
One Piece: The eldest saiyan brother.

What if, on a dark starry sky, a little baby with monkey's caracteristics fell from the sky, was found and took in by a legendary hero who unknowingly raised a small troublemaker in a world where pirates seek a legendary treasure ? Follow the leisure life of a strange and calm Saiyan who was adopted by Monkey D. Garp. He will find brothers, friends, love and eventually discover the truth about his origins. //////////// here my discord, for whatever reason... https://discord.gg/kt9rAVC My grammar is not that much so I will make mistakes for sure, do correct me. (If you want to know, english's not my first language) For all those who already know it. Welcome back. For all those who doesn't know it yet. Welcome, I must warn you that it's boring sometimes... Hope you enjoy it, If not then...well what a pity... but still hope you find something good... (I don't own anything apart from my OCs) The cover too isn't mine, but someone else's.

VastoHeaven · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 121: Flashback (2)


An hour later he returned to Amazon's lily with Stella as they then embarked on the ship and they sailed on.

"Hey there, Hancock…!" Stella smiled merrily when she saw Hancock, wanting to speak with her as she took her hands with her own. "How have you been?"

"H- Hi Stella, I'm fine…" The Snake Princess replied somewhat nervously. 

It was a strange feeling for her, whenever she would face Stella, the beauty couldn't help but feel nervous, as if the latter was a big sister of some sort. 

Since she has always been the Elder Sister she never knew what it felt like to have a big sister but now she kinda did…

"My my, don't be so nervous, I won't take him away from you…" Stella winked faintly, seemingly feeling very nice. 

"You, I, I don't…" Hancock blushed and stuttered embarrassingly.

"...?" Not far away, Edam who was currently training or more like playing at making some Ki sculpting statues couldn't help but curiously turn his head in their directions as he heard them…

"Ah, Edam, we're gonna have some lady's conversation, so close your ears alright…?" Stella said, warning him.

"Hah? But how will you even know if I eavesdrop on you two?" Edam pointed out curiously and laughed.

"I won't know of course but you will…"

"Uh… Anyway, do whatever you like…" Feeling that the meaning was too profound and too bothersome to deal with, Edam simply shrugged his shoulders and turned back to continue his pottery.

"Good brother…!" Stella said and then turned toward Hancock with a charming smile as she went very close to her ears to whisper some words with a very playful smile.

"W- what?!" For a reason or another, Hancock's beautiful face turned incredibly red as she couldn't help but exclaim out drawing all the attention on her.

"...?" Edam opened one eye to glance at Hancock curiously but didn't push it and went back to his business.

"N- No! w- we didn't… yet..." Feeling all the eyes on her, she covered her mouth before shaking her head and mumbling with an embarrassed expression.

"Eh…? Really? He can restrain himself with you around…? Is that even possible?" Stella faintly exclaimed in surprise and then glanced with two blinking eyes in Edam's direction.

It was true that restraining oneself with a beauty such as Hancock at hand and especially when said beauty would willingly offer herself and without complaint was something only told in the ancients myths! Something thought to be impossible!

Stella herself who was a beauty on her own was sometimes considering if she should change her way and pursue the Snake Princess.

"Hmm, does he have some medical issues?" Stella was kinda worried for this little brother of hers as she asked Hancock who in response shook her head not knowing the answer and completely at a loss too.

And just like this, the trip for the New World began. 

There were no attacks on their ship by pirates due to Hancock's fearsome reputation and also no attack from Sea Kings, perhaps due to the ship's capabilities to blend with them, or perhaps they were afraid of a certain guy on board.

*A week later, in the New World*

After having crossed through and reached the New World, the Kuja's Ship had been constantly following Edam's golden ticket or so to say Tesoro's Vivre card.

And on the ship right now, all the girls were currently surrounding Hancock who was seated in the middle of the ship with a very unsightly and even pouting expression. And the reason was… 

She was... like every single day and despite her, forcefully dragged by Stella to comb her black waterfall-like hair. 

