

Life has been kinda boring lately, and I feel grossed out with all the events going on around the world. With my everyday life messed up, The world is the least of my problems.

Actually, the world could burn along with all the people. It would have been interesting to watch, I might have paid for that If it were possible.

A ball swiftly soared through the air and hit my forehead. My body flinched as I dropped to the floor.

That hurts, What was that all about?

My eyes moved towards the direction of the ball, and the figure of two kids looked at me with all innocent expressions. It's like they had no idea what they did.

I hate kids, I would have bought front-row tickets to see them burn.

My eyes gaze turned glaring, whilst the kids instinctively clung to each other while looking at me with innocent-looking eyes. If someone looked at us, I would be the one bullying them.

What am I doing? It's useless, I shouldn't have wasted my energy coming all the way here to buy food. Going hungry for one day is better than Interacting with humans, or this wretched existence.

I zipped my jacket and put on my hood, deciding to walk away as if nothing happened. Trying to argue with Kids was a waste of time with nothing to gain except losing energy.

I turned around and took a step in the opposite direction.

"Nice Uncle, Could you pass us the ball?" A voice fell on my ears from behind, There was no doubt it belonged to a kid.

Annoying! And I am just Eighteen for God's sake, you dumb Kids. How dare you even think of asking me to pass that ball, the same one you hit me with.

My gaze turned dark, as I forcefully turned to face. As I looked at them, What annoyed me most was the smiley face of two kids, that for sure had been planning to mock me. I could swear, My instincts had already declared those as evil, and unworthy to live.

"What did you say about the ball, Brats?" My annoyance could be clearly heard in the voice.

"Pass the Ball, Annoying uncle!" Another kid replied to me, whilst carrying a smirk on his face.

I snapped after that. These kids were no doubt trying to exploit the benefits of being kids. If I let this slide, then I won't be able to sleep for months and they would hunt me in my dreams.

"Ball was it? You can have it if you want it that much, Annoying brat!" I yelled loudly with resentment. I dashed towards the balls and kicked them with all my might, Mustering all the muscular power on my legs.

I never knew I could hit this fast. Call me surprised!

The ball hurled towards the kids at a massive pace, and within a second, a kid was down for the count with the ball smashing his face. The annoying Brat was knocked out in a second while the other Brat looked horrified, as he looked at his friend bleeding through his nose and passing out.

"No, Mama- This uncle is trying to hit me, Waah!" The other kid who was not hit rushed in the opposite direction of me.

I think I just overdid it, but I don't care.

I could see the kid rushing straight, and I could see a Truck on its way from the left. If my calculations were not wrong then the kid would be dead for sure.

It was his decision to rush, so let him die.

"Hahaha!" I laughed as I turned around.

I don't want to witness splashing blood after he turns to a bloody pulp of meat, It would add to the nightmares.

Beep… Beppo…


I turned my head as I heard the sounds of a truck ring close to my ear, and there It was in its glory. It seemed like it looked down on me as if it was about to kill me.

I knew I was done for, and At the last moment, My eyes towards the kid who was supposed to be the kid.

He was still running, and the already crossed street. My brain ran at the speed of a supercomputer as I managed to pull out a detailed report of what just happened.

The truck driver most likely changed the direction at the last moment, and the kid was saved but unfortunately, The direction he changed into happened to be mine.

I am standing here, A couple of meters away from the Truck awaiting death.

Crash… Splatter…

"This is a Karma overdose!" These words murmured out of my mouth, as I was turned to a pulp of meat and my body splattered all over the street.

I was helpless, with this, an innocent normal Loner also a claim was killed on that wretched day, due to some kid.

If I could live the event a few minutes ago, I would kill both kids and go-to Jail for the rest of my life. And, If the cops interfered, I would kill them as well.

Life as a criminal would have been a good one, I should've tried out for one of the gangs. Maybe, I might have been something great in the process, a legend.

Humans are evil, everyone is dark. They should all die and get roasted in hell for God's sake.

Huh! I just realized, but how am I thinking if I am dead? So, am I still alive but I don't feel anything? This is hard to understand, am I going to hell or what.

|It's time to judge you and decide your fate, either you will be sent to hell or heaven. The judgment begins now.|

So, I am being judged. This is weird but what can I say? Maybe, I will go to heaven since I don't think I killed someone or something big like that except for some small sins.

|Hmmm, Interesting! You seem to have concentrated on all seven deadly sins! Although, you never killed someone physically or hurt them.|

Isn't this wrong? I never did anything wrong, I mean are you sure everything is right with the reports?

|The reports are perfect, let me give an example. Although you never killed someone or hurt them physically in a life-threatening way, You mentally in your head, Brutally killed many and committed sins|

|Sin of slouch, You were the laziest person in the world. the sin of lust, Sin of envy, Sin of Greed and all other deadly sins. I can't even describe your thoughts |

|You decided to turn a blind eye to the kid getting killed, although you were at fault for smashing one of the kids' faces. You are evil, the only thing limiting you is the Slouch and if you had taken over the slouch then I can't even imagine the horrible deeds you would commit.|

But in the end, I never did, so let the bygones be bygones and leave it at that.

|Impudent, Rot in the deepest corner of hell.|


My world turned upside down as I felt my soul shatter as I was being sucked in through a red hole. The contents inside the hole were visible as scary voices in form of lullabies could be heard.

