
Chapter 7 Conversation with Senpai

**/(AN: Will use these for dreams and visions)

**/ Long long ago. When the concept of Time was not yet established. When Beginning and End was non-existent. Before Nothingness and Infinity, there exist the Great Primordial Constants. The-- /**

//3 Days Later//

Jack woke up from a dream having the second greatest headache he had in his two lives. The first being the torture he experienced of course.

"Urgh.. damn it, my head hurts like hell!"

"You know for a kid, your mouth is surpisingly dirty." A female voice chastised him.

"Yeah? How about you use your mouth to su-- who's there?!"

Jack sprang up from his sleeping position as he allowed his haki to pulse all around. He don't know if they are enemy or foe but he can just ask them after they are knocked out. Suprisingly though.



Two Haki auras clashed which blowed away the surroundings. Jack was surprised but only for a second, he stopped himself from holding back, flaring his purple aura all around.


The other person was caught off guard and was thrown away by the sheer pressure. Still, the other person gathered her bearing and landed effortlessly to the ground.

"You really are too strong a King for your age. Are you really only about 4-5 years old?"

The woman asked in curiosity. She did not seemed to mind his earlier comments.

'She is the first system user. Also, you owe her big time.' This time, Mei's voice rang and informed Jack.

(AN: It is clear that Mei, the one who was supposed to be the system's AI was the not the system so I will stop using [] when she talks.

He kept on staring at the woman, specifically her C cup breasts making her slightly uncomfortable so she glared at him.

She looked surprisingly decent. Scratch that, she is beautiful. Sensually so. She is dressed in a black satin belly dancer outfit that completely exposed her abdomen while her long open skirt allowed glances at her enthralling legs.

She has a long black hair, reaching her waist. Her skin is as pale as jad-- snow white! Her skin is white as snow. Her silver sharp eyes, brows and face in general make up one of the greatest beauties Jack ever saw.

(Image here)

Still, her being exudes arrogance like no other. She is trying hard to form a facade. To create another kind of persona but Jack could tell. Her soul is just arrogant in nature.

*Sighs* "So you are the first reincarnator that was sent here." He decided to change the topic.

"You are quite careless, young man. What if there were other people listening. You should use your scanning ability first. I am sure you have one from the store." She asked in a clearly disappointed tone as she did not see Jack to be doing anything.'Is my successor this incompetent?'

Jack then gave her a mocking look and said. "My system already did a scan of the surrounding. If it has something it cannot detect then what more do could I do about it as it is powerful than me."

"Err.. *ahem* so what is your name?" She decided to divert the topic. 'This child is making fun of me? Interesting. He is clearly interested with my appearance. '

"It is a universal rule to introduce yourself first blah blab blah something like that."

".. Ehh? What?" She was stumped. Not knowing what to say. 'Isn't he suppose to be answering me dutifully to gain my favor?'

"Sorry. B-but m-my mom said.. t-that.. y-you should not t-talk to s-suspicious person." This time, he acted like a kid his age. Naive and easily frightened.


"Woman, can you talk like a normal person? what is eh?? eh?? is that all you can say?" He changed his tone to that of an annoyed person.

"...." She deadpanned. 'This kid. I wanna kill him.' Killing intent leaked through air as she want to bore a hole out of Jack's head.

He just shrugged everything off as he checked his surroundings.

He was currently inside a cave along with the woman. Three presences can be felt outside so b

he decided to go out leaving her and her question unanswered.

She was about to follow him when Jack stopped just right outside and turned around to face her.

"Oh right. What is your name again?" This time, Jack asked.

"It's Mei." She replied subconsiously and regretted it the next moment as Jack just nodded and went on to head outside. 'Mei? My system is Mei too. So got two Mei's now?'

'This brat!' She gritted her teeth in frustration and stomped her legs before going out as well.


Jack headed outside to where three strong auras are fluctuating. He followed the trail and soon saw three people encircling a campfire.

Two people are currently sulking. One was a buff man with long red hair hanging just above his shoulders. He looked huge, about 10 meters tall. He is wearing a large straw hat in his head. The other one was a little girl about 17 years of age. She has a slightly tanned skin and short yellow hair. For reasons unknown to Jack, both of them are drawing circles on the ground, depressed.

(Image here)

The third person was a middle aged man. He has silver hair with black tips, and a carefree expression on his face. He is currently roasting the killer Rabbit's meat while the other two is still sulking.

