
Tricks of the Blob

After another day scrounging through trash and I still haven't caught sight of Ace or Sabo. I haven't found much in the way of treasure either. The few things I did find I was forced to fight for just like on that first day. Finding anything of value in this place puts an instant target on your head. Not that any of the typical rabble around here can threaten me when I'm paying attention.

Turns out Sinbad's inborn ability to read his opponents flow in combat, mixed with the strength and reflexes of a mutant-Atlantean added to the natural fighting prowess of Percy Jackson, comes together to make for one kick ass combination. As I expected, It's the reason I chose these abilities after all. They create a rather remarkable harmony. This time on my own, fighting day after day like this, has really helped me learn the basics.

Todays efforts resulted in a few loose bills, a dozen coins covered in what I hope is mud and a broken silver necklace, along with an assortment of tools with varying quality. After setting aside the tools, I stuffed the rest into a brown bag hidden under a loose floorboard under the bed in my hut. It's also wear I keep some slightly less damaged items. Like the cracked silver mirror, a watch with half the pieces missing, and a bright red table cloth with a small tear in the middle. I put everything I find that's even remotely valuable in there.

50-60 percent of the stuff around here is pure trash. 20-30 percent is damaged, but could be useful with a little effort. While about 7-10 percent probably shouldn't have been thrown away to begin with due to being still in decent to near perfect condition. And the final 3-5 percent is truly valuable stuff, the kind of things only arrogant and wealthy Nobles toss aside.

Which is why there are brokers and merchants in Edge Town, on the outskirts of the Goa Kingdom at the edge of the city wall, willing to buy what people scavenge in the Grey Terminal just outside their cities gates.

The brokers buy what the scavengers find, polish everything of value and fix it all up before giving it a paint job and selling it back to the same Nobles who tossed it away in the first place. Only for the pompous gits to throw it away again after wearing it once, or because they find a single scratch on it.

It's honestly quite the vicious cycle. I knew quite a few people like that in my old world, so I may be a bit biased. But after seeing the Grey terminal with my own eyes and spending the past week here, you really can't blame me for looking down on the nobles living in the capital.

The Grey Terminal was created in direct response to Nobles being overbearing and abusing their authority. Kicking out the homeless and dumping trash over the walls is just a horrendous yet perfect example of the state of this world. The nobles rules everything while the commoners and everyday folk are left to suffer in their wake.

Though there are a plethora of other reasons why this world is a dangerous place to live without the necessary strength or backing. Bandits, pirates, slavery, giant beasts, sea kings, devil fruits, corrupt marines and a domineering government are all issues that plague this world. But nothing is as prevalent as the disparity between the rich and the poor.

'If I want to survive long enough to truly thrive in this life, I need to plan for the future. Which means I need money.' Thankfully I've been able to use Morph to my advantage in that regard.

I've been having the little guy turn into sparkling, near perfect jewels and jewelry in order to sell him to the brokers in exchange for cash. They're happy with the deal and I walk away without an issue. That is before Morph transforms while their back is turned and returns to me with whatever he could grab on the way out. It's worked wonders and the brokers are none the wiser. Netting me a nice profit in the small time I've been here. Though they have upped their security to stop the theft, it won't work unless they guard the money with it taking their eyes off it. After all Morph can turn into a coin and easily swallow a backpacks worth of material while still retaining his ability to fly and transform. Looking to the strange pink creature I couldn't help but smile. Pontus' gift has already come in handy on more than one occasion.

"Here you go buddy. You've earned it." Giving him some of the food I bought in edge town earlier Morph gobbled it up in no time. His strangely long tongue lolling out of his mouth like a dog once he had finished.


"Hehehe excuse me." Morph said in his squeaky high pitched voice, doing his best to repeat what he heard me say after belching yesterday.

"You really are like a shapeshifting alien parrot."

"Alien parrot, alien parrot." Morph mimicked jokingly before turning into a brightly coloured macaw with a pair of shining antenna and a third eye.

"Smart little blob aren't you. But remember we gotta keep you hidden. Your worth more than everything In this trash heap combined." I said sombrely, trying to emphasize my point.

Morph nodded sagely before putting his tiny colourful wing up in a mock salute. He then transformed into a small brown furred mouse while remaining on my shoulder, quickly scurrying into my hair to keep out of sight.

"Good. Now let's go back out to search for anything we can use." With that said I brushed aside the makeshift curtain covering the door to my hut and stepped into the smog filled air of the Grey Terminal.

Grabbing hold of the thick metal pipe I left leaning against a pile of wood scraps while on the way, I spun it around in my hands before resting it on my shoulder. I figured it would make a half decent training weapon.

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