
Chapter 19: Achievement Rewards

Even though Smoker appeared to want to devour someone, Tashigi couldn't provide too much information. As a loyal subordinate, she couldn't just make things up, could she?

She racked her brain to recall more details, but her head was still buzzing, and being able to hold a coherent conversation was already a display of exceptional willpower.

After careful consideration, she could only confirm that it was a young woman.

"A woman? A woman with this kind of qualification came to Loguetown?" Smoker was filled with puzzlement. As far as he knew, there were only two women in the world with that kind of Haki: Charlotte Linlin, also known as Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors, and Boa Hancock, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Big Mom was quickly ruled out. Loguetown's men, no matter how bold, would not set their sights on a towering woman nearly nine meters tall, weighing tons, and exuding a ferocious aura. Smoker was well aware of the men in Loguetown, and they weren't bold to that extent.

With Big Mom eliminated from suspicion, only one person remained - Boa Hancock, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

As for the men who possessed Conqueror's Haki, the probability of them cross-dressing, pitching their voices, and causing trouble in Loguetown was extremely slim. Experts were even more concerned about their reputation!


As the Marines scoured the town in search of the mysterious woman with an unknown name, age, and appearance, Vivi ran around the town in circles.

Eventually, she had to resort to calling her pet duck for guidance, finally making her way back to Baroque Works' base in Loguetown.

After indulging in a hearty meal, she settled down for some rest.

She slept until the early morning of the third day before rising and examining her newly acquired ability.

Conqueror's Haki!

She didn't believe the words of Chinjao. Claims like "In the New World, those with Conqueror's Haki are as common as cabbage," should be taken with a grain of salt.

Looking at Chinjao's own experiences, he indeed had many peers of the same level and era who possessed Conqueror's Haki, including himself, Pirate King Roger, Rayleigh, Kaidou, Big Mom, Sengoku, Whitebeard, and Kozuki Oden.

This group of people all had Conqueror's Haki, and it seemed like there were quite a few, but in reality? Without exception, these people belonged to the pinnacle of their era. It wasn't surprising that they possessed Conqueror's Haki; it would be strange if they didn't.

Nowadays, the older generation of powerful individuals either retired or passed away, making Conqueror's Haki an absolute rarity on the Grand Line.

Vivi was highly satisfied with her awakening of Conqueror's Haki. The qualities of a king! Just thinking about it made her feel excited!

She had no doubts about returning home to inherit the throne. The throne of Arabasta was rightfully hers, both in terms of legality and bloodline; she was the sole heir.

Conqueror's Haki only served as a confirmation of her kingly qualification, bolstering her confidence even more.

'Ah, what a pity, this thing can't be upgraded!' She studied the panel for a while but couldn't figure out a way to improve her Conqueror's Haki.

She had tried to improve her skills in Swordsmanship, Chain Mastery, and Dance. If she dedicated herself to rigorous practice, her skills would improve slightly, and her stats would show a modest increase. Even without picking attributes, she could still make progress, albeit at a slower pace. 

However, this Conqueror's Haki thing was different; it had no level, no experience. It truly left her perplexed.

Vivi didn't dare to experiment recklessly. She was worried that she might lose control over this Haki, and if released, it would likely result in a widespread collapse of people around her.

"Let's go, Karoo! We're going out to play!"


When Karoo heard about going out to play, it leaped three meters high, full of joy.

Mr. 9 was still enthusiastically recruiting members, so Vivi said she wasn't feeling well, and he took on all the work, running out confidently to recruit people.

"Let the hot-blooded young man handle it. Let's go buy hats first!"


Vivi's plan to knit a hat for her pet was still in its early stages, so today she took Karoo to a clothing store to buy a new hat.

After a round of selection, she ultimately bought a high-top hat similar to the one Sabo wore for Karoo.

Wearing the hat, Karoo proudly wiggled its rear in front of the mirror.

Vivi wandered around with her pet duck, purchasing tasty milk, goggles, a brand-new backpack, and a colorful set of clothes. At first, Karoo was quite content, nuzzling its face affectionately against Vivi's body after each acquisition. However, as they continued shopping, it sensed something amiss. Why was its owner being too kind today? The word "danger" suddenly popped into its mind.

After witnessing Roger's execution, Vivi felt that her "Voice of All Things" ability had slightly improved. This ability was even more elusive than Conqueror's Haki.

Conqueror's Haki could at least be displayed, but the ability "Voice of All Things" couldn't be found on her panel.

In any case, without much effort, she understood the thoughts of her duck.

"Don't worry, we'll conduct a brief experiment later, I assure you, it's entirely safe!"

The more she reassured it, the more anxious Karoo became. In the end, its face turned pale with fear.

With her pet duck in tow, Vivi surreptitiously arrived at the central square of Loguetown, where the execution platform stood.

The Bounty Hunter Organization resembled the thieves' guild in traditional Western fantasies. One distinguishing feature of such organizations was their ability to gather information.

Given the significant incident that had unfolded two days ago, the Marines were actively seeking the culprits.

For Vivi, the most dangerous place was also the safest. The Marines had laid an elaborate trap at the harbor, but they would never expect the culprit to return to the execution platform.

"Quack?" The pet duck glanced around. There seemed to be no fights happening nearby. Did its owner want to play a game here with someone?

Vivi calculated the distance between her location and the execution platform, then set the "Commission time" to "1 minute."

In an instant, Karoo lost control of its body. Its vibrant and colorful clothes looked extremely eye-catching as it ran. The guards on the square didn't have time to react or understand what was happening when Karoo, at an almost vertical angle, sprinted onto the execution platform in one breath.

"Yes! There's something truly there!" Vivi exclaimed with excitement. She watched as her pet duck rapidly circled the execution platform. Before the soldiers could respond, Karoo disappeared in a swirl of smoke, swiftly darting away.

Pretending to be an onlooker, Vivi purchased two cotton candies and two servings of chocolate stewed beef from a vendor on the square. Afterward, she casually strolled to the other end of the square and let out a whistle. Karoo emerged slyly from the bushes.

While Karoo enjoyed its cotton candy, Vivi examined the bright spot she had picked up from the execution platform. It turned out to be an achievement.

"Karoo visited a renowned landmark of the One Piece world: Gol D. Roger's execution platform. For taking the first stride on the path of the Sea Duck King, Karoo gains a new 'Little Brother,' the Pet Dog Chouchou. Let's congratulate it!"

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