
Chapter 10: Can't Afford to Provoke!

"In one month, you've turned in 20 million Berries and captured thirteen pirate ships. Headquarters is very satisfied with the performance of the Whisky Peak branch's frontier agents."

Since the age of eight, Nico Robin had been well-versed in the intricacies of human relationships. Many times, her silence didn't mean she couldn't speak, and with just a few casual words, even Vivi felt at ease.

Miss Vice President started by giving the branch's performance a perfect score.

On the other end of the Den Den Mushi, Nico Robin felt a bit conflicted. As the Vice President in charge of Baroque Works' daily operations, she had plenty of tasks on hand. While Vivi and the others had been continuously delivering their captures to headquarters, converting these gains into necessary resources was a challenge. Dealing with the thirteen captured pirate ships was particularly troublesome. After all, what would Baroque Works do with so many ships in Arabasta, a desert Kingdom? Engage in maritime trade and sell sand from the desert to others? Their resources were scarce, and they had no special products to offer!

Nico Robin rubbed her temples lightly. These recent days had really worn her out. No matter from which perspective, the Whisky Peak branch needed to pause for some time. Working 12 hours every day was taking its toll on her.

She cleared her throat lightly and said, "Ahem, headquarters is very pleased with the recent performance of the Whisky Peak branch. You have made Baroque Works' name known, and during this period, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people joining as bounty hunters."

The Innocent-minded Mr. 9 and Miss Monday were visibly delighted. As an undercover agent, Mr. 8 also showed his happiness. Only Vivi remained expressionless; she suspected there was more to come.

Sure enough, Nico Robin's tone changed, "However, your actions have also drawn more attention to Baroque Works and attracted some unnecessary enemies."

Without much preamble, she got straight to the point, "On the pirate ship you captured and killed three days ago, there was a citizen from Kamabakka Kingdom."

The easily excitable Mr. 9 and the muscle-bound Miss Monday were both illiterate, having never attended even the most basic literacy classes. While Vivi wasn't at the level of "I stopped watching One Piece after Roger's death," she could talk confidently about the Three Admirals, Four Emperors, and Five Elders. However, when it came to the Kamabakka Kingdom, she was at a loss. What was that?

All three of them looked at Mr. 8, who, as the captain of the Royal Guard, Vivi believed would surely know about this Kamabakka Kingdom.

"Mah-mah-..." The old servant cleared his throat like an opera singer and then asked with a strange expression, "You mean... You mean that kingdom that was once ruled by the Miracle Person?!"

Nico Robin's voice noticeably paused for a moment. "Although the King of Kamabakka has been imprisoned in Impel Down, there are still many... um, inhabitants on that land. They call themselves the Newkamas, and many countries on this side of the Grand Line refer to that place as the Okama Paradise or the Miracle Country. Mr. 0's orders to me were clear: Baroque Works should not provoke the people of Kamabakka Kingdom."

Mr.0, the founder of Baroque Works, was a legend within the organization. Aside from Vice President Miss All Sunday, no one knew his true identity. Hearing that Mr. 0 was directly involving himself in the branch's operations, Mr. 8 couldn't help but feel puzzled. His eyes were shining brightly, seemingly pondering over the information revealed in this matter.

In a commanding tone, Nico Robin said, "Starting now, the operations at Whisky Peak will be halted and go underground. I will notify you when it's time to act again."

Vivi tilted her head, pondering for a moment. Kamabakka Kingdom? An image automatically surfaced in her mind – a character with an odd-shaped chin wearing makeup, an afro, and a woman's leotard, exposing hairy legs, and throwing flirtatious glances everywhere. She couldn't help but shiver. The decision made by Crocodile and Nico Robin was the right one, and she fully supported it! They definitely couldn't afford to provoke those guys!

"During this period of lying low, the main task assigned to you four by the Baroque Works Headquarters is to continue recruiting famous bounty hunters. I will provide you with a list later. Additionally, I have other tasks, such as searching for treasure, hiring shipwrights, and weapon trading. Your period of lying low will last for five months, and after that, I will need to verify the completion of your tasks. If your contributions are insufficient... You know the consequences."

After leaving a sentence filled with threats, Nico Robin unilaterally ended the call.

Soon after, a special-modified Den Den Mushi transmitted a file, densely packed with names, all of which were recently renowned bounty hunters.

Tasks such as ship repairs and treasure hunting seemed to be of lower priority. The immediate priority was recruiting more people - the more, the better.

The four of them looked at the list together. In the One Piece world, population movement was extremely slow, and many people never left their birth islands in their entire lives. However, Gol D. Roger's final words opened the prelude to the Great Pirate Era, prompting countless individuals to set sail in search of the elusive Grand Treasure. Times had changed, and trying to find someone based solely on their birthplace was quite challenging.

The names provided by Nico Robin were mainly from two sea regions - the East Blue and the South Blue, which were closer to the Grand Line.

Vivi, known as Miss Wednesday, and the hot-blooded youth Mr. 9 formed one group. The muscular Miss Monday and the old servant, Mr. 8, formed another. This was the arrangement made by Baroque Works, and they couldn't separate. It was up to them to decide where they wanted to go.

Vivi quickly skimmed through the list and promptly made her decision: "I'm relatively weak, and Mr. 9 needs to protect me. Let's go to the East Blue, where the strength is the weakest."

Mr. 8 had no objections; he was fine with going anywhere. They immediately split the list in half and embarked on their respective paths to recruit bounty hunters for Baroque Works.

Just before setting off, Igaram pulled Vivi aside, offering her numerous reminders and warnings about her safety.

"Your Highness, mah-mah-mah! No! I mean… Miss Wednesday. When sailing on the sea, you must be careful and never climb up the mast. High places are very vulnerable to attacks from strange birds!"

"Mah-mah-mah! Also, be cautious and avoid standing on open decks. They are within the sniper's range. I... I get extremely worried just thinking about it!!"

Although Vivi felt that the old servant's concerns were unnecessary, she patiently listened, occasionally responding with a casual "uh-huh" or "Yes, yes." She figured she should humor him since he meant well.

However, when Igaram warned her to watch out for falling meteorites, she couldn't hold back any longer. What kind of joke was that? She was going to the East Blue, not to fight against Fujitora. Where would meteorites fall from?

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