
Brainstorming #143

In Iceburg's office, the three men—Den, Iceburg, and Cedric—gathered around a large wooden table, their eyes fixed on each other as they delved into a crucial discussion. The topic at hand was the construction of a ship for Cedric, a ship that would take him to the ends of the world. Cedric had a specific request—a ship made out of the rare and highly coveted Treasure Adam wood.

Cedric leaned back in his chair, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I want a ship built out of Treasure Adam," he declared, his voice resolute. "Something that can withstand the harshest of seas and take me to the end of the world..."

Den, floating above the ground, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, to build a ship that would traverse the ends of the world, Treasure Adam is the only choice," he stated, his voice filled with certainty. "With its exceptional strength and resilience, it will be the vessel that carries you through the most treacherous waters."

Iceburg, the master shipwright, listened intently, his brow furrowing in thought. "I understand the significance of Treasure Adam," he began, his voice laced with caution. "However, obtaining it is not an easy task."

Cedric's gaze remained fixed on Iceburg, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "I know how rare Treasure Adam's can be," he said, his tone unwavering. "But can't you do something with your connections?."

Iceburg sighed, running a hand through his silver hair. "Normally, acquiring Treasure Adam is not an issue," he explained. "There's usually enough in the market to build a ship. However, a recent development has made it incredibly difficult."

Curiosity sparked in Cedric's eyes as he leaned forward. "What happened?"

Iceburg's voice grew solemn. "A Celestial Dragon from Marijoa recently purchased all the available Treasure Adam," he revealed. "He intends to build a ship for himself, leaving the market devoid of the precious material."

'Those damned Celestial Pigs... always getting in my way...' Cedric's brows furrowed, frustration evident on his face. "So, we're at a dead end?" he questioned, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

Iceburg shook his head. "Not necessarily," he replied, a glimmer of determination shining in his eyes. "I still have my connections. I can use them to acquire Treasure Adam. However, it won't come cheap. The price will be exorbitant, even more so than usual."

Cedric's shoulders slumped slightly, his excitement dampened by the financial hurdle. "How much are we talking about?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a touch of uncertainty.

Iceburg paused, his mind working through calculations. "To build the ship you desire, we would need at least 400 million Beris," he revealed.

Cedric let out a sigh, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "I only have around 250 million," he admitted, a tinge of frustration in his voice. "That's not nearly enough."

Iceburg leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Cedric. "As a token of my gratitude for what you've done, eliminating the CP9 agents, I can contribute 100 million Beris," he offered. "But beyond that, I cannot draw any more funds without severely impacting Water Seven and Galley-la Company."

Cedric's expression wavered. He understood the burden it would place on Iceburg and his beloved city. After a momentary contemplation, he looked up at Iceburg, gratitude shining in his eyes.

"I appreciate your offer, Iceburg," Cedric said, his voice sincere. "I will find a way to obtain the remaining 50 million on my own. I won't burden Water Seven any further."

Iceburg nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I had a feeling you'd say that," he said, his tone knowing. "Have someone bring me your money...."

"I'll acquire enough Treasure Adam wood to start working on the ship while you obtain the rest..."

With their plan set in motion, the trio continued to discuss the specifics of the ship's design, the intricacies of construction, and the challenges ahead. Iceburg shared his knowledge and expertise, and Den provided insights and ideas from his unique perspective. And Cedric absorbed every detail, envisioning the ship that would carry him on his grand adventures.

In that office, filled with determination and a shared purpose, Cedric's dream of a ship made from Treasure Adam began to take shape.


On the deck of their ship, the crew of the notorious pirate captain Cedric had gathered, anticipation swirling in the air. Cedric stood before his loyal comrades, a determined expression etched on his face. He took a deep breath, ready to share an important announcement with his crew.

"Listen up, everyone," Cedric called out, his voice projecting across the deck. "I've commissioned a ship, a vessel that will take us on incredible adventures across the seas. But there's a slight problem. We need more money to complete it."

