
Encountering Whitebeard Pirates

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The allure of renown can yield a multitude of advantages, not least of which is the potential to bolster one's future ascension through the ranks.

Such accolades would be etched into their records, serving as a stepping stone upon their graduation from the elite training camp, propelling them towards higher echelons of command.

The exceptional feats of Brontes, Sakazuki, and Borsalino had not gone unnoticed, capturing the collective gaze of the marines stationed at the G-2 base.

However, the toll of their heroic endeavors had left Brontes and his comrades severely wounded, necessitating a period of convalescence at the base.


A span of ten days elapsed.

Zed rallied his recruits and embarked on their next mission. Their course, however, did not lead them further into the treacherous waters of the New World.

The Golden Lion Pirates, in their frenzied state, were scouring the seas for Zed's warship, driven by a desire to reclaim their tarnished reputation.

The World Government's propaganda machine had painted the Golden Lion Pirates as the defeated party, a humiliation that had shaken Shiki's standing as an overlord. Numerous pirates, emboldened by this perceived weakness, had dared to encroach upon his territory. Their audacity, however, had only served to fuel Shiki's wrath, transforming these pirate groups into historical footnotes and outlets for his pent-up fury.


Thus, two months slipped away.

During this time, Brontes and his comrades faced a series of formidable pirate groups. Among the pirates they crossed paths with were the Whitebeard Pirates, a chance encounter that took them by surprise.


[Approximately 15 days prior.]

In the unpredictable waters of the New World, their marine warship navigated the waves with a measured pace.

Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared on the horizon.

"It's Whitebeard Pirates!" A marine soldier, recognizing the emblem on the pirate flag, cried out in alarm.

The Whitebeard Pirates, seemingly aware of their warship's identity, made a deliberate approach.

It wasn't that they couldn't evade the Whitebeard Pirates. Even if Brontes and his comrades wished to steer clear, Zed would never consent.

The marines were not known to flee or sidestep pirates, especially not under the leadership of someone as resolute as Zed.

Furthermore, the primary objective of the Elite Camp's internship was to acquire hands-on experience and engage in combat with genuine pirates.

The essence of this internship was to confront formidable pirates. If they were to retreat simply because their opponents were among the world's most powerful pirates, it would render the entire internship futile.

Moreover, they had already clashed with the Golden Lion Pirates, not only surviving the encounter but also triumphing over their crew. If they could stand against them, why not the Whitebeard Pirates?

Zed commanded the warship to hold its position, awaiting the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Good heavens, does Instructor Zed truly intend to engage the Whitebeard Pirates in battle? That man is a veritable beast." Borsalino said, his countenance etched with apprehension.

"Are you familiar with him?" Brontes inquired, turning to Borsalino.

"I've encountered him once before. He's an intimidating figure, arguably the most formidable in the seas at present." Borsalino replied gravely.

It was then that Brontes recalled Borsalino's comparison of the young Whitebeard to Edward Weevil, the future Shichibukai. Clearly, Borsalino had witnessed the peak of Whitebeard's power.

Brontes knows only a little bit of Borsalino's background, save for the fact that he hailed from a wealthy family, a stark contrast to Sakazuki and Kuzan who were orphans.

The only drawback was Borsalino's inherent laziness, and his overreliance on his potent fruit ability, which led to a neglect of his physical and swordsmanship skills.

"Gurararara, Zed, it's been quite some time since our paths last crossed." Before the ship had even drawn near, a booming laughter echoed across the water, reaching the ears of Brontes and his comrades.

A man donned in a white hat, with golden hair cascading down his shoulders, and wielding a naginata, stood on the deck of the Moby-Dick.

"Whitebeard." Zed acknowledged, with a serious look on his face.

"I've heard tales of your recent exploits in the New World, leading a band of young recruits, three of whom are logia fruit users. Quite an impressive feat, Zed. The Marines seem to be teeming with promising talent."

"Indeed." Zed responded, his voice resonating across the water, the pride in his tone unmistakable.

"I had assumed you'd retired, but here you are, shepherding a group of greenhorns through the New World, even daring to challenge that bastard Shiki."

"Gurararara! I must say, that's quite commendable." Whitebeard chuckled.

"Indeed, when these young ones come of age, I believe the world will see the end of piracy." Zed declared, a confident smile on his face.

"You seem quite assured of that, but it's an impossible feat. Pirates won't vanish from this world simply because you wish it so, or because you possess the power to quell their ambitions. As long as the sea exists, as long as dreams persist, there will be pirates."

"And let's not forget the World Nobles. Their presence ensures that piracy will never be eradicated from this world." Whitebeard added.

"Pirates are pirates, regardless of their motivations. Your existence brings chaos and danger to the lives of ordinary people." Zed's disdain for the World Nobles was palpable, but his loathing for pirates was even deeper.

"Let's leave this discussion here. I find it hard to believe that your presence here is mere coincidence." Zed had no desire to continue this conversation, and he found Whitebeard's timely appearance too precise to be a chance encounter.

This sea region, nestled in the heart of the New World, was seldom frequented by pirates of Whitebeard's caliber.

Clearly, Whitebeard's sudden appearance had an underlying motive.

Zed surmised that, much like Shiki, Whitebeard sought a confrontation.

Whitebeard, a man of considerable wisdom, quickly discerned Zed's suspicions. He laughed heartily: "Gurararara! Zed, I didn't come here seeking a fight. Our meeting is purely coincidental. I heard that bastard Roger was sailing in this vicinity. I merely came to find him, but I didn't expect to encounter you."

"Moreover, I heard rumors of three logia fruit users aboard your ship, and I was curious to see them."

Upon hearing Whitebeard's words, Brontes, Sakazuki, and Borsalino stepped forward, positioning themselves behind Zed.

"Ah, so these are the three, yes? They seem quite promising, though they're still green." Whitebeard boomed, raising his fist.

A transparent white halo materialized around his fist, and a formidable power radiated from his being.


A battle-honed intuition warned Brontes and the others of the immense danger this man posed.

"Be careful!" Zed cautioned, stepping back and yielding the deck to the trio.

Knowing that Whitebeard wasn't seeking a fight out of malice, but rather out of curiosity, Zed didn't intervene. He wanted the three to witness the might of the world's strongest pirates.

"Who's going first?" Borsalino asked, glancing at Brontes in the center and Sakazuki beside him.

"I'll go first." Brontes said, his eyes alight with anticipation.

"No, I will go!" Sakazuki chimed in immediately after Brontes.

"Hey, don't squabble, you two. I think it's wiser to attack together. Whitebeard isn't someone we can handle individually." Borsalino interjected, his voice tinged with resignation.

Brontes fixed his gaze on Whitebeard, his voice steady: "I wish to see the distance between us and 'The Strongest Man in the World'. Allow me a moment. I'm curious to test the strength of his Quake-Quake Fruit. After that, you two can join forces, and I won't stand in your way."


No sooner had he finished speaking than a streak of lightning marked the spot where he had stood. He vanished, only to reappear on the gun platform of the warship.


When Brontes appeared again, a coin was pinched between his thumb and forefinger.

"Zlizli! Rumble!"

In the next instant, lightning erupted from Brontes's body.

"He's preparing to use that move again. A terrifying ability that can pierce through five ships in a single strike!" Borsalino murmured under his breath.

Next chapter