(Image here)

The third person noticed Jack's arrival and smiled faintly at him.

"How's your injuries?" He asked Jack which the other two heard.

Both of the sulking duo raised their head and their eyes shone with stars. The buff guy was about to yell something but the girl dashed towards Jack with her fist coated in golden hue.

She teleported in front of him while shoving a fist in the face of the 4 year old boy. "Ne~ Let's fight!"

Just before the fist was about to hit Jack, he calmly tilted his head to avoid it while enveloping his own with his Conqueror's.


A shockwave again was experience in the island as a Haki-covered fist buried in the guts of a 17 year old girl. Jack was inwardly ruthless enough to use more Haki to hurt her soul but outwardly, he looked nonchalance.


The girl was thrown far away hitting several trees and cutting them in the process.


"Umm. Will she be alright?" The third person asks Jack as he saw how the event panned out.

"Don't worry. She will be comepletely fine." He answered lightly.

The middle aged man narrowed his eyes and wanted to ask more but the huge buff guy laughed loudly.

"RAHAHAHHAAH! Don't worry! The world is telling me that this boy is not a bad person."

The middle aged man just sighed and accepted it. He knew about his captain's ability to talk to hear about his surroundings. Something about the voice of things. 'Or was it voice of all things?' He shrugged.

The woman, Mei, was already out of the cave and saw everything. She nodded approvingly towards this junior of hers. 'Look's like he is not hopeless after all.'

She then procedeed to walk near the campfire and just sat there quietly while the middle aged man went to where the girl was thrown out.

The buff guy the walked towards Jack and stood in front of him. He looked serious for a moment. He opened his mouth and said.

"Young man. Will you, join my crew?"

The campsite suddenly descended into silence as even the middle aged man with an unconscious girl saddled on his shoulders stopped walking and stared at Jack, awaiting his reply.

Jack did not let the suspense atmosphere stayed for long though as he replied almost immediately. "Sure --"


"If you can bite your elbows." He added.




The buff guy asked in confusion while the two conscious bystander deadpanned.

As the words dawned upon him, he immediately tried biting his own elbow. First he tried biting his left but he can't reach it so he changed to his right but again, he could not. He tried switching from one hand to another while wearing a serious expression. He also tried switching the angle of his approach but still, he cannot. Soon he even began standing on one foot and skippping comically as if it would help him for anything.





This time, even Jack and his mechanically and perhaps emotionally cold system deadpanned at the display.

"He.. is not the brightest fish in the sea, isn't he?" He turned to the middle aged man while helping himself with a roasted rabbit. 'Oh, it's quite good. Hm, is this the smell of lemon grass? They have some good ingredients it seems. Need some MSG tho.'

"Kinda bland." Jack said in jest while clearly enjoying his meal.

He devoured the roasted rabbit without caring for the opinion of his company while the middle aged man gave him a speechless look. 'you could at least ask for permission before eating our food, you know. Also what kind of shameless kid insults a food he is clearly enjoy eating?'

"Well, he is indeed a bit 'special' but he has a really kind heart once you get to know him." The middle age man tried to reason in a relax manner while laying down the unconscious girl on a mat. The elbow-biter man, however.. well, he is still trying to bite his elbows while skipping. He is beginning to lose patience though.

"Kind heart makes such a great pin cushion" He retorted while devouring another roasted rabbit. His reply surprised the middle aged man as he did not expect it to come from the mouth of a kid.

Mei, the woman Jack had a little fight with, also began eating as well, albeit quietly. She only listened to their conversation without butting in but she noted Jack's words. 'Kind heart makes a great pin cushion, huh'

By this time, the elbow-biting guy already gave up in defeat as he slumped down near the fire and proceeded to devour the meat as well. He released his frustrations to the food, it seems.

Seeing that everyone but the annoying girl is more or less settled on the campfire, Jack decided to spark a conversation.

"Anyway, I'm Legolas. Jack D. Legolas. As you can see, I live alone on this island coexisting with the wonderful animals and takinb care of the environment. What's your story?" With an almost fully eaten roasted rabbit in his right hand, he made a bowing gesture with his arm in his chest and crossed his right foot from the back and bent lightly. He finally got his dream to introduced himself as Legolas, like the rather ikemen character from the Lord of the Rings.

