

As Damien Blackwood delved into his latest reward, the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, he found himself in awe of its power and precision. With the aid of his task system, he seamlessly mastered the art with unparalleled speed and proficiency.

In the midst of a secluded training ground, Damien stood poised and focused, his movements fluid and precise as he executed the techniques of the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. With each strike, he felt the energy coursing through his body, channeling the force of the technique with effortless grace.

As he sparred with imaginary opponents, Damien marveled at the versatility of the martial art. Not only could it deflect the attacks of his adversaries, but it also allowed him to redirect their force with twice the power, turning their own strength against them with devastating effect.

As Damien Blackwood took a well-deserved break from his relentless pursuit of bounty hunting, he embarked on a journey to explore some of the most renowned islands in the One Piece world. From the bustling streets of Loguetown to the vibrant markets of Water 7, Damien immersed himself in the rich culture and vibrant atmosphere of each unique destination.

As he traveled from island to island, Damien couldn't help but notice a curious absence – the art of surfing seemed to be unknown to the inhabitants of these lands. Intrigued by this discovery, Damien decided to indulge in one of his favorite pastimes from his previous life.

With a sense of exhilaration coursing through his veins, Damien sought out the most imposing waves he could find, eager to test his skills on the tumultuous seas. Donning his ever-present mask, which concealed his identity from prying eyes, Damien took to the waves with a sense of abandon, the roar of the ocean drowning out all other distractions.

With each exhilarating ride, Damien felt a surge of adrenaline rush through him, the thrill of conquering nature's might filling him with a sense of euphoria. As he rode the crest of massive waves, the sheer power of the ocean washing over him, Damien found himself at one with the elements, his spirit soaring on the windswept currents.

After a month of indulging in the pleasures of island life, Damien Blackwood's respite came to an end as he turned his attention back to his duties as a bounty hunter. With a sense of purpose, he accessed his task system to discover his next assignment

[Task: Hunt Black Cat Pirates{Reward: Flash Step}]

As the full moon cast its eerie glow upon the tranquil waters of Syrup Village, Damien Blackwood, guided by the ethereal flames of Ignis, approached the ship of the Black Cat Pirates with silent determination. Utilizing his Fish-Men bloodline, he moved stealthily beneath the vessel, planting a multitude of bombs with expert precision.

With his preparations complete, Damien made his way to the castle of Kaya, where he observed the notorious pirate captain Kuro emerging under the cover of night to rendezvous with his crew. Jango and the Cat Brothers awaited their leader's return, their anticipation palpable in the moonlit darkness.

As Kuro conversed with his subordinates, Damien activated the detonator in his hand, unleashing a devastating barrage of explosions that tore through the Black Cat Pirates' ship with merciless force. The vessel was engulfed in flames, its structure shattered and splintered by the explosive onslaught.

Jango was swiftly consumed by the fiery inferno, their lives extinguished in an instant. Yet, Kuro miraculously survived the initial onslaught, though grievously wounded and plummeting through the air amidst the wreckage of his ship.

With lethal precision, Damien unleashed a barrage of gunfire upon the airborne pirates, dispatching the Cat Brothers with ruthless efficiency. Kuro, however, proved to be a more formidable adversary, using his claws to deflect the bullets as he fought to stay aloft.

Undeterred, Damien swiftly switched tactics, unleashing a powerful RPG capable of launching multiple missiles simultaneously. With a deafening roar, the missiles streaked through the air, converging upon Kuro with deadly accuracy.

In a final, desperate attempt to evade his impending doom, Kuro braced himself for the impact. But it was futile. The missiles struck with devastating force, obliterating the pirate captain in a hail of fiery destruction.

As the echoes of the explosion faded into the night, Damien surveyed the scene before him, his mission accomplished with ruthless efficiency.


[Flash step]

As chaos erupted in the aftermath of the explosive confrontation, Kaya, accompanied by her guard and Usopp, rushed to the scene to investigate the source of the disturbance. Horror and revulsion washed over them as they beheld the grisly aftermath of the battle – the shattered remnants of the Black Cat Pirates strewn across the wreckage.