And seeing their beautiful Princess-Empress's hair being combed completely overthrew the girl's hearts.

They arrived right when the sun was setting down. In front of them, a massive golden ship was slowly advancing.

"Wow… what the heck… is that a ship…?" Edam's face twitched as he looked at the humongous ship in front, completely stunned. And as his spiritual senses wandered around, he could see an entire metropolis built on the said ship.

"Yeah…" Sonia and Marie said with a stunned expression.

"It seems so… The largest entertainment city in the world, it does deserve its reputation…" Hancock quietly commented on it before turning around to order her crew.

At the back of the ship, there was what seems to be an immense golden gate to welcome people in.

And, from far away already, they could easily hear the sound of a song being played out by some people.

As the Kuja's ship entered inside, a rain of golden flake started to slowly fall on the crew as it amazed the women on board.

"And here I thought I was rich, what a joke, even the water here is made of gold, this is nearly indecent…" Edam laughed at his ignorance as he touched those golden flakes with his fingers.

"Hmm, those flakes are kinda strange…yawn..." As he touched those things, he leisurely commented on them and yawned, feeling sleepy.

Although he felt that those golden flakes were strange, he couldn't point out what was truly wrong with them and so he continued to carelessly play with them.

Though, while everyone was touching this golden snow, Hancock did the contrary as she directly pulled the hood of her coat to cover her whole body. And as Stella was the closest to her currently, Hancock took the opportunity to pull her hood too.

'Sigh, being so careless…' She sighed at their carelessness. 

Due to Edam's careless behavior, Hancock was forced to be cautious and prudent about everything and even the small details. 

And the thing is that it was always Edam's instinct that would give her the hint that something was wrong with a situation.

Every time he would say that a situation was strange and that he couldn't explain why then something wrong was truly going on as if his instinct understood something that he didn't yet… Apart from his powers, his bestial instinct was surely the most magical thing in the world.

"..." Stella was in contrast rather quiet as she touched those flakes. "...so much gold, but what for…?"

They rapidly arrived at a sort of port for the arriving ships, and where a show was currently performed by some people there.

In the middle of all this, a guy was singing and dancing along with other dancers and singers under the clamors of a huge audience.

"Oh, is that the Tesoro we're searching for?" Edam said while looking at the dancing guy before he shot a glance at Stella.

However, as he looked at her, he sighed.

"That won't do sis…"

"...?" Stella, who was focused on the dancing guy gazed at him with a very disturbed and painful expression as she pressed a hand on her forehead.

"You have to calm down… hmm, you know what? We won't meet this guy before you calm down, we're gonna go and look around this sailing casino first…" 

After saying this, the ship was rapidly moored at the dock as they got off the ship.

Only Edam, Hancock, Stella, and the two sisters got down the ship though, the rest was gonna guard the ship.

"Damn…" Edam couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked around. Even the dock was all gold and shiny, truly the definition of being filthy rich!

After looking all around, Edam looked at Hancock and finally reacted to her hood up.

"Hey, you can pull it down you know…" Edam walked and went in front of her with a faint smile and slowly pulled the hood down, revealing Hancock's features to the public.

"...? Wha- Ah no-..." Being taken off guard, she didn't react immediately. 

And as if they were fireflies drawn to a lot up candles, the attention of the various passerby darted on the absolute beauty that suddenly appeared in the middle of this crowd.


"Wow, what a beauty!"

"I'm in love!"

"Isn't that the New Sea warlord?"

"Marry me…!"


"You… You're doing it on purpose, do you…? You enjoy being in trouble don't you..." Hancock narrowed her eyes at him and pinched both cheeks.

"Hehe, I do, I love being in trouble with you…" Edam laughed faintly clearly enjoying the moment.

"You dummy…"

Truth be told she couldn't care less about being seen by other people but she still felt that there was something fishy going on here and so still wanted to keep her hood on but Edam just destroyed everything.