The gesture made the middle age man speechless again as the doesn't know what to make out of it. 'Is bowing your way of being polite or you are insulting us with that greasy rabbit in your hands. Tell it to my face, damn it! Also, which part of you is environment friendly?! You destroyed forests and created power vacuums in the food chain!'

The supposed to be relax and easy going ossan is being driven mad by Jack's hypocritical words but ultimately decided not to bother with the annoying kid.

"I am Seuss. Malcom T. Seuss. I am a doctor of the ship " He replied with a tired sigh.

"Me! Me next! I am Jul-"


"Err.. I am Joyboy! I am 16 years old! The one who will one day be the greatest sailor of the sea! The greatest adventurer to ever live! The Pirate King!" The buff guy, the one who declared his name is Joyboy, answered with grea amounts of vigour. '16 years old? That face is 16 years old?! You got a dedicated beard for fuck's sake! Wait.. Joyboy? That Joyboy?!'

(AN: since I got little to no info about void century. I decided it would be fun to make Joyboy the pioneer of pirates but with a mindset of adventuring and acquiring treasures in some ruins or something, perhaps saving kingdoms as well. Luffy viewed Piracy as being free so yeah. The one that pillage and rape and murder and blah blah will be called Sea Bandit. XD as there is a Mountain Bandit in the series so why not?)

Jack was surprised. Really surprised as he got the worst map in this run. 'Void Century?! What use is future knowledge then?!'

Still, outwardly he tried to look nonchalant. He calmly gave Joyboy a serious gaze and nodded. He then finally looked at the woman who is eating without care.

She continued to eat as she ignored the people's expectant gaze especially Joyboy who looked with stars in his eyes. She sighed.

"My name is Mei." She replied briefly and continued eating without care.

'Is this bitch getting back at me for ignoring her earlier? So mature' Jack rolled his eyes and carried on as well.

"Uhm. Aren't yoh forgetting something, Legolas?" Seuss wanted to remind him that there is still one person that had not been introduced.

"Call me L. Also, no, I have not forgotten anyone."


"No buts. Here, go eat. It is quite tasty" A string went on to pick up a meat and brought towards Seuss making him roll his eye. 'I was gonna say L as a name sounds weird and unclassy'

"By.. *munch* the way, L. *munch munch* How are you *munch* in this island. *gulp* Do you live here? and also, are you the only one living here? Where are your parents? *munch munch munch..*" Jack was bombarded by several questions but more than that, his face is bombarded with saliva as Joyboy at some point in time decided to come seat near Jack.

He gently wiped away his expressionless face with his remaining upper clothes as it had been ripped and tear from training and fighting. He is using his strings weaved to form his vest, which is also a good form of DF practice.

"Well, for starters, I woke up being washed ashore in this island who knows where, all alone. I don't know my parents. I can't even remember their faces. All I remember is the cold cruel nights that embraced my desolate and lonely soul, reminding me that I am still alive, that this isn't Hell but hell on earth. " Jack said slowly with tone full of sadness. He concluded that Joyboy was a bit young and simple minded so he decided to tease him a bit but..

"...." Seuss



"...."The little girl


*Sniff sniff*

*Sob sob*

Two distinct voices was heard as a response. One was from a Joyboy while the other was surprisingly from the little girl who assualted him.

They seem to ready to bawl out their tears any moment as they look at him with guilt, sadness and pity.

*Sighs* "Don't mind him, he is just messing around." Seuss can't take it anymore and decided to expose him.




The two fools looked at him while he looked away whistling.


They both reacted and was gobsmacked for they were made a fool off.

"HAHAHAHAHHAA" Jack rolled on the ground crouching his stomach while the rest looked at him incredulously, wondering if should a kid be joking with his parent's that way. 'He must have a few loose screw in the head' The all concluded. Well, all except Mei who is still minding her own business.


Author's thought:

Well, there you have it. I wanna try to create a chapter with multiple human interaction and see how I'll do. What do you think?

P.S. Hey, I don't know how and what you are going through rn and I can't even say that "Everything'll turn out great soon" and that "There is always a silver lining" because even I myself thinks that life sucks. Because it really does.

But I am sure that however bad life may seemed to be. It will always be better to be alive, live through it and see how our future will pan out than give up half-way.

Let us not unalive ourselves, okay? We are stronger than we know.

Much love❤

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