
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 19

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 19

"Done! Pirate flag!!"

Luffy raised the Pirate flag he painted to show it.

Luffy is still very satisfied with the Pirate flag he painted.

"hahaha, I thought for a long time and decided to use this as our logo."


Everyone looked at Luffy's painting The Pirate flag is a bit speechless.

"This guy! At a glance, you know that there is no artistic cell." Usopp was shocked. He didn't expect that there are still people painting that can be so horrible.

"The Pirate flag should be a symbol of death…in other words, it means terrifying…" Zoro commented, crossing his hands on his chest.

"No…from a certain step, it is probably art." Nami touched the chin looking thoughtful with one hand.

"Well, I have a match with Picasso, a great painter in my hometown!" Hood Hill nodded with a smile said.

"How?! Very good! Hehe." Luffy revealed his classic: D-word and said with a laugh.

"No, your painting is too bad, Luffy! I'll paint!!" Usopp said to Luffy ruthlessly.

Then took out a new black cloth and started painting on it, and finally drew the banner of Usopp Pirates.

"The patterns are completely different."

Luffy and Zoro knocked Usopp's head to spit out.

Usopp also took a look, and finally painted the Straw Hat Pirates banner that will be famous in the future.

"The painting is very good!" Nami said in surprise.

Zoro took the Pirate flag that Luffy drew just now for comparison. Unimaginable and said: "Unimaginable is the same pattern."

"Good! Draw one on the sail too. !" Luffy suggested.

After that, Usopp hung the rope and drew the Straw Hat Pirates logo on the main sail of the Meri—a skull wearing a Straw Hat.

That's it, Pirate Ship [Golden Meri] is done like this!

"I have often created on the walls of the village since I was a child, so I have a very artistic touch." Usopp said proudly.

"Usopp, then you come to be a painter on board!" Hood Hill suggested.

"Painter! Not bad! Pirate Ship should need a painter, but I want a musician even more. Usopp, can you sing?" Luffy asked while sitting on the fence looking at Usopp.

"No! I want to be a brave warrior at sea!" Usopp grinned and rejected the proposal directly.

"Ah, I'm exhausted!"

Then Usopp lay on the deck, and just hung a rope to draw a flag for the sail in the air. He was exhausted.

Nami also lay on the deck with him, enjoying the sea breeze and sunshine.

Zoro also leaned on the mast and closed his eyes to take a nap.

Hood Hill pulled Luffy and said: "Luffy, let's try the cannon!"

"Cannon!" Luffy's eyes lit up, "Okay!"

Luffy walks to the cannon like a child who has got a new toy.

With a sound of "bang!", the cannon flew out, but it did not hit the stone mountain not far away that Luffy wanted to hit.

"en?" Zoro was awakened by the loud noise.

"What are you doing? You scared me to death!!" Zoro exclaimed angrily.

"It's rare that there are cannons on board, so I practice shooting." Luffy said with a smile.

"Let me try this time!" Hood Hill filled in with a cannonball.

Luffy avoided watching Hood Hill's operation.

Hood Hill took a deep breath. I want to try if I can detect the thin line connecting the stone mountain with the cannon. But the thin line did not appear.

Hood Hill gave up and fired directly but did not hit the stone mountain like Luffy.

Maybe only by applying the breathing method to the Sun Wheel knife can the power of seeing the line of weak spot be exerted? Hood Hill is not so sure.

"Fool! Look at me!"

Usopp came over.

"That stone mountain!"

"No problem, refer to the situation just now…this should be almost the same!" Usopp adjusted the muzzle slightly. Then he shot into his soul and shattered the stone mountain not far away.

"Great one shot!"

"Wow! One shot!" Usopp also yelled in disbelief.

Then immediately raised his arms and said proudly: "See it! I've said that my aim is super accurate! If you admire me, call me the captain!"

"I've decided. You will be a sniper!"

Hood Hill walked to Usopp's side and put his arm on Usopp's shoulder and said: "Awesome, this kind of aiming ability, I I've never seen it before! I can definitely be the world's number one sniper-the king of snipers! "

Usopp heard Hood Hill's words even more happily and said: "hmph, huh, that's not it. Okay. Okay, I'll let you guys get better this time, but if you don't use it one day, you will immediately give me the captain's throne."

"Okay!" Luffy agreed with a smile.

But Hood Hill knows that Luffy will not have a day of uselessness. If Luffy can't beat them, then there will be no one on this ship.

Maybe! In case I got to the Sabaody Archipelago and I won the high-level Busoshoku, Ryuying Haki, then I am afraid of bears and Admiral!

Several Ran came to the restaurant and sat around the table.

"I thought about it. Before entering the Grand Line, we still need a member."

Nami dragged his cheek with one hand and said; "Yes, it's rare to have that A beautiful kitchen, if I have a salary, I can do it…"

Zoro looked at the stove and agreed with what Nami said, "I can't miss someone for a long trip!"

"You feel the same way?" Luffy said with a smile.

"Well, Pirate Ship can't lack that person!" Hood Hill nodded, looked towards Luffy.

Then Hood Hill followed Luffy to say it


"Are you two idiots!"

Hood Hill spread out his hands and said, "How can we be idiots, the most indispensable among Pirates are musicians! Pirate is all about singing and dancing!"

"That's right!" Luffy stood beside Hood Hill and agreed heavily.

"You two want to sing and dance so much. Let's be a singer!"

Nami shouted.

"Ah, I already regret getting on this thief ship." Zoro covered his face and said helplessly.

"So, let me be the captain!" Usopp raised his hand and said.

"Impossible!" Luffy, Hood Hill, Zoro and Nami shouted in unison.

"Hey! I seem to have seen this scene before!" Usopp yelled.

After a moment of silence, everyone looked at Issho again. "Hahaha."

Nami smiled and looked at the other four people, but his heart was warm. Such a warm Pirates, I really want to stay forever.

"You Pirate!!! Get out of me!!! I want to kill all of you!!"

An angry roar came from outside the house.

ps1: Thanks for reading NPC's 500 starting currency rewards.

ps2: The author is here to ask some people to vote for more recommendations and give a reward for those who are able to give a reward. In addition, readers on the QQ Reading Bookstore can also rate the book. These are really good for me . Is very important! Thank you for your support in advance!