Desperate cries of soul and brutal cries made me terrified. My soul instinctively knew that was hell and was telling me to avoid that no matter the cost.

But, I knew my voice and cries were in vain, and couldn't escape this fate. How could a human escape the will of Gods?

"Satan! Get me out of here, and I promise to bring chaos to whichever world I would be born in…!"

No response…

As I left the hope, an evil voice sounded that made I should tremble in fear. Even the god from before seemed scared.

|Interesting….Making deal with the Devil in such a way, How very interesting.|

|Very well, Whatever pisses God makes me happy and this is a perfect way…Kukuku…!|

That was easy…!

The space tore apart, and the void was formed asI fell down through the void, and whatever happened was history.

|Satan, How dare you? God won't take this lightly after you disturbed the reincarnation cycle.|

Suddenly the being from before had his four limbs cut apart. A pair of bloody red eyes appeared before him.

|Know your place, Slave|

So he was just a messenger of God, he was sure acting cocky for no reason. I like the way Satan does things.


After Nine months,

I didn't have any consciousness but when I did, It was all empty and dark. Although It felt empty, I knew I was congested and my body was stiff.

Sure enough, I am inside a womb.

I started kicking around the womb, signaling I was ready to come out. I have been patient for a week, checking my body function so I don't mess up in middle and die after hurrying to get out fast.

Something grabbed me, and with a strong pulling force I was brought out outside. A bright light shines through my eyes, as I finally was brought back to the world of the living.

|Congratulations! It's a boy…!| The nurse stated, as she gently held me in her hands.

The mother smiled as he looked at me.

The mother seemed a little surprised as she asked the nurse, "Why isn't he crying? I thought kids cried after they were given birth to."

The nurse looked at the child, as her expression shifted. She looked rather pale when she was about to reply. A voice landed in my ears, It was a man this time.

"Jihahaha, It would be a shame if he cried, he is no ordinary kid, It would be a shame to captain if he cried." I couldn't see his face, as the nurse blocked my view.

The nurse suddenly bowed as she saw the man, and that let me have a quick glance at him. Although I found it familiar, I didn't recognize the man.

Who in the world is he? Maybe my father.

"Brat! If you had cried, I would have killed you since Captain's kid wasn't supposed to be weak so It meant you were an illegitimate child."

Captain? So he is not my father.

"Hey woman, What did the captain name him? I don't think he bothered but anyways."

She looked at him with no fear whatsoever before he slowly spoke, "He doesn't have to, I can name him."

As she spoke the words, Suddenly an evil voice sounded in the room and a figure with spiky hair walked inside the room.

"Woman! You dare to name my child."

The figure spoke to the woman, as he looked at her. Even I could feel the powers in his gaze, he looked like a madman, A tyrant from movies.

This man is a problem, I have a bad feeling about this.

He then looked at the man from before with blonde hair and beard, the man didn't flinch as he looked at him in his eyes.

"A new bounty poster was issued today, so I thought why not show it to the kid and let him know what he is." The man took out a bounty poster.

The man turned his gaze towards the kid as he slowly walked towards him.

He took the bounty poster from Shiki's hand and opened it in Infront of me. As I looked at the poster, my world was flipped upside down as I knew very well who this man was.



Rocks D. Xebec

Dead or Alive

5.400.321.000 B


He is Rocks D. Xebec, and the person next to him must be Shiki the golden lion in his youth.

Wait, Wasn't he destined to fall in God's valley?

I have no idea the timeline, and the time before the war with the marines.

"The day you were born, I reached the highest bounty in the seas. Now, We will prepare for war soon enough. The day you turn Eight, I will be sitting on the top of the world, Kukuku!"

"It's good to see the captain in high spirits."

Satan, That fucker! He made me take birth to her, so I couldn't back down from my promise even if I wanted to.

"This boy will be named, Rocks D. Asther."

Asher means Happiness, Of course, he is since I am living clock for his declaration of war.

[A/N: There will be First person POV and Third person POV, I would usually go with THIRD person POV but some chapters will be on First person POV.]

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