
One Piece : The Random Adventure

This is story of a man cast into the world of ONE PIECE. Who is granted a semi-reliable golden finger called 'The Random system'. Watch as he starts from nothing and goes on to recruit the craziest diverse crew and carve his story into the history of the world. . . Starts 6 to 7 years before cannon . Has jokes, puns and innovative ideas. Bit slow at start but after sometime picks up the pace. please try at least 10 chapters before commenting. . .

bleh_guru · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chap 16 MAP

Suddenly I was awake with sweat. I didn't remember what the Dream was about, but sure as hell knew it ended in a bad way. As I looks around once again I am so glad I found this home and that captain jack constructed it.. After finishing all my morning business I decided to heat up yesterdays dinner and fill myself up, soo breakfast wasn't a problem.

After doing it all as I got ready to start the day with some training when suddenly the tattoo on my arm tingled a bit and glowed. I summoned the diary which without much fanfare directly appeared in my hand. A neat little trick I found our yesterday as I was playing around whith the tattoo.

I looked through it and found out more new pages.

"yay "

They read


Good day to ye , me hearty! This be yer ol' matey, Captain Jack Sparrow, back again for another go. As I be wrappin' up this diary o' mine, I thought I'd bestow upon ye a couple o' gifts - aside from me incredible tales o' adventure and treasure, o' course. I reckon ye won't be able to unlock this diary without a fair bit o' effort, so I've got two simple, practical clues for ye.

The first gift I've got fer ye is a complete map of this here no name island, where all sorts o' predators and prey be lurkin' 'round with their nests and territories. The second gift be the story of me life, all wrapped up in a nice, small package. I'll be sharin' with ye how I ended up on this island, and how I built me very own cansion - that be a cave and mansion, clever right?

So, first things first - let's have a look at that map shall we? And tomorrow, I'll be tellin' ye the tale o' me life, savvy?


Reading it I got even more respect for the cap jack. I flipped to the next page and the next page was a map of the whole island like it was detailed and I could clearly see the place where I woke up for the first time and the swamp which eventually led me here. I got a clear picture of the whole island and its shape and my exact location in it.

It had markings all over it in different colors indicating different amount of danger. .

In the next page there were dtailed description for the names in the map And the type of animals residing in which places, where their territories ended etc

(Image here)

For example the place I was, was marked as 'cansion' in green color with description in next page "safe heaven for the desperate".

And in color Yellow, among many other there was 'Sea princes Cove' description: "A deep, dark cove where a massive children and young of the sea kings are said to reside".

In Blue, among many other there was 'Whalebone Peninsula' description: "A rugged, windswept peninsula where the bones of an island whale and sea kings litter the shore, reminding of the dangers of the sea."

In Red there was, among some others the swamp I had visited yesterday 'The swamp of the croaked' description:" The deadly swamp where the mutated monstrosity called hopscotch horror resides."

And last but not the least the one which really grabbed my attention was 'Tatsu's peak' description: "The peak of the mountain in the heart of the island, where the legendary tatsu is said to sleep, guarding a treasure trove. A part of jack's legacy" the only one which was in the color Black and bold