
One Piece: One Punch Man

Byakuya transmigrates to the world of One Piece with the One Punch Man System, but it takes 3 years of Saitama Training before the Saitama Templates and system are activated. As a Marine, he upholds Justice in his heart and is also a Hero. But while he has a Heart of Justice, as a Hero, he is a Hero with Interest. People live with a dream, and his dream is World Peace, Byakuya will use his power to achieve his dream. Disclaimer: This is Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:OPM NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 48: New Marine Regulations

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The Den Den Mushi mimicked Sengoku's slightly awkward expression. 

From Byakuya's tone, Sengoku could guess that Byakuya had figured out he had been used as a pawn. 

"Ahem... Byakuya, I am still the Fleet Admiral, your superior, and your mentor Zephyr has been my old comrade for decades. Is this really how you talk to me?"

Byakuya chuckled, "Should I call my mentor and tell him how his old comrade treated his only disciple?"

Sengoku felt a headache coming on. This kid was tough to handle, not responding to either threats or kindness. 

Besides, Sengoku knew he was in the wrong. "Fine, fine, you're Zephyr's disciple, which makes you half my disciple." 

"It's only right to look out for you. Let's not bother your mentor over such a small matter. What do you want?"

Byakuya's tone was downright rude as he said, "Either give me 10 billion Berries for military expenses or give me control over islands 1-29 of Sabaody."

Byakuya had every right to be rude, and Sengoku knew it, which was why he had chosen to use Byakuya in the first place. 

Byakuya knew it too, which gave him the confidence to speak to Sengoku this way. Now, Byakuya was just asking for a little compensation for his trouble.

The Den Den Mushi showed a shocked expression. "Why don't you just rob a bank for 10 billion Berries?"

"If I weren't wearing this Marine uniform, I might consider it."

Sengoku knew Byakuya's strength. If he wanted to go rogue, the Four Emperors could very well become the Five Emperors. 

With a sigh, Sengoku relented, "Alright then, you can have control over islands 1-29 of Sabaody. There are seven branch bases; I'll notify them to follow your orders."

Seeing his objective achieved, Byakuya's tone immediately turned respectful. 

"Thank you, Fleet Admiral Sengoku. I will manage islands 1-29 well and ensure you have no worries."

Sengoku was taken aback by Byakuya's quick change in attitude. After a brief silence, Sengoku warned, "Be careful not to overdo it and watch your back."

"Don't worry, I've got this." After hanging up, Byakuya smugly said, "See? Such a simple matter, solved with a phone call."

Smoker and the others remained silent. For Byakuya, this was simple. 

If any other Rear Admiral had spoken to Sengoku like that, they would have been demoted at best, or locked up in Impel Down at worst.

"Since islands 1-29 of Sabaody are now under our control, we'll stick to the original plan but add a few more details," Byakuya said, ready to take on a big challenge.

The next morning, all of Sabaody Archipelago was in an uproar. Marine soldiers stood guard at the docks, streets, and intersections. 

New Marine regulations were posted everywhere. The regulations read:

1. Entry Fee: Everyone arriving on the island must pay an entry fee of 100,000 Berries per person, due monthly. Trespassers will be executed!

2. Docking Fee: Ships docked at the port must pay a docking fee of 1,000,000 Berries per ship, due monthly. Trespassers will be executed!

3. Prohibition of Private Fights: Private fights are prohibited on the island. If a fight is necessary, arenas are available at the center of each island for a fee of 1,000,000 Berries. Private fighters will be executed!

4. Merchant Tax: All merchants must pay a monthly tax of 10% of their profits. Each transaction must be recorded with the time, place, buyer, and amount. Inaccurate records will result in execution and the confiscation of the entire store!

6. Regulation of Illicit Trades: Transactions involving weapons, drugs, or slaves must be reported to the Marine to be protected. Unreported transactions will not be protected by the Marine, and if discovered, all goods will be confiscated and the perpetrators executed!

The overarching themes of these regulations were money and death. 

People who saw the new rules declared that this wasn't just a crackdown; it was a predatory extortion. 

The lawless area was known for its lack of rules, but now, someone was trying to enforce regulations, something unprecedented in decades. 

Even Byakuya's own Marine soldiers were skeptical about his actions, but as these were orders from a superior, they had no choice but to comply.

Soldiers distributed the new regulations on the streets, but many people refused to take them. 

Some even tore the flyers to shreds and threw them back in the soldiers' faces. For a moment, the chaotic lawless area seemed to unite against a common enemy.

"I've been to the lawless zone many times and I've never seen such ridiculous regulations," one pirate captain raged.

"Has the Marine gone mad for money? Do they even know why this place is called the lawless zone?" another complained. 

"Pay fees? I'll pay nothing! Who's with me to raid the Marine base on this island?"

Such sentiments spread like wildfire across Sabaody. The news quickly reached Sengoku. 

After carefully reviewing Byakuya's regulations, Sengoku did not find them excessive; in fact, he thought they were quite reasonable. 

In troubled times, strict measures are necessary.

In a lawless zone like this, only the threat of death can enforce obedience. 

However, implementing such regulations will likely face significant resistance from various factions. It's uncertain if Byakuya can withstand the pressure.

New World, Dressrosa Kingdom

In a mansion within the kingdom, Doflamingo, clad in his signature pink feathered coat, sat at the highest seat, surrounded by the executives of the Donquixote Family. 

He held the new regulations issued by Byakuya in the Sabaody Archipelago.

After reading the five rules, Doflamingo let out his eerie laugh, "Fuffuffuffu, it seems the Marine officer who issued these regulations has quite a bloodthirsty nature!"

Torrebol, seated in the front row, remarked, "Young Master, if these regulations are actually enforced in Sabaody Archipelago, it could significantly impact our business."

Diamante, fiddling with his sword, said nonchalantly, "I hear the one who issued the regulations is just a Marine Rear Admiral. 

Why don't we just quietly get rid of him? Even if the Marine finds out it was us, they can't do anything about it!"

Doflamingo shook his head, disagreeing with Diamante's suggestion. 

"We can't act rashly. This Byakuya is said to be Zephyr's disciple and is not to be underestimated." 

"If we do decide to take action, we must ensure the Marine can't trace it back to us."

Doflamingo wasn't afraid of Zephyr, nor, to an extent, the Marine itself. 

However, with their dealings with the Beast Pirates becoming more stable, any rash action that attracted the Marine's attention and disrupted their business could provoke Kaido, who would not hesitate to kill him.

<End Chapter>

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