Raising her hand, Baby Five waited for permission, and Cedric nodded in exasperation, prompting her to speak. "How much money are we talking about, captain?"

"We're 50 million short..." Cedric replied with a shrug.

His crew exchanged glances, curiosity gleaming in their eyes. Kieran spoke up first. "Well, I can temporarily get back to my work as an assassin for hire," he offered, his tone suggesting a hint of mischief. "I'm sure there's a wealthy client somewhere willing to pay handsomely for someone's demise."

Duval, his handsome face glowing with narcissism, chimed in next. "Why don't we open a host bar?" he suggested, a wide grin spreading across his face. "With my irresistible looks, we'll have patrons flocking in, and the money will pour in like the sea itself."

Baby Five jumped in with her idea. "Or we could rob merchant ships," she proposed a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "Or maybe we can rob Galley-la! They look pretty rich!"

Chuchun chirped happily, trying to be a part of the conversation. Though his words were unintelligible, his presence added a sense of camaraderie to the discussion.

Cedric's eyes twitched slightly, a sign of his growing impatience. He raised a hand, gesturing for his crew to stop their outrageous suggestions. "Hold on, hold on," he interjected, his voice laced with exasperation. "I have a solution, and it doesn't involve robbing the people building our ship or any of your hair-brained ideas..."

His crew fell silent, their attention fully on their captain. Cedric cleared his throat, his expression growing serious. "I've received some information," he began, his voice low and intense. "Someone is plotting to overthrow the royal family of Alabasta."

"I can intervene," Cedric continued, his eyes scanning the faces of his crew, gauging their reactions. "In exchange for my services, they will provide the funds we need to complete our ship."

Kieran's eyes narrowed, his assassin's instincts coming to the forefront. "This sounds like a dangerous mission," he commented, his voice filled with caution. "But I'm in. We can use my skills to eliminate any threats."

Duval, ever the flamboyant showman, smiled broadly. "Ah, a chance to showcase my dashing presence," he declared, striking a pose that emphasized his chiseled jawline. "Count me in, captain! Together, we shall save the day and secure our ship's completion!"

Baby Five's eyes gleamed with fierce determination. "If it means helping others and getting the funds we need, then I'm on board," she stated, her voice resolute.

Cedric shook his head, a determined look in his eyes as he addressed his crew. "No, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm going on my own this time," he stated firmly. "I need you all to stay here..."

Kieran, ever vigilant, tried to object. "We should go together. It's not wise to set sail alone, and you know I won't get in your way," he argued, his voice laced with genuine annoyance.

Cedric shook his head and smiled. "I understand your concern, Kieran, and I appreciate it. But this is a one-guy kind of job," he explained. "Besides, I don't intend to go by ship... my fire clouds will take me there and back in no time..."

Turning to address the rest of the crew, Cedric continued, "Kieran, Duval, Baby Five, and Chuchun, I need you to stay in Water Seven and watch over Iceburg. The CP9 agents may try something, and we can't afford any more surprises."

Kieran opened his mouth to protest again, but Cedric held up a hand, silencing him. "I have full confidence in your abilities," he said, his voice firm. "I've seen your training back in Fishman Island, and I trust you to protect Iceburg and our interests here."

Duval nodded, his expression serious. "Don't worry, captain. We won't let anyone lay a finger on Iceburg or Galley-la Company," he assured Cedric, his voice resolute.

Baby Five chimed in, her determination shining through. "We'll be on high alert, ready to take down any threats that dare to come our way," she declared, her eyes gleaming with fiery determination.

Chuchun bobbed his head, his feathers ruffled with excitement, as if he understood the gravity of the situation. He let out a series of happy chirps, ready to do his part.

Cedric's gaze swept over his loyal crew, gratitude evident in his eyes. "I knew I could count on you," he said, his voice filled with appreciation. "Stay vigilant and keep each other safe."

As Cedric prepared to depart, he turned his attention to Kieran. "You're in charge while I'm away. Take care of everyone, including Iceburg," he instructed, his tone conveying both authority and trust.


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