
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Marines vs Justice

"Who is the mayor of this island?" Kuzan asked lazily as he looked at everyone in the room. Vice Admiral Yamakiji was standing beside him still a little stunned by the fact that these few people controlled almost 35% of the world's wealth on paper. Sofia Sanchez, Victor's clone, Gild Tesoro, and Trafalgar Law sat on the high table inside the Town Hall, the administrative building as they held the meeting. 

"That'd be me, Sofia Sanchez. May I ask what is the meaning of this? Why did the Marines send an admiral and a warship into our waters without prior notice?"

"I bring an invitation from the World Government," Kuzan said as he looked at Yamakaji who passed on a letter with the World Government's seal on it. It was intricately designed and addressed to the Syndicate. Gild Tesoro took the letter with disgust etched on his face before reading it out loud.

[The World Government is pleased with the rise and growing economic influence of the Syndicate in the West Blue. Under the law 420A, we have recognized the Syndicate territory as a neutral territory on the condition that we receive a yearly heavenly tribute.

We recognize that there is a potential for further cooperation to achieve common interests. Hence, we generously invite the Syndicate leaders to attend the 1516 Reverie in the Holy Land of Marijois along with other influential nations. If you accept the proposal you'll be granted the title of nobility and given recognition as an independent state allied with the World Government.

In return we want the Syndicate to cooperate with the Marines for a search operation to arrest the notorious terrorists of the Revolutionary Army and Nico Robin who are currently hiding in BlackRock.

-Signed by the Five Elders]

Tesoro read the letter and looked at Victor with a sly smirk to which the latter nodded in response. The implication of the letter was clear, 'You scratch my back while I'll scratch yours for mutual benefits.' Reverie was the highest decision-making body like the UN where most of the members were very corrupt and greedy. But it was also a platform to speak out on global issues and make connections which the Syndicate needs to become a multinational organization.

"Okay, we have a deal but we also have our conditions," Sofia said in her calm stoic tone before adding a warning. "We will not provide any military help other than evacuating the civilians to a safer location."

"Noted beautiful lady! My job is done so I'll take my leave." He said lazily as he walked away from the clown show. He had seen the true face of the World Government long ago so he was not surprised. Anyway, he had done his part and there was no need to act until Spandain locates or captures Robin. He knew how this world worked by now so the fact that the greedy evil mafias were being invited to the Holy Land didn't surprise him which cannot be said for Yamakaji who clenched his fists in frustration. What an irony. 

*Peru Peru Peru* Clink

Yamakaji suddenly received a distressing call from Spandain on his den den mushi. The den den mushi's face was beaten black and blue with many of its teeth missing perfectly depicting the caller's physical situation.

"H...help..p meh! I am gawing to die." Spaindine's tearful loud cry for help emerged from the other side before they heard a gunshot and the call came to an abrupt end.

Garp POV:

[Citizens of BlackRock, this is an emergency and everyone is requested to follow security protocols. The city will be put under martial law for your safety. I repeat, follow Code Red, and head towards safety.]

"Hey, what's happening?" A tourist asked in surprise when he saw everyone closing their stores and many soldiers arrive in armored police vehicles on the streets blaring the sirens.

"The island is under attack! Please stay inside the shop until the Syndicate handles the situation." The bartender said as he pulled out a gun from under the table. Similar scenes were occurring all over the town when the ground began to shake. 


Block by block thick concrete walls began to appear as Bob B used his powers to envelop the town in a protective barrier of thick concrete like a castle. Garp jumped from one roof to another as they rushed towards the private port with the marines. They had received a distress call from the undercover CP5 so they rushed to provide backup after paying his bills in Zala's Sypder's cafe.

"The Syndicate is quite competent in its security," He said when he looked at how most of the citizens didn't panic and followed orders clearly from prior training. The mafia members also acted swiftly as they prepared to defend their lands in case of any unforeseen circumstances. 

"Vice Admiral Garp, it's not the time to praise others. We have to hurry, that thing must not fall in the hands of the revolutionaries." Aokiji said with worry. Fleet Admiral Sengoku had yet again granted Spandine permission to initiate a buster call with his golden den mushi if necessary to eliminate the revolutionaries and Nico Robin. He had gotten an earful from the Gorosei last time when they let Nico Robin escape. The repercussions this time will be very dire which may lead to a fallout with the Syndicate and the underworld. 

"Bwahaha...There's nothing a man's fists can't solve. Let's go."


