
Going With The Flow #7

"So... do we have a deal...?" Nyoka asked with a grin as he extended his hand toward Kid, having spent the past two hours discussing the terms of our integrating us into his gang.

Kid didn't like it, Killer didn't like and I sure as shit didn't either, but we had no choice but to agree. Even Nyoka's reason for going after us was pure bullshit, as we were sure not to step on anyone's toes when we chose our jobs.

Almost every job we received and finished was leftovers that the stronger gangs passed up since it was a waste of their time, but even knowing so, we had no choice but to oblige.

We managed to negotiate our way out of becoming slaves and cannon fodder into foot soldiers. It still was in no way fair, but the world itself wasn't fair, and everyone in this room knew it. Though, I digress.

Kid barely held back a scowl as he turned to Killer and me, and we could only shrug, prompting him to shake Nyoka's hand, albeit reluctantly. And as I watched it happen, my eyes instantly widened once I noticed the red snake tattoo on the gang leader's wrist.

"What's wrong with him...?" Nyoka said with a frown, addressing Kid as he noticed my strange reaction, instantly snapping me out of my shock-induced daze. "Do you have something to say, boy...?" He asked as he turned to me with a harsh glare.

"Just admiring your tattoo... I think it looks pretty cool," I said with a smile, sheepishly scratching my head, much to Kid and Killer's displeasure as they instantly frowned at my words.

"Hahaha, I like this kid already..." Nyoka said, grinning as he alternated his gaze between us and noticed my friends' displeasure. "Anyway, feel free to stay and enjoy the refreshments. One of mine will give you your first job once you're ready to leave..." He added, heading for the room's exit and leaving without waiting for a reply.

"Bastard! You didn't waste any time brown-nosing that piece of shit, did you?!" Kid said, immediately lunging at me and gripping my collar as soon as Nuoka left the room.

"Calm down, you idiot," I said as I quickly pried the redhead's hands off my shirt, which was surprisingly challenging. "The guy's tattoo, I've seen it before, but I couldn't say it outright. I had to improvise..." I added with a scowl, which finally caused Kid to calm down, albeit just a little bit.

"What about his tattoo?" Killer interjected, giving me a confused look as he held back Kid. "Where have you seen it, and why does it matter in the first place...?" He asked, his expression already relaxing.

"You remember those three men who ambushed me on three separate occasions while I was out doing jobs...?" I asked with a sigh, to which Kid and Killer nodded in affirmation. "Well, every one of them had the same red snake tattoo as Nyoka," I added, causing the two to frown, their expression instantly turning thoughtful.

"Now that you mention it..." Killer said, his eyes slightly widening as he seemed to remember something. "I recently had to kill a man who ambushed me while I was out delivering some goods... he had the same tattoo..." He added, trailing off.

"I don't know what's going with that Nyoka guy... but he clearly doesn't mean well..." I said with a sigh after a brief pause. "It's better to tread lightly from now on..." I concluded, instantly turning towards Killer, and by coincidence, Killer did the same.

"The fuck you two dumbasses looking at me for, huh?! You got something to say?"


Two weeks later

East Clover Forest

"My mother told me... one day, I would buy...♪" Cedric sang as he leaned into the rock behind him, clearly bored as he watched Kid pacing around anxiously. "Galley with good oars... sail to distant shores...♪" He went on, stopping as the redhead suddenly stopped and gave him an annoyed glare.

"Cut it out. I'm trying to think..." Kid said with a frown, to which Cedric shrugged and stopped singing, causing the redhead to sigh as he resumed pacing around.

However, barely a moment passed before Kid scowled and turned to Cedrci as the latter began humming again. "If you don't cut that shit out, I'll stick my foot so far up your throat you won't need to chew your food anymore!" He exclaimed, eyes twitching in annoyance.

"Please..." Cedric replied, rolling his eyes. "You'll alleviate the boredom at least..." He added, noncommittally spreading his arms apart as he stood up and approached Kid.

"Look, I get you're anxious, but jumping around like a bunny in heat won't help," Cedric said with a sigh, picking up his whisky from the ground and taking a sip. "Save your energy... you'll need it..." He added with a sigh as he walked past the redhead and stood over the cliff's ledge, peeking down at the narrow dirt path within the trees below.

"Nevermind, they're already here..." Cedric continued, chuckling as he noticed movements within the trees. "You know the plan, take out the guns first, then go for the rest..." He added as he jumped off the edge, sliding down the steep cliff.

After successfully finishing a dozen or so jobs for Nyoka's gang, Cedric could only accept his new reality, taking it at face value as it came with benefits despite the increased risks.

The pay was better, and Cedric had many opportunities to further his understanding of The Method since almost every job Nyoka gave him would end in a violet conformation that usually resulted in someone's death.

Nyoka was blatantly and brazenly trying to get him and the others killed, but might made right in Four Clover Island, and there was nothing they could do about it but grit their teeth and do their best to survive.

Though none of them knew why Nyoka was so insistent on cutting their lives short and why he didn't simply have his subordinates do it instead of using such underhanded tactics, it didn't stop the trio from thriving under the pressure of having to fight for their lives and protect the weaker members of their gang.

Killer was as quick to adapt to the new situation as Cedric was, but Kid did not take it so well. The redhead despised working for others with a passion, and the fact his boss was actively trying to get him killed only made him that more irritable.

The redhead only managed to stop himself from doing something stupid at the urging of his two friends and the fact that his strength was steadily growing due to the constant battles and struggles.

He would grit his teeth in silence until he was strong enough to retaliate, but when the time came, he'd tear Nyoka to shreds, and nothing would stop him.


One hour later

The battle was short and easy, as we managed to take down the guards armed with flintlocks thanks to the element of surprise and made quick work of the rest before looting up the carriage they were escorting.

They were part of the gang ruling over North Clover town, each and every one of them a certified scumbag, so I didn't feel any particular guilt after killing them. It was a kill-or-be-killed situation whenever people from opposing gangs so much as locked eyes with each other, but you get the gist.

"Hey, Kid, look at what I found..." I said with a grin as I took out a long spear, roughly my height, after rummaging through the broken carriage's cargo, and silence was the only answer I received.

"Oy?! Are you there?!" I called out again, but I still didn't get any reply, causing me to sigh as I rested the spear on my shoulder and got off the carriage to look for the redheaded idiot.

I only took several steps before I heard Kid's voice angrily roaring a storm of obscenities and curses at someone, much to my confusion, as I hurried toward him.

I quickly found Kid and instantly burst into laughter as I saw him kicking the living shit out of a pale, tall kid with long white hair and stitches all over his mouth.

"You goddamned piece of shit! How dare you burn my hair?!" Kid said, kicking the poor kid with every word even as he patted his now patchy hair, trying to extinguish the lingering embers.

"Who's your new friend...?" I asked with a shit-eating grin splitting my face from ear to ear as I put a hand on Kid's shoulder to get his attention.

"Fuck off!" Kid replied instantly swinging his fist at my face once he turned around and noticed my expression.


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