
Angel Island

[God's Land 'Skypiea', Angel Beach] 

"There is an island!!" Killer exclaimed as he noticed the buildings from a distance.

"It's Sky Island!!!" Bonney's eyes lit up in excitement while looking at the breathtaking view in front of her.

"It really feels like we entered the afterlife" Gin said. 

Krieg snorted in response "Hmph…I don't care about any of this, I'm not here to sight see. I just want to find the city of gold"

"Sucks to be you then!" Bonney said.

As the Victoria Punk approached the Sky Island's beach, Kai proceeded to hop off the ship and landed on the soft clouds "Let's disembark here!!" He ordered.

"The ground is really soft like a cotton" Kid commented as he followed his brother and landed on the beach as well.

"What about the anchor? There is probably no bottom in this sea right?" Killer asked them. 

"Just leave it there, I doubt something will happen to it" Kid responded with a grin before he took a look around the place.

Kureha raised an eyebrow at that answer, she sighed loudly before turning to Killer "Just put down the anchor, those soft clouds seem to be the structural basis of the sky islands"

Killer nodded in understanding, and he proceeded to put down the anchor with the help of Saga.

At the first look, you could see various plants and palm trees much like a tropical island. There is also a small resort near the beach with several lounge chairs made of clouds.

"Trees growing in the sky…what a wonderous world we live in" Kai muttered as he walked around the beach and sightseeing before he heard a sound coming from somewhere near his location. 

"Do you hear that?" Kid questioned as he also heard a sound of a musical instrument being played.

"Hey, someone's there!!" Saga pointed at a figure standing on top of large cloud and playing with a harp.

She is a relatively tall, slender young woman with blonde hair that she wears in two braided pig-tails and two antennae sticking out at the top of her head. Standing beside her is a small fox. 

"Who the hell is she?" Kid questioned. When Kai looked at her, he instantly recognized her as Conis.

"Heso!" She greeted them with a smile "Are you guys from the blue seas?"

"Yes, we flew up here from the bottom, I'm Kai and this is my crew" Kai approached her with a friendly smile introducing himself and the crew "Looking at your wings, you must be a native to sky island"

"Yes, I live here and this is Angel Beach of Skypiea…I'm Conis, if there is anything I could help you with please don't hesitate to ask" She said.

"Well, I would appreciate if you could take us in a tour around the place" Kai asked her, Conis smiled at that request.

She looked more than happy to do that "Of course, since you are new visitors here it would be impolite not to do so"


Conis proceeded to take the crew in a tour around the island while also explaining all sorts of things that they didn't understand.

She explained the Dials and their functions and how they work, showed them some of the technologies they used in their everyday life like the Wavers. She also explained the two natural cloud types, the sea clouds are the ones where ships can sail and they function much like the normal sea, and island clouds where people can walk.

After finishing the tour, she invited them to her house where she lives with her father Pagaya. A bald old man with a dark brown bear, and much like his daughter he has two antennae sticking out at the top of his head.

"Ok, finished!...This is Sky Island's special dish cooked with the sky seafood" Pagaya said while serving the food he cooked to everyone.

"Looks delicious!!" Bonney didn't wait for anyone, and she immediately grabbed a large piece of a cooked lobster and started eating it "Owaah! You're really a good cook old man!"

"I'm glad you like it"

While everyone was busy eating, Kai took the opportunity to ask Conis and Pagaya about something "I'd like to ask you about something"

"What is it that you want to know?" Conis questioned. 

"I want to know if maybe there is any special place around here?" Kai said, he didn't want to directedly ask about the Upper Yard since that would seem very suspicious "We came up here looking for the city of gold, I'd like to know if you have any information that could help us find it"

Conis and Pagaya both looked shocked after hearing that. The former looked at him nervously before she answered "It might be best that you forget about it for your own safety"

Everyone's attention was shifted to their conversation afterwards.

Kai's expressions turned serious, and he proceeded to ask her again "I appreciate your concern, but I would like to know anyway…As you might have guessed we're no ordinary people, we are pirates. We live by risking our lives so you don't have to worry about our safety" 

"Pirates you say?..." Pagaya sighed in response before speaking "In Skypiea there is one place where no one should ever enter. That place is very close to this island, with waver one can reach it very fast and It's where the God lives …"

"…Upper Yard" 

Kid raised an eyebrow after hearing that "God lives there? A place where no one should enter?...What stupid shit are you blabbering?"

"Yes, this is God's Land and it's ruled by the almighty God Enel" Conis stated, she had a look of fear in her face while saying that.

"It seems that the Upper Yard is our next stop then" Kai said, and everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Please don't act recklessly, if you anger God Enel you might suffer from the Heaven's Judgment" Conis urged them, but the looks on their faces suggested that they were not changing their minds about going to the Upper Yard.

"I don't care about who's ruling this place, I shall crush anyone who stand in my way!" Kid declared while clenching his fist.

"At least there is someone who thinks rationally in this crew" Krieg seems to agree with Kid's way of thinking. 

"I wonder what kind of power this Enel guy has for people to call him God" Killer said.

"Maybe some strong devil fruit" Saga speculated. 

Of course, Kai already knew all the information about him, after all the Goro Goro no Mi is one of the main reasons he wanted to visit the Sky Island in the first place.

Meanwhile at Angel Street in Angel Island, dozens of members of the White Berets, Skypiea's police force marched through the streets. Leading them is McKinley, the White Beret division captain.

He is a tall, well-built Skypiean man who bears the typical wings, as well as a small scar under his left eye. He wears the standard White Berets uniform, consisting of the namesake beret, a short-sleeved shirt, cloud-patterned flared-hip jodhpurs, and black boots.