Meanwhile at the port:

Mirage and Dragon watched as Robin and 'Victor' sailed away on her yacht, they had five minutes to get away to a safe distance from the Marines. Dragon has reached a deal with Agent Victor, he will take the blame for the incident, and in return, he will receive monetary compensation and strategic aid. Fisher Tiger, the infamous hero who singlehandedly burned down Marijois and rescued all the slaves will join in his cause to free this world from the Government's tyranny. 

"We will have two strong opponents. Whom do you want to fight?" He asked as he observed the masked man. They only needed to buy Robin some time so that she could get away to safety.

"Of course, I'm taking the strongest. I'll leave the Admiral to you." His cold distorted mechanical voice emerged as they looked at the incoming marines from a distance. Why was he picking a fight? Of course, he wants to test his strength against the strongest. He was sure he wouldn't win but he wouldn't die either so why not go all out?

"I'll hold back the other marines," Dragon nodded and flew away with a gust of wind, his opinion of the masked man improved a little. The weather started to become windy as dark clouds gathered over the crimson skies. Garp and Kuzan felt the changes from a distance as their observation haki scanned the port.

"They are dead." Garp became serious when he noticed the pile of corpses that had dyed the floor in a bloody red pool. "Yamakaji, create a blockade around the area with the marines. Don't let anyone escape."

"Spandine is held captive on the yacht with Nico Robin. I'll go stop her," Kuzan said with a nod as both of them split away from the group. The rest of the marines also got into action but didn't approach the area. This time the enemy is the worst wanted criminal in this world, the leader of the revolutionary army. They will just be cannon fodders if they neared the battlefield. Using his ice powers he surfed on the icy path as he swiftly approached the waters but midway he felt a burst of conqueror's haki.

Garp walked calmly into the dock as he looked at the masked man waiting for him. He looked at the pile of corpses with no emotions as he removed his coat and started to fold his sleeves.

"Are you with the Revolutionaries?" He asked the man who was wearing a mask like King, Kaido's right-hand man. But his height was not as tall so it can't be him.

"No, I'm with true Justice," Victor replied in his distorted mechanical voice as he released his killing intent. Garp was the target that he had promised to defeat one day to his sensei Don Chinjao. Today he wants to check how far is the summit of this world, the man who could rival the Pirate King Gold D. Roger. He had no idea of Garp's true strength but it didn't mean he underestimated the Marine Hero.

"Hoh!! Then why are you hiding behind a mask?" 

"To look cool while beating you up." Victor taunted smugly. "Wanna play a bet, old man?"

"Ohh what is it?"

"I'll tell you my identity if you defeat me in a fistfight without using haki."

"Don't overestimate yourself," Garp appeared in front of Victor instantly as he clenched his fists and his monstrous muscles bulged out distorting the space around him with raw power as he landed a punch.


Meanwhile on the other side:

A thunderclap illuminated the dark skies as Kuzan felt a strong pressure that shook his soul.

"Dragon!" Kuzan was shocked to see the hooded figure observing him from the top of the building. He immediately grew serious and got ready for battle, "Long time since we last met. Did you do this?"

"No need for idle talk. I won't let you get past me."

Kuzan didn't hold any malice toward Dragon but he won't let that affect his goal. Robin has allied with the Revolutionaries so he must bring her to Impel Down. 

[Ice Pheasent] He started with his strongest attack as a massive pheasant made of ice rushed towards Dragon. 


Their attacks clashed causing a huge explosion as icy winds filled the port greatly decreasing the visibility and declaring the start of the war. Kuzan, a navy admiral fought against Dragon, the leader of the revolution to protect their beliefs in justice. Kuzan was very slippery and his powerful logia devil fruit made him one of the strongest powerhouses in this world. Dragon swiftly approached him with a kick but Kuzan was ready.

[Ice Time] His attack froze the latter for a few brief seconds and using this opportunity he quickly rushed to the shores and put his hands on the water. He unleased a new ability that he had kept secret from this world, [Ice Age]. The sea started to freeze rapidly as far as the eyes could see causing the others to watch with their eyes wide open. The Marines cheered from a distance as they watched his display of power. 

"Nico Robin, you can't flee now!" Kuzan muttered slowly as he looked at her ship almost 10 Kms away but his expression suddenly changed when he noticed an incoming attack. Dragon appeared behind him like a ghost as he...

To be continued...

Robin's Yacht.jpg(The one with most votes): 

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