

I don't desire many things in this life, unlike in my previous life. I have long given up on making it big and detached myself from kindness and other feelings. But there is one desire that burns more fiercely than any other.

I hate a lot of things and give up on anything, even myself. But there is one thing that I will die but not give up on in this life, I won't make the same mistakes of my previous life.


The only thing that I took for granted was when it was there and by when I realized, It was too late for everything. Maybe I never realized it, or this is some deep side of me speaking, but one thing is for certain.

I will protect my Family. For this dark path, they will be my guiding light and I will go to any extreme for them. No Matter The Cost....!!

Hehehehe.... Kekekeke....!!

Oden's broken skill landed on my feet. While Yamato club pinned on his head, looking at him with disgust.

"Keep your hands off my Brother!!"

After all the torture and injuries I put him through, he was already lucky to move his muscle. He couldn't use Haki, even if he put all his strength into that attack, It would have hardly resulted in a scratch, It was a plastic piece painted as metal.

Oden, You fulfilled your purpose well. But this is not enough, She still has some doubt, I won't let even a shadow of doubt remain in her of your innocence.

"I decided something."

I looked at her, I had no idea how much she had changed.

"I will become shogun of Wano and make the citizens happy."

You are kind at the very end. Even if you found Oden was wrong , you still don't want them to suffer, sure have your way, It won't interfere in me having my way.

"I will support you on this once. I will follow your lead on Wano, From now you are a shogun. Protect it or destroy it, It's your will and I will follow."

End of Pov

"You pulled it off, and I am curious as to how you did it. Oden cooperated with you, knowing the result and what you were up to. I don't see what could convince him, he played everything just right." King said.

Ronin looked at King standing at the entrance of the chamber. He had been listening to everything with great amusement, and things kept getting exciting even more.

"You are still here, She didn't see you right?" Ronin said.

King shook his head, he appeared after Yamato moved outside. He didn't carelessly expose himself.

Ronin heaved a sigh, as he had one secret to open. He didn't like exposing lies since the bad guys always do that to only get themselves exposed later in one way or another.

"If I were to tell you then, you must kill all the people in the vicinity first. Must be okay right." Ronin slowly unleashed his storm breaker.

He grabbed the handle and threw it in King's direction. The weapon spun rapidly, as it passed an inch away from King. While King didn't even blink looking at the Stormbreaker.

Crush... Splatter...!!

Stormbreaker crushed the skull of the pirate behind King, and its body played dead on the ground. King looked at the body from the corner of his eyes.

"That was unnecessary...!"

"Believe me! This world is absurd and logic doesn't work, So he was most untrustworthy to me when he witnessed you here." Ronin replied while making his way to his weapon.

King didn't care about the life of a pirate, he was simply amused. Ronin to him was an oddball, whose thinking was complex and his actions absurd.

"Are you gonna pass or what?"

"It's just a few lives, It will be quick."

Ronin plucked out his axe and tucked it on the back. "Follow me! We will dispose of the trash, and leave no trace."

After five minutes, All the people who witnessed anything were slain.

"Let me begin from the beginning. Explaining my thought process."


"Oden, He sent his Son along with some Samurai to the future for the last shot at Father Kaido. But after I investigated further deep, I found out he had two children and one was still living an abnormally sustaining life here."

"I get it, Still after many years how did you recognize her."

"About that, She didn't keep a low profile and her appearance gave her. Oden was quite furious to see his daughter getting found out."

"Oden, He was a man of honor. You mean to say threatening worked on him."

"Before anything, he is a father who loves his children. You forgot what happened when a duplicate of Momonuske appeared on the battlefield and this was his living daughter."

"You are the last man he would trust with her Safety, Still what made him give in."

"He never did, So he is dead on the ground. His naivety to think I will keep him alive maybe, or he trusted my words which is unlikely but either way, he never had a choice in the matter. The only thing he could do was Wish for the best."

"Oden accepted to sacrifice himself for your cause."

"No Way, He was seriously about to kill me. The chains going loose was my plan but Oden was unaware. I made the chains loose look unexpected so the only thing he would think was a chance to save his daughter. But if I straightly told him to sacrifice to protect his daughter then maybe he wouldn't have gone with the plan and done what I least wanted."

"You baited him, made him see the glitter of hope but it was faked till the end. Kaido won't be proud of underhanded means."

"And that's his weakness. He is full of himself and too proud to use underhanded means, and he might even beat me to a pulp if he found I blackmailed Oden."

"And yet, You still go against him."

"Hehe...I don't care, He is too arrogant and respects strength above anything else."

Ronin smiled, imagining the face of Kaido.

"It's understandable, He is the strongest in the world, Whitebeard only holds the title and if it came to then we can take it away."

King knew Whitebeard, he had been with Kaido and Seen what Whitebeard could do. He always considered Kaido to be strongest no matter when, and whitebeard, knew he could rival him on power.

"You don't know what horrifying power Whitebeard posses so you act so arrogantly."

"I don't know and can't care less, Father knew well he might cause war with Whitebeard when he took over Wano, and now Father is way stronger than when we took over. I think Whitebeard knows Kaido killed Oden, It's been a long time so it won't be surprising."

"What are you implying?"

"One day, Dad will try to kill Whitebeard. He will go after him for a challenge, Get ready for it. Following the fall of Whitebeard, A new era of Piracy will rise."

"You look weirdly confident, Although what you are saying isn't surprising at all."

"Father will surely try to overthrow World Government, For now, he is developing his force but not for long. He will get out and Face the world head-on."

"That is inevitable. But that has ways to go, The forces are still developing and the Smile fruits are making the armies even stronger."

"I don't know about that. Father has been doing everything wrong from the first day in this land, He chose a way less inefficient path for strength development."

"I don't see a better way to develop forces, and our pace seems better than other emperors."

"Hehehe...Let me ask you one question, How many of the current emperor wants to conquer the World."


"Everyone seeks One Piece, People dream way too much and even father isn't an exception to that."

"You must be developing your own force on South, You literally have half of south for yourself for a decade or more."

"It's none of your concern, I am working on things that are better not explained. I will explain it to father when Time is ripe."

Next chapter