
A week Later

'It's been a week since I have eaten the Nine tails Devil fruit BUT I didn't transform even once after my first time since It'll leave me defenseless for hours.'

'If I had to compare it to other Devil fruits mine is easily one of the Top 50 Devil Fruits however with my current situation it has many flaws I have to solve later on.'

'My first and biggest flaw is my body, I can only for 5 minutes maximum before passing out so I have to train my body later. The second biggest flaw is my fighting experience, I have no fighting experience what so ever and standing on four limbs while I'm on my Nine Tails form is doesn't help me at all so learning a normal fighting style is useless to me.'

'Wait.... what IF I STAND on two limbs ?!... wait that's stupid since I'll fall on my ass since I have NINE big tails'

'But It's a tragedy to me who deleted many furry Discord servers while pretending I'm a furry and eventually I became one ;'( '

'I bullied so many furry and here I am being the only and real Furry... Fuck my life'

Anyways I have too many other flaws but they're much smaller and easier to solve than the other ones.

Right I'm on the beach watching the sun going up and trying to find any signs of civilization.

'Hmmmm what I'll do I find a pirate ship..? after all no one is similar to WhiteBeard and Luffy....'

'WAIT A GOD DAMN MINUTE WHICH YEAR I'M IN??!?!?!?!?!' While Kaeel was panicing he saw a glimse of a ship far away.

Without even checking whether it's a Marine or Pirate or civilian ship he took his two guns and started shooting in the ship's direction.

'They're so faaaar away so I doubt the bullets will hurt anybody'

after shooting twice using gun he used against the Panther is already empty so he threw it in the ground and started emptying the other.

after emptying both guns he hoped they at least noticed him.

'If you are good guys pleaseee come get me'

{At the ship}




While the crew was shouting and cursing at Kaeel the Vice-captain who's looking around with a telescope said :

"Captain, I think the bullets came from that Island. It could be a secret base for Marines."

"Hmm... alright BOYS get ready for battle and take shetler in case of another shooting. YURI COME HERE "

Then a 4'9 black haired woman came out of a random room

"Yes Captain..?" Said Yuri

"Call the main ship and tell them about our situation and make sure to tell them in our codes so the Marines won't understand shit, got it ? "

"Yes sir !" Said Yuri

{Back to Kaeel}

"Ohhhh it seems they're turning towards me... Hopefully they're not corrput Marines or Pirates or I'll have to use the secret Joestar family technique..."

"Well let's find a good hiding spot to eavesdrop on their conversation incase they're Marines otherwise this World shall fell The Ultimate Joestar technique that always work no matter what."

Five minutes later Kaeel already hid himself in a tree and he's waiting for the ship to come.

while waiting he started thinking of a very important matter.

'Should I D to my name...? So I can make Deez nut jokes all the time ?'

'Naah I'll keep my name as it is'

After finishing his VERY important discussion he moved to a less important subject.

'Should I be Marines or Pirate or something else?'

'The problem with being anything apart from a Pirate or a revolutionary is trying to please the World government all the time since they got their dirty hands on everything not just the Marines.'

'However If I'm a Pirate or a revolutionary I'll be running all the time and I'll have to fight for the rest of my life If I don't take down the World government'

'Being a normal civilian is an option too but who will not train and try to be stronger with an awesome power like mine but If I continued that way I'll gather unwanted attention out of nowhere so I must choose a route quickly to form connections from early on.'

a five minutes later Kaeel took the small hand mirror from his pocket to take a better look at himself to pass the time.

what welcomed Kaeel is the previous 5 year old child with slightly long and spikey hair but his eyes changed drastically.

from the common all black iris his iris changed into a red color similar to the blood however without the vertical slit when he's transformed.

'Ara~ara it seems Devil fruits have some passive effects/perks which I have to explore later.'

Half an hour later the WhiteBeard sub-ship finally reached Kaeel's island, The crew members of the ship is all looking for any signs of life but they couldn't find anything.

The captain of the ship turned to his Vice-Captain and said :

"Dan are you sure the sound earlier came from here?"

"Yes Haruta I'm sure my sense of Hearing and sight never failed me."

Then the captain of the ship Haruta jumped on railings of the ship and said :

"Then maybe the attacker fled into the island after he saw our fl-"

before he could continued his explanation he noticed footsteps in the sand.

Haruta has crop of short brown hair, blue eyes, and is fairly short. He wears a green and white 16th century-style ruffed outfit with white tights and carries a saber whose hand guard resembles the ruffles of his shirt.

[Haruta Picture Here]

"Dan Cover me."

"Cover you from wh-" before he could finish his words his captain has already jumped from the ship.

Seeing the actions of his Captain Dan shook his head in annoyance and said to the rest of the crew.

"Half of you guys will stay on the ship covering the captain with guns while the others get on the ground incase of an Ambush."

Immediately 30 men jumped into the ground while equipped with their weapon of choice.

Haruta raised his hand signling them to stop and said :

"There's footsteps in the area stop right there so we don't get confused later."

Then all of the crew understood what their Captain intend to do.

Then Haruta started following Kaeel footsteps closely as if he could see Kaeel.

while all of this is happening Kaeel was having a crisis in his mind.

when he saw the pirate flag from afar he wanted to run but he knew the Whitebeard are good guys If his memory serves him right but he knew also they battled countless times so they might kill him on the spot since they don't know him.

He had three option on his head which are Running, Using his Devil fruit and fight them or reveal himself.

in the end he decided to choose to options at once !!

However the time isn't stopped when he's thinking so when he finally choose Haruta was already infront of the tree that Kaeel climbed.

Haruta sniffed the air aggrievedly and smirked and said :


Then his subordinates who have ton of battle experinece raised their weapons in Kaeel's direction.

after being caught Kaeel had one thought in his mind.

'I should've used the Secret Joestar family technique while I had the Chance!!!! '