"Squad greet!!" McKinley yelled and everyone responded in unison.

"Everyone, Heso!!"

The citizens looked at them with curiosity "They're the White Berets"

"Did something happen?"

"Everyone be careful!! Today there were some illegal trespassers who entered from angel beach!!" McKinley stated before he proceeded to question the citizens about Kai and the rest.

Once he found out that they were staying at Conis' house, he immediately led his forces there to arrest them. 

Outside the house, Conis and her father Pagaya were escorting Kai and the crew back to the ship.

"Are you guys sure about this, you might get in big trouble. God Enel is not someone you would want to anger" Pagaya said in worry while walking beside Kai at the front. 

"Save your breath old man, we ain't changing our minds" Kai calmly answered. It only took them a few minutes to go back to the beach where they anchored the ship.

"As you wish, if you want to reach the Upper Yard you can just sail in this direction…" Pagaya proceeded to show them the right direction in which they could get to the Upper Yard quickly.

"Alright, let's go there quickly. Can't wait to kick that Enel guy's ass" Kid said, before he closed his eyes while using Observation Haki and opened them again.

Suddenly, Saga shifted his gaze to the side, his hand calmly reached for his Katana "But before that…we might need to take care of some people" He said, prompting everyone to look there.

"We've got some company" Killer informed everyone. 

"I told you to pay the money at the Heaven's Gate boy" Kureha told Kai. 

"Don't worry, there are not even strong enough for a warmup" Kai calmly responded, he didn't look worried at all.

McKinley and his squad approached Kai and the crew, stopping a few meters away from them. They all proceeded to do the military salute and greeted Conis and Pagaya in the Skypiean way. 



"Hey there, Heso!!"

"What kind of language is that? they keep saying that 'Heso' word" Kid questioned in curiosity.

"Use your head a little, it means hello since they use it whenever they greet each other" Kai answered.

"Yeah, you probably right--wait!…what the hell do you mean by 'use your head a little'?!! I think you might have forgotten about your older brother's fist of love!! Stop being a smartass, or I'll kick your ass!!" Kid shouted.

Kai mocked him with a smirk in response "What fist of love are you talking about? Hehe, you can't even touch me remember?...*Thud*!!!" Kai said before smacking the top of his head.

"Ouch!!" Kid yelped in pain and tried to punch back his brother, only for his fist to pass threw Kai's body. Kai used Kid's momentum and used his leg to trip him down.

"Kahahahaha!!!" Kai burst out laughing at Kid who fell face down on the ground.

Kid's forehead veins bulged in anger, he immediately got up "That damn fruit you ate is a cheat!!"

"Lol, go learn some Haki instead of complaining like a loser. Life is not fair, remember?"

Kid gritted his teeth, his face was red in embarrassment and anger "H-Haha…I will do that just you wait"

Of course, Kai wasn't doing this to bully his brother but to motivate him to get stronger and learn Haki instead of getting overly reliant on his devil fruit, and also to burn into his mind that abilities alone aren't enough to conquer the seas and that only Haki can transcend all, just like Kaido said.

"Pay some attention to the situation you two!" Killer exclaimed.

After greeting Conis and her father, McKinley stepped forward and addressed the crew "You!! The citizens of the blue sea who illegally entered Skypiea!!"

"Illegal trespassers?!!" Conis and Pagaya were shocked after hearing that.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you that…" Kai said while scratching the back of his head.

'You liar' everyone thought in their minds at the same time.

"We received a report from Heaven's Gate watcher, it's a picture taken with a video dial" McKinley showed them a picture of them in the Victoria Punk. 

"Even so, they're not bad guys, isn't there any other way" Pagaya tried to negotiate with him, but he refused.

"Please stop arguing, the situation is not serious enough to cause panic. In Heaven's Judgement, illegally trespassing is only a class 11 crime, if you pay a fine that is 10 times the entry fee, you'll become regular tourists" McKinley stated. 

"Go fuck yourself!" Kid immediately responded while giving McKinley the middle finger.

"Very well then…Get them!!!!" McKinley ordered his squad, and they immediately attacked the crew.

Using bows and special arrows with a dial attached to their heads, they fired a puff of clouds that formed into a spherical shape. They then used their skates to ride on top of the clouds with their swords drawn.

"Clouds, huh?...Too bad for you I'm a cloud human, that's not going to work on me!" Kai grinned confidently as he quickly released a large mass of clouds and mixed it with the Sky Island clouds and the clouds they generated with the dials, and then proceeded to shoot several large columns from the ground and from different angles, hitting the police forces.



"Ehhh?!! He created clouds from his body?!" 

"What?!" Conis and Pagaya were dumbfounded while witnessing the scene in front them.

"Could it be a devil fruit?!" McKinley questioned, taken aback by Kai's power. 

Seeing the situation, Killer and Saga moved to support their captain. Killer swiftly slashed one of the enemies on the chest with his spinning blades while Saga used his katana to cut down another one.

With only the captain standing, Kai didn't even bother to approach him. From a distance, he mixed his clouds with the ground's clouds and created a massive fist that punched down McKinley and sent him flying back unconscious. 

"They defeated the White Berets…" Conis and Pagaya couldn't believe what they were seeing. 

"H-He can control the Sky Island's clouds, is he some kind of God?" Pagaya remarked. 

After finishing the fight, Kai wasted no time and immediately boarded the Victoria Punk "Let's go everyone!…to the Upper Yard!"

Next chapter