
Violence #110

I couldn't help but sigh as I approached the hammerhead shark fismman. My actions might have seemed rash and overly hostile, and they likely were, but it didn't really matter.

The New Fishman Pirates, led by Hody Jones, were a force fueled by their mindless hatred toward humans. Their presence would pose a threat to me and the delicate balance that could be achieved between fishmen and humans.

Their hostility would impede any chance of establishing trust and friendship between me, the locals of the fishmen district, and Ryugu Kingdom's royal family.

Gathering more information and strategizing would have been ideal, but circumstances pushed me into this confrontation sooner than I hoped. The time for subtle maneuvering was past due. Now, brute strength and swift action were necessary to protect my crew and advance my objectives.

Violence was a language that spoke to the immediate survival of pirates like me. In this underwater realm, where the laws of the sea held sway, sometimes there was no room for negotiation or diplomacy. It was a realm where might dictated respect and carved a path toward one's ambitions.

I may be a decent schemer when needed, but I was a knuckleheaded thug first and foremost. I had honed my skills, and violence had become a language I spoke fluently. In this moment, I would rely on that expertise to face the challenges ahead.

I closed the distance between Dosun and myself, my eyes narrowing as I met his defiant gaze. I needed answers, and I needed them now. "You sure came ready..." I calmly said as I looked at the many New Fishman pirates littering the ground.

"You knew I was here, didn't you?" I said, and the fishman refused to answer, but I kept talking anyway. "If that's the case, then you should know where my cremwates ended up..." I said as I kneeled beside him, grinning as he tried to attack, only to fail due to his injuries.

Dosun glared at me, his eyes filled with defiance and pain. He remained silent, refusing to give me the satisfaction of a response. But I could see the flicker of fear in his gaze, a testament to the chaos I had unleashed upon his comrades.

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you?" I mused, brushing off the feeble attempts to attack me. "But I have ways of making you talk..."

I leaned in closer, my voice lowering to a dangerous whisper. "You see, I've always wanted to be a doctor, but I didn't have any medical books back home..." I explained, much to the fisherman's confusion.

"You know what I did to study medicine?" I asked with a grin as I reached for the fishman's injured arm, causing his confusion to turn into pain and fear. "I hunted down people and dissected them to study their anatomy..." I added, chuckling as his face twisted in horror.

"I became quite the doctor thanks to it, but you know..." I said, trailing off as I let go of the fishman's arm, and looked him in the eye. "I never dissected a fishman, nor have I dissected a living specimen before..."

Dosun's eyes widened with a mix of horror and realization. He now understood his situation. The fear that momentarily vanished from his gaze returned with a vengeance, consuming his every thought.

"No... please..." Dosun stammered, his voice filled with genuine terror. "I'll tell you everything! Just spare me!"

I leaned back, a smile playing on my lips. Dosun's plea for mercy was music to my ears. The time I spent with the Torino Island Natives and with the Marine might have softened me up, but I could still intimidate one fishman small fry, at least.

"I thought you'd see reason," I said, my voice laced with satisfaction at a job well done. I still had it. "Now, tell me everything. Where are my crewmates? Where is Hody Jones?"

Dosun hesitated for a moment, his fear still palpable. But the desire to save himself overpowered his loyalty to the New Fishman Pirates. With a trembling voice, he started talking.

"You're not the only one in the fishmen district," he whispered, his words barely audible. "Two of your friends ended up on Dickens' turf, and the rest landed in the Ruugu kingdom's main island,"

"The ones in Decken's turf, what did they look like?" I asked.

"I'm not sure... some of our men witnessed Ankoro sweep away your ship. They said one looked like a zombie, and the other was a woman..." Dosun replied, all signs of hesitation disappearing as he revealed everything he knew.

"Kieran and Baby Five..." I muttered, rubbing my chin in thought. "They should be able to handle themselves for now..." I added, nodding to myself as I turned back to the fishman.

"What about Hody Jones? Where is he right now?" I asked.

Dosun swallowed hard, his fear still evident as he spoke. "Hody Jones is currently near the gigantic ship," he revealed, his voice quivering as he gestured toward Noah, that towered over the district. "He's planning something. I don't know what exactly, but he's gathering everyone there..."

"Thank you for the information, pal," I said, my voice steady and calm. "Consider yourself lucky that I have no more use for you..." I added with a smile.

The fishman's eyes widened, realizing the gravity of his situation. He had fulfilled his purpose, and now he was at my mercy. With a swift motion, I extended my arm and reached for his neck.

However, before I could touch him, the fishman eyes rolled back as he lost consciousness, causing me to chuckle in amusement as I stood up and dusted my pants.

"Off to Noah, it is then..."


"Looks like the captain is already getting busy..." Kieran muttered as he spotted a pillar of flames rising in the distance. "Let's not waste any time and move toward him..." He added as he turned to Baby Five.

Baby Five nodded in agreement. "Right. We need to regroup with the captain and find the others." She adjusted her weaponry, ensuring everything was ready.

Together, Baby Five and Kieran swiftly made their way toward the source of the flames, their footsteps echoing in the open area. However, they didn't go fat before a sudden rumbling shook the ground beneath their feet.

Startled, Baby Five and Kieran looked around, searching for the source of the disturbance. And then, as if from nowhere, Wadatsumi landed before them, carrying Vander Decken on his shoulder and ready to attack.

Baby Five's eyes widened at the sight of the colossal Wadatsumi, his imposing figure towering over them. She quickly assessed the situation, realizing the magnitude of the challenge they were about to face. But she was determined not to back down.

Kieran maintained his calm, his dead eyes unwavering as he locked gazes with Vander Deckens. The captain of the Flying Pirates wore a wicked grin, confident in his power and abilities.

"Looks like we have some unwanted guests," Vander Decken exclaimed, his voice filled with arrogance. "Not only did your ship have no treasure, but you even intruded on my turf! You must really want to die!"

Baby Five tightened her grip on her weapons, her expression resolute. "We're not here to play games. We're searching for our captain and the others. So, step aside."

Decken chuckled, a mocking tone in his voice. "Step aside? Oh, dear me! Now why would I do that? Vander Decken doesn't step aside for anyone, especially not for humans weaklings!" He raised his hand, ready to attack.

Kieran calmly drew his knives from the shadows, his gaze fixed on Decken. "I suggest you think twice before making any hasty moves," he said in a chilling tone. "Interfering with us will only lead you to an early grave."

Decken's grin widened, his confidence unshaken. "Oh, you sure talk big! How about I call your bluff?" He added, nudging Wadatsumi's head with his elbow.

Wadatsumi, the massive giant carrying Decken, growled, his eyes fixed on Kieran and Baby Five. He was ready to unleash his own brute strength upon them, eager to defend his captain.

Baby Five exchanged a quick glance with Kieran, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew taking on Decken and his giant ally would be no easy task, but it seemed confrontation could not be avoided.

Without hesitation, Baby Five launched herself forward, transforming her arm into a giant hammer that clashed with Wadatsumi's enormous fists.


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