As for Edam, the reason he pulled her hood down was that… He just didn't like it when she was hiding her face when they were together or maybe he just wanted to show off with her, who knows?

Meanwhile, Stella, Sandersonia, and Mariegold could only look at them with wry smiles on their faces.

"Oh, my, amazing… isn't that the famous Kuja's crew…?" While Edam was teasing Hancock, an elegant and beautiful red-haired woman made her way toward them and exclaimed.

"Hel-...?" Edam was gonna greet happily when Hancock overtook him and spoke.

"You know us…?" Hancock turned in the woman's direction as her eyes narrowed at her as she asked with her usual and natural condescending tone. Her blue-purple eyes were kinda chilling and nearly hostile.

"Y- yes…?"

Seeing Hancock staring so intensely at her, the woman couldn't help but sweat a bit wondering if she had said anything offensive to her.

"W- well, yes, of course… Ahem, first of all, let me introduce myself, I'm the concierge of Gran Tesoro, my name is Baccarat…"  the red-haired woman then took out a sort of book.

"The government and high-grades of the Navy, as well as all the notorious pirates and Sea warlords are registered in this book…" Baccarat then showed a page with Hancock and all her Kuja's pirates on it.

"..." Hancock quietly looked at it, not saying anything.

Baccarat then turned at Edam and smiled.

"We also have your name written here…" Saying that she browsed through her book and showed his picture.

"What? You know me too?" Edam asked curiously, not remembering having done any notable feat while in the Navy.

"Well, of course, although you may be unknown to the world currently but we at Gran Tesoro at least know that you are Monkey D. Edam, grandson of The Marine Hero, Monkey D. Garp, former Captain of the special unit Seal…" Baccarat said with a smile.

"And we also know that you fought and defeated the two Warlords of the seas Crocodile and Gecko Moria in a fit of anger…" Saying this, her eyes gazed at Hancock for a moment.

Edam blinked his eyes in surprise. "Your intelligence gathering is impressive…"

"Ahem…" Baccarat coughed out and smiled. "Anyway, if you would, follow me please, this way…"

And then, a strange car called a Turtle Royce came to pick them up to lead them directly toward where the Casino was, with Baccarat introducing the whole golden city to them.

"...And so stealing is completely impossible…" Baccarat said and then glanced at Edam to speak.

"Oh, now that I think about it, may I know what you plan to do first…?"

"We would like to mee-…" Edam paused and then said. "...Have some fun first, after all, we heard that this is the greatest Casino in the world isn't it?"

"Okay then, but first…"

Before leading them to the casino, Baccarat first took them to a shopping store to dress them up a little better.

And at long last, they finally arrived at the casino.

Apart from Stella who refused to change everyone was elegantly dressed up. Of course, the Snake Princess was the one who stood out from the crowd.

Baccarat's eyes also revealed a hint of jealousy and even desire for a moment. Every girl seeing her could only be jealous.

"Here, this is The Reoro, the only eight-star hotel in the world… anyway here please…" Baccarat was about to lead Edam & co in the casino but…

From far away, a bunch of kids ran toward them with what looked like flowers in their hands.

"Buy our flowers!"

"Please, buy our flowers…"

"...?" Edam looked at them curiously and approached them.

"You're VIP isn't it, so buy our flowers…" a kid said and showed his flower.

"Flowers…?" Hancock's attention was drawn as she looked at them.

"Come on, please don't be a miser, buy our flowers…" One of the kids said.

"Hmm, okay then, how much is it?" Edam crouched down and asked.

"5000 berries!"

"That's not cheap huh…" Edam replied quietly.

"We- We need money to buy our freedom back! So please, buy our flowers, sir!" The kid said with many difficulties.

"Freedom huh…" Edam quietly looked at the kid. 

"Hmm, al-..." Edam was going to something when Baccarat walked toward them.

