish the carcass of the boar and it would fly away a few meters.

"Did I just do that?!"

Gu stared at his hands in a daze.

"I need an explanation, Status!" A

translucent window appeared in front of Gu's eyes, hidden from prying eyes.

[Gu user status (indication number is hidden).

Race: Human.

Physique characteristic:

Strength - E.

Endurance - E.

Dexterity - E.

The reaction is E+.

Assessment: Standard indicators of a Shinobi Academy student.

Characteristics of mentality.

Intelligence - E+.

Willpower - E+.

Spirit - C.

Assessment: Hardly acceptable for a hitman, but there are worse.

Characteristics of the Chakra.

The Volume Of The Chakra Is F+.

Chakra Control - E+.

The Nature Of The Chakra Is Absent.

Assessment: A typical Shinobi Academy student.

Final Assessment: Your only distinguishing feature is the soul of an ordinary 25-year-old boy. At least you have almost reached the Genin standards (E+).]

- Wow! Gu couldn't contain his shout.

Overnight, all his physical indicators advanced from F to E, except that the reaction received only +, but this is also a very important advance.

And quickly looking around the Status, Gu found the main reason for all the changes and the hunger that he experienced today.

Gu's chakra has increased from F to F+!

It seems like it's quite a bit, but in fact it's not!

The chakra can work real miracles with the body of living beings!

Only a blind person can not notice the difference between the bodies of Shinobi and ordinary people - this is the effect of adapting the body to the Chakra.

The awakening of the Chakra, although it had some effect on the body, but only after Gu learned how to use the Chakra, a full-fledged adaptation process was launched.

"It turns out my Chakra can still increase! The amount of Physical and Spiritual Energy has not changed, but the efficiency of their interaction has increased! And I'm sure it can still be enlarged."

Gu's musings were interrupted by the murmur of his stomach.

"Okay, I'd better take the boar carcass home first, have another meal and then go about my business."