
Kid VS Captain Hawk

[Marine Base – 67th Branch, Soldier Town – South Blue],

*Sirens*- Sirens*

<Intruders alert!>

<Intruders alert!>

"The intruders are by the main building!"

"How many are there?!"

"Just one! One of the pirates that we were looking for!"

*BOOOM* a deafening explosion suddenly ripped through the air at the heart of the facility. The resulting blast reverberated all the way to nearby town, painting the sky with a towering plume of smoke that spiraled upwards.

As the dust cleared, a red-haired figure emerged at the center, untouched, wearing a wicked grin.

"Saved us the trouble of searching. Step back! I'll handle this," commanded Captain Hawk, arriving just in time to address the situation. He smoothly shed his Marine coat and drew his sword with a touch of grandeur.


"I'm the Base Commander, Captain Hawk of the Marines! You rookies seem strong, but I'm not dropping my guard," Hawk stated, eyeing Kid with a serious look.

"Haa... I'm getting pumped!... Hope you can keep me entertained, Marine Captain-san," Kid remarked, cracking his knuckles.

"Captain!" Just in the nick of time, Heat and Wire arrived to back up Kid, just as the two were about to collide.

"Ohh, you guys are here! You handle the rest, I'll deal with this guy!" Kid said, wasting no time. Heat and Wire promptly followed his instructions.

*SWOOSH* Without warning, Kid swiftly lunged at Hawk, delivering a powerful right punch. Unlike Kai, who uses a mix of techniques, Kid prefers relying mostly on his fists in combat.

Hawk swiftly dodged, countering with a horizontal sword swing aimed at Kid's neck. The latter reacted by swiftly using his dagger to block Hawk's blade. Seizing the moment, Kid grabbed him by the face and brought him down forcefully.

Hawk rolled back and managed to quickly rise to his feet, his anger evident from Kid's actions. Without hesitation, he lunged forward once more. As he closed in, he unleashed a flurry of rapid sword thrusts from various angles, creating fleeting afterimages in his wake.

"Tsk…" Kid wielded his dagger, trying to deflect or hinder the incoming attacks. Yet, their rapidity caught him off guard, resulting in a few landing successfully and leaving several cuts on his upper body.

After a brief moment of grappling with Hawk, Kid managed to break loose. He swiftly retaliated with a powerful uppercut, launching Hawk into the air. He then swiftly followed up with a punch to Hawk's stomach, propelling him crashing into the nearby building.


"--Captain Hawk is being pushed back…"

"Who the hell is that guy?!" The marines were taken aback by Kid's display of power.

"As expected!" Heat and Wire cheered with pride for their captain.

*Clang*-*Clang* Afterward, Kid engaged in another clash with Hawk. He skillfully employed his dagger to block or evade the sword strikes, biding his time for a chance to counterattack.

"Damn it! Take this, you shitty brat!" Hawk snapped at Kid, clearly annoyed by his constant evasion and defense. With a swift forward lunge and rapid rotation, Hawk caught Kid off guard, delivering a forceful and speedy thrust "Tempest Thrust!"

*SWOOOSH*-*CLANG* Lacking the time to evade, Kid swiftly used his dagger to parry the attack. The impact thrusted him backward, accompanied by a strong rush of air.

"The fuck was that?" Kid was taken aback by the sudden attack, but he swiftly recovered, sheathed his dagger, and lunged at Hawk, landing a series of forceful punches.

*BAM*-*BAM* Hawk deftly dodged several attacks and counterattacked, landing a strike on Kid with his sword. However, most of the punches found their mark, leaving bruises and causing damage to his body.

"HAAAAA!!!--…HAAAA!!!--*CRASH*--!!!" With a final punch, Kid sent Hawk tumbling to the ground, teeth and nose broken.

"AUGH!!--YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" Hawk held his bleeding nose in pain, his eyes turning fiery red as he glared at Kid. Fueled by anger, he relentlessly attacked Kid, his actions unceasing.

"'A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.' Is what Kai always say to me, I guess he was right about that" Kid remarked, drawing a connection to Hawk's actions. He understood, having battled anger problems himself over the years, especially during fights. However, under Kai's guidance, he gradually mastered the art of keeping his emotions in check amidst battles.

Kid skillfully evaded the attacks, biding time for a chance. When it emerged, he seized it without delay. As Hawk thrust his sword swiftly, he sidestepped, smoothly evading. Swiftly, he drew his dagger and disarmed Hawk with a deft hand stab. Swiftly following, he employed his feet to trip Hawk afterwards.

Hawk tumbled to the ground, his face meeting the earth. Before he could react, Kid swiftly positioned himself on Hawk's stomach, gripping his collar, and unleashed a barrage of punches to his face. The blows rained down relentlessly, leaving Hawk's visage swollen, bruised, and unrecognizable.

"A-AGHH…y-you…p-pirate…s-scum…" Hawk whispered the words, his voice barely audible. He was drenched in blood, his once-white marine attire now a deep shade of crimson.

"You miserable thing…let me put you out of your misery…*SPLASH*" Kid said as he grabbed his dagger and stabbed him in the heart, effectively ending his life.

"Huff…Huff…It feel so good, winning battles. I'm getting addicted to this…" Kid sat on the ground, gaze fixed on the sky, still drained from the previous fight, as Heat and Wire walked over.

"Good one Kid!"

"You really gave him a good beating!" They had some battle wounds too, but nothing major.

"I thought you guys already retrieved the bounties of those pirates that we hunted before?"