The sight proved too much for Kaya to bear, and she doubled over in distress, her stomach heaving as she fought back the urge to vomit. Usopp, his expression a mixture of shock and disbelief, could only watch in stunned silence as Ghost swiftly moved to collect the broken and dismembered bodies of Kuro, Jango, and the Cat Brothers, storing them within his ring with a solemn efficiency.

With the grim task completed, Ghost wasted no time, mounting Ignis and departing swiftly for the nearby naval branch to claim the bounty on the fallen pirates. The villagers, still reeling from the violence that had erupted on their doorstep, could only watch in stunned silence as Ghost and Ignis disappeared into the night, leaving behind a scene of devastation and destruction.

As Ghost arrived, riding atop his fiery steed Ignis, a sense of urgency swept through the naval soldier stationed nearby. Without delay, he summoned Captain Boar to the scene, who approached with a hearty laugh, his demeanor relaxed yet expectant.

"Hahahaha, Ghost, it's been a while. Let's see who wasn't lucky this time," Boar exclaimed jovially as Ghost presented the bodies of the Black Cat Pirates.

Upon inspecting the remains, it became evident that Jango and Kuro were beyond recognition, their forms ravaged by the force of Ghost's assault. Only the bodies of the Black Cat Brothers remained identifiable, prompting confusion among the onlookers.

The naval soldier voiced his perplexity, acknowledging the presence of the Cat Brothers but expressing bewilderment over the unrecognizable corpses.

Ghost said, "The other two are Kuro and Jango."

"How is this possible? Weren't they killed by Morgan?" Boar speculated, turning to Ghost for answers.

Ghost, his demeanor unchanged beneath his mask, calmly revealed the truth. "The Kuro slain by Morgan was a decoy. Kuro had deceived him, orchestrating his own escape," Ghost explained succinctly.

Boar pondered Ghost's revelation, considering the possibility that Morgan had been duped by Kuro's ruse. "Perhaps Morgan was indeed deceived," Boar mused aloud, his thoughts racing as he contemplated the implications of Ghost's words.

Sensing an opportunity to assist, Boar extended an invitation for Ghost to remain at the naval branch. "Why not stay awhile, Ghost? I trust you, but I still need assistance in identifying the remaining bounties. Besides, we could use your help in securing the funds from headquarters. After all, a significant portion of our earnings tends to slip through our fingers and into yours," Boar suggested with a wry smile.

Ghost considered Boar's proposal briefly before responding, his voice devoid of emotion. "I will return tomorrow morning to collect them," he stated simply before bidding farewell and departing with Ignis into the night, leaving behind a sense of intrigue and anticipation for the events yet to unfold.

Marshall Sengoku listened intently as Captain Boar relayed the situation, nodding thoughtfully at the news of Kuro's survival. "It seems that bastard Kuro managed to slip through our fingers once again," Sengoku remarked with a hint of frustration. "But good work, Boar. You've done well to bring Ghost in."

Boar acknowledged the praise with a nod, his expression reflecting a mix of satisfaction and determination. "Thank you, Marshall. I'll make sure everything is ready for his arrival tomorrow morning."

Sengoku paused for a moment before responding, his voice carrying a note of determination. "Wait, Boar. I'll send someone with the bounty and a negotiator to speak with Ghost."

Boar furrowed his brow in thought before voicing his suspicions. "Marshall, I suspect Ghost may not be as old as we originally thought. He was recently sighted riding a wave on some kind of plank, and in the photos where his skin is exposed, it looks remarkably healthy and youthful. Furthermore, our agents investigated the shops where he purchased his supplies. The shopkeeper's diary revealed that an unknown man frequently bought cold drinks and food, but never any wine."

Sengoku's expression grew more serious as he absorbed the information. "Interesting. Keep a close eye on him, Boar. We need to learn more about this Ghost."

With their conversation concluded, both men turned their attention to the preparations for Ghost's expected visit the following morning, each harboring their own questions and suspicions about the mysterious bounty hunter who had become a thorn in the side of piracy in the East Sea.

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