
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter 8: Victor's Little Fanboy

Victor turned around and looked at the young man behind him.

The young man had an excited smile on his face and admiration in his eyes.

"You are?" Victor looked at the young man suspiciously.

The young man first gave a military salute, and then replied: "Colonel Victor, I am also the second student of Mr. Zephyr. My name is Wright. I just graduated this year and I am doing an internship on the ship of Vice Admiral Garp. I did not expect to meet the senior here. What a shame!" Very lucky."

Victor, Sakazuki, and Polusalino are Zephyr's first students.

"Hmm." Victor looked at Wright and said with a smile, "How is Mr. Zephyr? I haven't seen him for a year."

Wright said: "Teacher Zephyr is in good health. He often mentions the seniors to us, and let us learn from the seniors."

Victor said with a smile: "Mr. Zephyr always praises me, I will be proud."

Wright said in admiration: "Teacher Zephyr said that you can learn any physical skill as long as you have seen it once. You are a genius among geniuses, and among all his students, you are the first to master Haki. Especially you develop Your six-style combat skills are particularly practical. And the record you left during school, no one can break now."

Wright was eloquent, acting like a little fanboy.

However, this is not surprising.

Victor Grandmaster Taijutsu and Haki, and he has been practicing very hard since he was a child.

In Zephyr's eyes, Victor is not only talented but also hardworking, a model for the students and Zephyr's pride.

Victor encouraged: "As long as you maintain your enthusiasm and practice, you can be like me."

"Yes!" Wright got the encouragement from his idol and was naturally delighted.

"Then go ahead. I'll go to the deck to get some air."

After Victor finished speaking, he turned and left.


Card Victor and others came to the g1 branch base.

At this time, two Vice Admirals from the g1 branch were already waiting for them in the military port.

"Victor, haven't seen you in a while."

The first Vice Admiral to speak is Boris, who is 57 years old this year.

The Vice Admiral behind Boris is called Cliff, who is 49 years old this year.

Victor took the initiative to greet Boris and Cliff: "Boris Uncle, Cliff Uncle."

Boris asked suspiciously: "I heard you went to South Blue? Why were you transferred to the g5 branch again?"

Victor explained: "It's the arrangement of Sengoku Uncle, he thinks I need more training."

"Yeah, Sengoku did the right thing this time." Boris nodded in agreement.

There is no reason to send the elite of the headquarters to South Blue.

Isn't that overkill?

Although Victor did violate military discipline, Boris didn't think it was a big problem.

Who has never been young and vigorous!

At this time, Victor saw many familiar faces.

One of them is Akainu.

However, Akainu has not yet been given a codename.

It should be called Sakazuki.

Sakazuki is wearing a red half-sleeved shirt with a Marine cap and carries a long knife behind his back.

The current Sakazuki has not acquired the ability of Lava-Lava Fruit yet.

The other is Polusalino.

Polusalino wears a yellow shirt, white vest, and a Marine hat.

Besides, Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider and others were ignored by Victor.

Victor was also seen by Sakazuki and Polusalino among others.

Sakazuki was expressionless.

A trace of curiosity flashed in Polusalino's eyes.

Originally, Victor would be sent to New World for an internship just like them after graduation.

However, Victor remained in the first half of the Grand Line.

Today, so many young people with potential are gathered together, which means that Marine has made a big move.


During dinner, Victor was in the restaurant and saw the trio of Sakazuki, Ghost Spider, and Dauberman sitting together forever.

Both Ghost Spider and Dauberman agree with Sakazuki's justice.

Sakazuki's justice is thorough justice, he will wipe out all the villains in the world!

This kind of absolute hawkish justice naturally has no shortage of followers.

The trio was in the restaurant, though, a little out of sorts.

Because Huoshaoshan, Jimir and others sit in the central area with Rear Admiral, Commodore, and field officers.

They have Sengoku's minions, Zephyr's minions, Garp's minions, and Crane's minions.

In the past, Sengoku, Zephyr, Garp, and Crane were comrades-in-arms, and their subordinates were grouped together, which was equivalent to a faction.

Especially Zephyr, Zephyr is famous all over the world for "do not kill", so this faction is relatively moderate, and it is the dove faction of Marine.

Victor glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Polusalino sitting alone in the corner, so he walked over with the dinner plate.

Polusalino ate the curry to himself, and was a little surprised when Victor sat down.

"Is it convenient to sit here?" Victor asked with a smile.

"As you wish." Polusalino said indifferently.

"Thank you then." Victor picked up a chicken nugget, dipped it in sweet and spicy sauce, and ate it leisurely.

At this time, Wright walked into the restaurant. He had just finished ordering and was looking for a seat when he saw Victor.

When Wright saw Victor, he immediately patted the people around him.

"Senior Victor is over there."

Like Wright, the young people around him are also Victor's little fans.

"Senior, his name is Connor."

Wright introduced the young people around him to Victor.

Connor scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Senior, your "Six Forms of Cultivation Experience" has helped me a lot."

When Victor was in the military academy, he wrote two books, "Six Forms of Derivative Techniques" and "Six Forms of Practice".

After reading it, Zephyr praised Victor and promoted the two books in the military academy.

In particular, Victor's juniors have basically read these two books, and all of them have benefited a lot.

Six Forms is difficult for ordinary people, let alone Grandmasters.

It's even harder to get a Grandmaster.

And Victor wrote down his cultivation experience directly, saving Wright and others from many detours.

In the eyes of Wright and others, Victor is too selfless and great!

Victor smiled and said, "You're welcome, if it can help you, then it's worth it."

"Senior, can we sit next to you?" Wright asked carefully.

"Of course." Victor nodded in agreement.

Wright and Connor sat at a nearby table.

They were in a great mood and it was great to have dinner with their idols!

Polusalino ate by himself, and he couldn't help thinking: So this is the purpose of his writing the book, and he really shouldn't be underestimated.

Polusalino and Victor are classmates.

When Victor wrote "Six Forms of Derivative Techniques" and "Six Forms of Practice", the students thought that Victor was trying to show off.

I didn't expect these two books to have such a big influence.

For monsters like Polusalino and Sakazuki.

"Six Forms of Derivative Techniques" and "Six Forms of Cultivation Experience" did not help them much.

Victor smiled and asked Polusalino, "Haven't you been promoted to the rank of colonel in two years?"

Polusalino frowned.

Is this guy finding fault?