"We did but on our way back, we crossed paths with Killer, only to be ambushed by Marines. Spotting an explosion in this direction, we figured it had to be you. Thus, we came rushing to offer assistance. We ended up getting separated and Killer took the money back to the ship, just so you know" Wire briefed him.

"Ah yeah, Kai said that he was going back to check on the ship as well, I wonder if they went after him as well…well, there is no way this trash could defeat, he's my brother after all" Kid said as he scanned the area around him "Do you remember where they kept their money hidden?"

"Oh, I see what you're trying to do there!" Heat's mischievous grin in place, he and Wire led him to the office where they had previously collected bounties for the Claw Pirates' heads.

The office housed a sizable iron safe concealing the money. Kid and the others resolved to take it along with them.

"It should contain at least another dozen million or two" Heat stated, before he and Wire dragged it outside. However, as they were going to leave, an idea crossed Kid's mind and he immediately stopped and turned back to them.

"You know what? I have a great idea, hahaha!…" Kid told them, a grin stretching across his face at the thought of it.

"An idea?" Wire questioned, he looked curious about what Kid was thinking of.

"We should leave our mark in this place before leave, so…let's blow up this shit hole!"

Both Heat and Wire looked very surprised and taken aback by that suggestion, but they nodded in agreement, liking the idea as well "Hahaha! You never fail to come up with crazy ideas, Kid!…It certainly feels like something that Kai would do as well, let's go for it!"

"I can't wait to see his reaction!"

The three of them searched the marine base until they found the armory. It had all kind of different weapons stocked inside, including highly explosive weaponry which they use to set up the explosion. After they spread them across the facility's main buildings, they proceeded to light them up and then made a ran for it.

"Let's quickly leave before they explode!!" Kid exclaimed, and the three of them ran out of the base.

*KA-BOOOOM*-*KA-BOOOOOM* Shortly after departing the marine base, multiple large explosions went off from the heart of the facility. the explosions were so big and loud that they could be seen and heard from anywhere across the island. The Marine Base was devastated by that, and all that remained from the main buildings was rubbles.

"--What the hell is that?!" Bonney who was strolling around the town and looking for food, was shocked upon witnessing the explosions "That bastard didn't tell me about this!"

The citizens around the town all rushed to safety after witnessing that. Everyone was disoriented, and Bonney took that chance to steal food from a pizza shop while he wasn't paying attention.

"Hey wait! A thieve!...WAIT!!" When the shopkeeper noticed her, he quickly chased after her. Bonney took a turn into an alley before she used her power to turn herself into a child.

"Huh?...A kid?...Where the hell did that woman go?!"

"Bihihi! I guess I should go back now"

On the Victoria Punk,

Kai and Killer were chilling out inside the chip before they heard and witnessed the explosions as well. But unlike everyone else, the two just smiled without worries, they already knew that Kid was behind it.

"Kid surely is having fun…*KA-BOOOM*--!!!" Killer said, while calmly observing the explosions.

"Hehe! serves them right. Those marine bastards tried to confiscate our ship and arrest us, and although that's their job, they should also face the consequences of trying to mess with us" Kai said, satisfied about his brother's actions "Now they will have to waste money rebuilding the base".

A while later…

Kid and the rest finally returned to the ship.

"Oh guys, nice firework. I enjoyed it!" Kai said, while giving them the approving right thumb.

"Looks like we're not the only ones who had a fight…" Kid remarked as he noticed the defeated marines lying around the port dead and defeated, as well as the marine warship "Not bad, little bro"

"Very funny, did you forget who thought you how to fight you little shit?" Kai responded.

"Who the hell are you calling a little shit?! Is that how you speak to your older brother?!"

"Stop it with that older and younger brother shit already, we don't even know who came first"

"Speak for yourself, I clearly remember how I came out of our mother's womb"

Kai narrowed his eyes at that statement "You can't even remember what we had on launch yesterday"

"We had fish--"

"No, it was beans--"

"Yo!...*Munch*-*Munch*…" While the two were arguing, Bonney suddenly appeared on their side with a slice of pizza in her mouth. At first, she was confused, shifting her gaze back and forth between the two brothers before she had shocked expressions "Why is there two Kai's?!!"

"Who the hell are you calling Kai?!" Kid snapped at her before he turned back to Kai and asked him "Who is this girl?!"

"You'll get used to it" Killer said to her.

"You're back, Bonney…this the new crew-member, Jewelry Bonney…Bonney, this my brother Kid" Kai proceeded to introduce them to each other.

"A temporary crew-member!" Bonney emphasized that.

"A new crew-member?...don't go around recruiting useless people just because you took a liking on them"

"Do you trust me? You know me very well, do you think I'll go around recruiting useless people?" Kai seriously asked his brother. Kid looked at him for a moment before he spoke.

"Alright, it's on you if anything happens…I'll trust your decision" Kid said, he didn't mind his brother recruiting people since he trusts his decisions.

"Anyway, Heat what's our next destination?" Kai asked him, Heat took out the map and discussed something with the navigator before he turned back to him and responded.

"It's a place called Karate Island!"

"Karate Island?..." Bonney questioned, she seemed familiar with the name.

"You know the place?" Kai asked her, though he can't remember if the place was mentioned in the manga before or not.

"I heard it's a place where people can master many types of martial arts" Bonney informed everyone.

"Sounds interesting, should we visit? We might get some clues on that treasure on our stay there" Killer said to Kai.

"I agree, we might learn something new on our stay there…Alright, let's set sail to Karate Island!"

Next chapter