
Chapter 51: Annoying Fishes Appear

Exiting through the door that led to the lower decks of the Black Pearl I inhaled deeply.

Smelling the fresh air and enjoying a nice view of the sun rising. A giant smile on my face.

Because today is the day my crew and I will finally enter the Grand Line, and I will take my first steps in my journey to become the next pirate king.

'Today is going to be a glorious day.' I thought.

Just as I did so someone else came from below deck.


"Morning Reiju." I said to her.

"Morning captain." She replied.

A comfortable silence then fell over the two of us, and we began watching the morning sunrise together. As we did so I noticed a slightly pained expression on Reiju's face.

She's most likely remembering all those years ago when she parted with Sanji in the East Blue.

Speaking of which those two are going to have to wait a little longer for their reunion.

While I would love nothing more than for Sanji and Reiju to reunite and for a member of my crew to find some inner peace at the moment that's just not possible.

Why you ask?


That bastard Judge.

He knows that Reiju is alive.

Now I'm not sure if Judge knew Sanji was alive before the Zou/Whole Island Arcs happened in the original story but if he did and he learns that Reiju got into contact with him there's no telling what that sociopath might do.

He might kill Sanji to punish Reiju, or he might hold him as a hostage to force Reiju to return to Germa.

I am not sure what might happen.

That's why I cannot have these two meet.

But one day they will be reunited with each other.

Though that day probably won't happen until my crew and I completely crush Judge and Germa.

Because I know that Judge is too much a control freak both literally and figuratively to allow Reiju to simply continuing sailing as a member of our crew. No, he'll come at us hard the first chance he gets.

So it's not a question of if my crew and I will fight against Germa one day, but when. Because with those bastards peace isn't an option.

As the sunrise finished the pained expression I saw on Reiju's face vanished.

Once it did so the two of us got in some light training before we were called for breakfast.

Which was made by Weisz.

Since until we get a permanent cook as a member of the crew each of us who know how to took will take turns preparing the meals.

After breakfast was over the crew did some final checks on the Black Pearl. We made sure all our supplies from food to medical was stocked, and we also made sure the Black Pearl herself had no issues, like external damage.

Once everything was said and done we set sail from Loguetown, heading for Reverse Mountain.

To finally enter into the Grand Line.

The place that would make all our dreams come true.


As the Black Pearl got closer and closer to the entrance to of Reverse Mountain my excitement grew more and more.

Lightly jumping up and down I feel like a kid given free reign in a candy store, or a virgin about to lose their V-card to a sexy older milf who wants to spoil them.

"The Grand Line. We're almost there. Guys' we're almost there." I said excitedly to my crewmates.

"Ok, ok we get it. Calm down." Weisz spoke.

"How can I when we're about to enter the Grand Line. The greatest sea in the entire world!" I spoke. My mind racing, thinking about all the insane adventures my crew and I are about to have.

"Fufufu, you sure have a lot of energy today captain." Robin spoke.

"Of course." I replied. "I always have energy. More than I know what to do with most of the time actually. So, maybe you could help me out in burning some of it off?" I spoke. Giving Robin a suggestive look as I did so.

"Oh my." Robin said. She then lightly giggled at my words.

Meanwhile Rean and Weisz were looking at me like I was a dead man walking. But when they say Alfia wasn't moving to strangle me both of their mouths dropped open in complete and utter shock.

Seeing this I put and smirk on my face and looked in their direction. "Weisz, Rean, whatever seems to be the matter? You two look like you've just seen a ghost."

Although I know why are they shocked. I simply want to screw with them.


Because I can it doesn't cost me a damn thing. Plus I enjoy it oh so very much.

"You...You....Flirting, and...Robin...Alfia." Weisz stuttered. Unable to form a complete sentence.

As he continued to try and do so he suddenly stopped in turned his gaze in the right direction of the Black Pearl. The rest of us did so as well. Most likely since we all sensed the same with our observation haki.

A ship speeding directly towards us.

"Bepo, binoculars." I called. Holding up my left hand in Bepo's direction who is steering the ship.

"Ha, captain!" Bepo replied.

A second after he did so the polar bear mink tossed a pair of binoculars at me and I caught them easily. I then brought them up to my eyes and looked through them, seeing who was approaching us so rapidly.

It is a pirate vessel.

Specifically the Arlong Pirates.

Seeing this I put a savage grin on my face.

Because out of all characters that every appeared in the One Piece series Arlong is one on the top of my shit list. Despite sailing with Fisher-Tiger and hearing his message over and over again that bastard spat all over it and disgraced himself as a former member of the Sun Pirates by enslaving Nami and her village as well as the entirety of the Conomi Islands.

Not to mention killing Belle-mere.

When I watched Arlongs' actions in the anime I swore that if I could ever meet that bastard in real life I would end up him without hesitation.

Now here he is coming to me.

It looks like some dreams really do come true.

Taking the binoculars away from my eyes I looked at the others. "The incoming vessel is a pirate ship. Prepare for battle." I told the others.

Which they began doing.

Though what I forgot to mention is that this wouldn't simply be a battle but a complete and utter slaughter.

It's time to turn Arlong and his crew into sashimi.

Next chapter