
coral island

it has been 5 days since i depart from spring holm island.and i am still sailing in the middle of the sea towards some island i hope.

it was a tiring journey since i am only know some basic about navigating and when there is a storm i will go off course and i will lost track of my position.

"i wonder how the hell did zoro travel around the sea catching pirate with his sense of direction... wait he doesn't even have one."

after 5 hour doing random stuff in the boat i finally see an island"thank god i finally found one if i stay in the sea any longer i will lose my mind."i sail the boat to the dock and park it there,and go explore the island.

when i arrived i saw a village called bright village,i saw the name and thought it sounds like a nice place.but when i enter to the village it look like the place just got hit by a typhoon or something.

"why is it a total mess around here?"i looked around and find most of the people here have an expression of fear.i went to talk to a woman in the village and got my answer.

"there's a bandit with a 2 million bounty in this town? maybe i should make him my target."i continue to ask the woman for information and she for some reason answer them politely but she won't ever look at my eyes.

"i wonder what was that about"i thought. but more importantly how will i take this bandit down.since this is the east blue so a 3 million bounty is already a big deal here and my strength only enough to use jutsu for a 5 time or so. and i need to create hand signs to make them.the people here also have a strong body than people in other world and he doesn't seems to be alone either.

"since i am a ninja the best way to beat him is by Assassination"i prepared all the things needed to assasinate the bandit.kunai,poison,a bag to store the bandit head in and i also bought the transformation jutsu in the shop for ten thousand beli,now i only have around five thousand beli.

"when the night falls i will begin the Assassination"so i waited until night fall and follow the bandit that have gotten drunk from the nearby bar back to their base.the bandit seems to be the leader so he went to sleep letting his comrade to guard the entrance.

"i need to lure one of them in so i could transform into them"i threw a rock to make some noise and as expected one person tried to find the source of the sound."who's there?" he shouted but i sneak up behind him and slice his throat with a kunai hide his body and transform into him and return back.

"you find anything?"asked the other bandits

"it's nothing just a wild animals hunting for food,and talking about food i am going inside to get some"i said with the voice of the same bandit i killed.

the bandit nodded and when i am about to inside the base i sneaked up behind him and kill him with a slice on the throat before heading inside.

inside their base i could see 5 door leading to a room.first i searched if there's another person inside except for the boss and as expected i found some people in one of the room sleeping.i kill them by slicing their throat but the last one i kill make a noise that wake up the boss.

"who's there? everyone search for the source of the noise there is an intruder!"the boss yelled but when he went to where his comrade are he was speechless.he saw only one of his comrade standing cover with blood.

"Jimmy why did you kill your own friends i thought we are comrade"he shouted

"oh,sorry but i am not who you think i was"i cancel my transformation to let him see my real identity.

he saw me change look and he was confused.but he quickly snap out of it and attack me full of anger

"die and go to hell for killing my men"he swing his fist at me.

i dodged his attack and start making hand signs to cast jutsu.i kept dodging until i am finished.

"stop dodging like a chicken and fight me like a real man"he provoked me.

he want me to fight him head on? dream on.his body is so much stronger than me who only train for no more than 3 month and if i fight him head on i will be killed.

"sure i fight you head on after you eat this.Katon: Hoteri Ougigata no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flash Fan Technique).

a fire shaped like a fan came out of my mouth and hit the bandit boss in the face.

"aaahhhhhh... my face my eyes"he loudly screamed.

with this opening i used Raiton: Raigeki no Yoroi) - Lightning Release: Lightning Strike Armour to increase my speed and penetrating power by 20% and attack him using kunai covered with lightning and stab into his heart.and he couldn't even scream before his death because i quickly slice his throat to make sure he is dead.

"now i need to take his head and bring him to the nearby marine base to claim my bounty."

along the way i have been wondering why the marine haven't catch this guy.but when i arrived i could see why,because there's seems to be a lot of injured people here.

"excuse me do you know where i could claim money for a bounty"i asked one of the soldier.

"you're a pirate hunter?"he asked

i nodded and he point to one of the room and continue to work.

i knocked the door and enter the room when i see an injured person sitting there with a .

"who are you and what do you want?"he asked coldly

i don't really care about his attitude to me and went straight into the point.

"i would like to claim the bounty from the bandit at bright village"i said without emotion and take out the chopped of head.

"let me take a look first"

he take a stack of wanted poster and start searching for the bandit.

"let's see bill the bandit bounty 2 million beli since you brought proof here is your reward"he took out a bag full of bag and threw it at me.

"if there is nothing else you better leave"he said

after i left,i was excited holding the 2 million in my hands.imagine what i could buy with this amount of money.jutsu,skill recipe,roullete.thinking about it make me excited so i couldn't wait and rent a room at an inn to take a look at the shop.

i searched fire, lightning, earth style jutsu that is C rank and D rank he found 1 C rank and 2 C rank jutsu that suitable for him.

Doton: Katana no Jutsu (Earth Release: Earth Element Sword) rank D

Description: Similarly to Doton Shuriken, the user picks up dirt and/or earth, molds chakra into the dirt/earth, and forms a sword. It isn't as sharp or powerful as a real sword, and is destroyed after a few hits.

Doton: Karyoku Bunshin no Jutsu (Earth Release: Volcanic Earth Clone Skill) rank C

Description: This jutsu creates one single clone out of the ground. Its defense is incredible, and it's very powerful, but lacks speed. The difference from the normal clone is that this one comes from heated earth, making it's skin almost volcanic and painful to touch. The bunshin can use one Doton jutsu.

Ryuusha no Jutsu (Quicksand skill) rank D

Description: A simple yet effective skill. Using chakra, the user is able to create a pool of quicksand in the ground. The pool is ovalcircular, and is of about 4 feet in diameter. A perfect jutsu for setting traps, although it can be created under an opponent's feet, but will only work if the opponent's movement is severely hindered.

one of the jutsu is used for close combat and the rest is used for distraction if he ever came across danger.since he can't use it too many time or he will run out of chakra and die so he need to pay attention to his while he is fighting.

i didn't have rest since i follow the bandit from night till morning after i bought the jutsu i will practice them tommorow and i still have 1million beli to spend on some skill for smithing because all of my kunai and shuriken are getting dull with every practice he did.

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