
Chapter 66: Sengoku's Surprise

Buggy had just witnessed the most gruesome and bloody thing he has ever seen in his pirate life, with the death of Shiryu by the hands of the dancing clown.

The next morning, Sengoku prepared to spend his last day in Impel Down before returning to the Navy Headquarters. Despite wanting to continue searching for clues about the ghosts or interrogating Lucas, duty called, and he couldn't postpone his return any longer. With Impel Down now seemingly under control and free from immediate threats, Sengoku didn't anticipate any major issues to arrive, even with the presence of another clown.

After breakfast, Sengoku set out to find Magellan. He intended to revisit the toilet where the ghost usually comes out to see if there was any opportunity to catch the ghost on his last day. However, as he stepped out of his quarters, he sensed that something was amiss. The atmosphere in Impel Down felt off, more so than usual. The guards seemed particularly uneasy, their spirits visibly diminished.

"What's happening here?" Sengoku frowned, noting the palpable tension going around.

As he passed by two guards, their heads hung low in dejection, he overheard their conversation. 

"I can't take this anymore. The unrest is getting worse by the day. I'm considering resigning and getting away from all this madness" one guard murmured.

"Is that so? Most of the casualties had been prisoners, but we've been here for so long and there haven't been any incidents. But now, with the Commander-in-Chief here, they'll surely resolve this ghost problem soon," the other guard responded.

"No, you don't understand... Shiryu, the Head Jailer, he's dead," the first guard whispered, his voice trembling. "Impel Down isn't safe for us any more. We're all going to die if we stay here any longer."

Suddenly, Sengoku placed a hand on the guard's shoulder, making the guard jump and slowly look up to see whose hand was on his shoulder.

"Shiryu is dead?" Sengoku's expression showed a look of disbelief. He knew Shiryu's strength was formidable, rivaling even Magellan's. How could such a formidable figure suddenly die?

"Yes, under some curse, I heard" the guard replied, still bewildered. Before he could elaborate further, Sengoku turned around and briskly walked away, disappearing into the distance.

Sengoku was taken aback by the news. While he had contemplated the situation extensively, he hadn't considered the possibility of Shiryu's demise. Determined to verify the truth, he made his way to the third level, where Shiryu was stationed, to ascertain the situation for himself.

Approaching the area, Sengoku's apprehension deepened. The fear among the guards was palpable, far surpassing the previous unease. This time, it was genuine terror, fueled by Shiryu's unexpected demise.

Upon reaching the third level, Sengoku found Magellan standing before a bed draped in a white cloth. As he approached, he noticed a slight bulge beneath the cloth, stained with blood. Taking a deep breath, Sengoku steeled himself, stepping forward to uncover what's hiding under the bloody cloth.

His expression twisted dramatically as he lifted the cloth. Instead of a single intact corpse, he was greeted by the sight of hundreds of dismembered body parts, their blood pooling beneath them. Some were shredded and torn to unidentifiable mess, making it impossible to reconstruct a complete cadaver.

Editor: Patreon is active again, i post whatever i can work on over there, leaving it waiting in line here to be posted once a day. :P

I have gotten into Helldivers :D, I love that game, i love shooting my machine gun or stelwart and my character shouting liberty and democracy as i shoot all my ammo onto the hordes of enemies.

please leave comments, so nice to read em.

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