"My my, children, why are you bugging my clients again…" She came in front of the child and then said. "You should know that you are not welcome here though…"

"I, I…" Seeing her the kid's expression fell as he looked down "S- Sorry miss…"

The bunch of kids then began to run back to wherever they were from.

"Wait, kid…" Edam called out before they were too far away. 

"...?" All the kids turned their heads back.

"I want some flowers… You can't just propose some and then flee like that…" Edam walked to them and then crouched down again.

"I will buy your flowers okay…?" He smiled widely.

"All of them…?" The kid's expression widened not believing their ears.

"Yeah, I'm a VIP aren't I?" Edam said with a boasting expression.

"Whoa! Thank you, sir…!"

The kids burst out with excitement as they thanked him.

"Thank you so much…!"

Edam smiled faintly as he then rubbed their heads. 

However, as he rubbed their heads, his smile slowly wore off for a moment as he took a wad of cash out of his spatial pocket. 

"Here, little guys…" Edam said as he took all the flowers from them and gave the cash and bid them farewell. "See ya…"

He then stood up and returned to Hancock & co's side as Baccarat led them inside the Casino.

'Hm…' As she saw him coming back to her, Hancock could feel that his mood had changed a bit.

Not liking when he was so silent, she sneaked up on him and took his hand in her own. "Hey, what is it…?"

"...?" Edam looked at her curiously and gently grabbed her hand. Holding her hand was extremely satisfying and comfortable to the touch and seemed to have a calming effect on him.

"You seem angry, what happened…?"

"Hmm… nothing much, I should have doubted it, it's just that I thought that this place was different compared to the other places we have gone to but…" Edam's expression turned kinda melancholic. "Even a city as shiny as this one can be cruel…"

The melancholic feeling quickly disappeared as he shook his head and smiled. "I'm fine, but I still have a punch or a word to speak with that Tesoro…"

"Oh then… don't worry me so much, dummy…" Hancock scolded him and pinched his hand. 

The one true thing that was worrying her was that, if Edam was to erupt and go all out, the ship would maybe not be able to take it and sink in the sea. 

"Yes yes, sorry to trouble you so much but do continue to watch over me, beautiful princess…" Edam said and feigned for his hand to be in pain.

"Hmph…" She turned her head away and walked forward pulling him along but still continued to firmly and gently hold onto his hand.

After having lived for years with him, she instinctively and naturally made it her duty to calm him down if needs arise.


Baccarat then informed them that the casino would lend them twenty million berries to go and play.

Although Edam & co didn't plan to use it all, they still accepted it. Edam himself couldn't care even if he were to lose more since he had enough money in his spatial storage to pay back if he were to lose all or more of it by any chance.

And so, from then onward the group began to play all sorts of casino games and even started to win some games.

Stella was especially super lucky even though she didn't even want to play. But, perhaps because she kept winning, a slight smile had resurfaced on her face.

The others too were winning again and again.

Only Edam was for a reason or another kinda unlucky today or more like compared to the others, he was the most normal, winning a bit but not too much.

As a result, his face distorted in anger as he sulked a bit, completely pissed.

"Haha, there's at least something you're bad at in this world…" Hancock and the other girls couldn't help but laugh softly at him. He who was nearly too perfect finally found something that he was truly bad at.

"My dear little brother, you're really bad at that…" Stella laughed, seemingly having forgotten all the bad memories.

"Hmph… this game is crappy anyway…!" A vein quietly pulsed on Edam's head as he quit the game before looking around in search of a new game as his attention was drawn somewhere. "...?" 

Like an innocent baby attracted by ill-intended people, he went there.

He saw at a certain table, two people playing a game of chance.

One of them was a pretty normal guy and the other was a middle-aged blind man.

"So… what color is it?" The blind man asked with a smile.

"It's, it's…" the opponent couldn't believe his eyes as he uttered. "It's white! It's goddamn white!"

"Oh? Lucky me…!" The blind man exclaimed and cheered up.

"Wow, the blind guy won again, amazing!"


Okay, I'm stopping here. The next chap should be the last flashback...