
Chapter 408 - Breaking the Secret!

The reason is that Will is very purposeful and realistic, probably because of the education he received since childhood. In order to avoid trouble, he prefers to kill the threat in advance, and he doesn't even have to take the blame for killing a child himself, he just needs to let sugar move her little hand, and then she can easily erase a person's existence completely, without even having the relevant memories, how convenient and quick!

But the next words from Kinnemon made him freeze.

"He died?"

The three men gently nodded their heads in sadness and anger, that was no way to act like an ordinary person!

Will thinks that they are acting, after all, he is surrounded by a group of female liars who can go to Earth to compete for the Oscar award!

And there's nothing in the details that doesn't make sense, the only thing that's suspicious is that it's just a fucking coincidence, too.

Right in the middle of being sprayed to death by Kaido's dragon breath?

He is f*cking unfortunate, hahahaha ... I can't laugh, I have to be reserved, I have to maintain my cool persona, haha.... I'll have to ask Snowball to make the dinner a little richer. This is of course not to celebrate the kid's unfortunate death, yes, definitely not!

 Momonosuke must die!

Who would have thought that this consensus of all one piece fans would actually become a reality, really makes people applaud, ah no, it is a universal celebration ... It doesn't seem right... Who cares, it's right to grieve!

But before I celebrated, should I call Redfield over to take a good look and see if they are lying or telling the truth? Well, it's better to be safe than sorry...

But when he was thinking of asking someone to call Redfield over, he suddenly remembered that this fellow seems to be hiding in shame, and right now he is unreliable, at the key moments.

So he skipped right over the stage of false confidence and asked with a smile, "Do you want to find Kaido to avenge your 'son'?"

Even if Kinnemon didn't tell the whole truth, Will didn't care, and with the few of them here, perhaps his next step could save him a lot of trouble.

Kinnemon took a deep look at Will and didn't take up the topic, because he knew that this person and Kaido had an endless relationship, and the reasons for whether they were there or not were the same.

So why bother with the tiger's skin, and then get yourself involved.

Then he saw Will spread out his palm, and there was a piece of paper on it that was magically beating in a certain direction.

"This Vivre Card is something my people recovered from that ninja, now are you interested in making a deal?"

The three of them changed colour all of a sudden but were clearly still going strong.

"I don't understand what Your Excellency means?"

"On the back of a giant elephant in the clouds, it is said that there is a thriving island full of minks that live there."

The faces of the three men turned ashen in an instant, even thousand times more ugly than when they had just had their lives taken away.

They could never have imagined that the other party would even know the destination this vivre card was pointing to, and in great detail, even the names of the Minks Tribe and where they lived on it! At this point, Will was like a devil who was luring them into hell in their eyes!

"What kind of deal do you want to make?" Kinnemon asked dryly as his face ashen...

The Land of Wano had been taken away from him by the man in front of him, and he couldn't just stand by and watch the peaceful and uncontested Mink Country follow in their footsteps!

Even the Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper together are no match for the Faceless Pirates, as he has learned the hard way!

"How about trading the life of the ninja inside and the safety of the entire Mink Tribe for the Road Poneglyphs that your Kozuki clan hid in Zou? After all, I'm a peace-loving pirate, otherwise, I'd have to do the robbery, and I'm sure none of you would want to see the consequences of that, so if we can settle this peacefully, I can promise not to actively hurt anyone there, and even let you guys cut it off when I take out Kaido, as revenge."

"How could you even know all that! Impossible!" The three men have lost all confidence in themselves through a series of missteps, and now it's as if they've been paraded around naked, with no secrets to speak of!

"Of course, your companion told me that." Will laughed lightly and pointed back to the prison.

"Raizo would never do such a thing!"

"I don't need to tell you how I can make him talk, but you should be familiar with the Pirate King Roger right? Roger's Observation Haki has reached the degree that can listen to the sound of all things, even if you do not know that, but the ancient text can also be able to parse out the meaning of the text of history, and it so happens that my battle captain is the second person in the world to develop the Observation Haki as good as Roger, and his ability! He is the one who can read anyone's memory at will..."

"Your secrets in his eyes are nothing but a book ready to read!"

Will was able to push the blame away in a few words, and with a backstabber like Redfield, there was no fear of any drama!

The three of them became more silent all of a sudden, there are so many geniuses on the sea, they have to believe it even if they don't want to, the fact is right in front of them, and this man didn't have to lie to them.

So they had been stripped naked from the very beginning...

"Can you let Raizo go first so that we can think about it?" Kinnemon, who had fallen into a low level in his life because of the successive blows, asked in a depressed tone.

"Fine, since the last successor of the Kozuki clan is gone anyway, you can discuss it slowly. Also, I'm curious if Mrs. Kozuki, who sent you here 20 years later, is still alive? If she is still alive, where is she? Maybe you guys can give me an answer."

Will grudgingly made up the last stab, stabbing the three bloodless with his words alone.

Then he instructed his men to release Raizo and took the four of them to the castle, where he found a room to house them, commonly known as - house arrest.

The four defenceless men could only go with them, even the joy of their reunion was washed away.

In fact, they had no choice, like Will, who knew everything, still held in his hands the only key to go to Zou - the Ancient Elephant Vivre card.

The result of their refusal was that everyone had to die!

They will die, and Zou will be caught in the crossfire, and the Mink Tribes, which lack outside information, will not be so impressed by the name of Four Emperor.

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