
One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

“Do you want to know the story of a man who has the same Infinity Gauntlet of Thanos?” Right after watching the Thor Ragnarok premieres, Will's life completely changed because of his impulsiveness of buying something he thought was fake. …… When Will, who inexplicably crossed over into the world of Pirates, successfully implanted a devil’s fruit in his golden infinity gauntlet, he was completely confused! What follows is a matter of happiness and anguish! "With a total of 6 slots on the infinity gauntlet means that I can also use the power of 6 devil fruits!" "Hey! Don't come at me at the same time when there's so many of you!" "Don’t force me to snap my fingers!" ====== ====== ====== Advance Chapters on my (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Patre0n/Fanfic69 Here is the Update release; • Webnovel: 1 chapter daily + extra chapters. •(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) : TIER 1- 3 ; 1 chapter for Naruto and 2-3 Chapters of One Piece daily. •(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) : TIER 4 ; 2 chapters for Naruto and 3-5 Chapters for One Piece daily. [For Extra Chapters!] ° 300 Stones = +2 chapter ° 600 Stones = +3 Chapters °1K Stones = +10 Chapters ====== ====== ===== Disclaimer: Author(s) Faceless Desolate Source(s) https://sj.uukanshu.com/book_amp.asp3fid=77631. Translator(s) Levaa The Pic on the profile is not mine, borrowed it from google-kun. Pm me if it's yours and want me to take it down.

Levaa · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 347 - Studying the Soul Devil Fruit!

Inside the makeshift prison on Cake Island, Pudding is looking agitated and persuading anxiously, "Brother Katakuri, you're really going to die if you keep this up."

Katakuri, who was locked in his cell by the seafloor stone handcuffs, looked at Pudding with a calm face and said, "If you get your memories wiped, it is true that you can start a new life, but would that still be me? And no matter what, it was Mom who gave us life and raised us, and it's enough that if you continue the Charlotte family line, the Charlotte family can't be looked down upon!"

"But this is a pointless sacrifice! If mother was still alive, she would never want to see brother Katakuri end his life like this!"

Pudding would never forgive Will for killing her Mother, but the murderer didn't kill everyone and gave the rest of the Charlotte family a chance to live, so it seems that she should be grateful to Will again for not killing her.

If possible, she didn't want any of her siblings to be buried with her mother anymore.

Katakuri looked at Pudding and smiled happily, "I'm sorry, Pudding. I'm a useless brother, and it's all up to you to take care of everything."

Pudding burst into tears and cried loudly.

"Open the cell door, I want to say a final goodbye to brother Katakuri."

The guards on the side hesitated for a moment but did so anyway, and through their observations these days, they could see that Will seemed to hold her in high regard.

When the cell door opened, Pudding immediately jumped in front of Katakuri, and the two of them felt brother and sisterly affection for the first time in a long time.

Then the next second Katakuri stared at her, and then passed out.

With a gloomy and evil look on her face, Pudding pulled the memory film out of Katakuri's head.

"Brother Katakuri, have you forgotten how good a liar I am? I'm sorry, I won't let you die."

The guard who saw this scene immediately retreated far away, looking scared. The scene in front of him was not the first time he saw, and he was only following orders to cooperate.

Then, with a gloomy face, but with tears streaming down her face, Pudding began to quickly erase Katakuri's memories, and at the same time transplanted a false memory that had already been fabricated, and finally, according to Will's request, placed a memory bomb in Katakuri's head that was 'unable to produce any hostility towards the members of the Faceless Pirate group'. It was as if she had never been here before, and left with tears on her face.

It was like an endless torture for her to personally erase the memories of all her brothers and sisters these days, to watch these relatives never remember her again, and not even to have her existence in their future life, it was really torture!

To make matters worse, the ability of her devil fruit gave her a strong memory but was unable to modify her own memory in any way, that is to say, everything that has happened so far will accompany her in the rest of her life like a nightmare!

In this comparison, it seems that the others who can't remember anything are happier.

After finishing today's work, Pudding came to Will's room as usual to report the situation.

In terms of potential, in the entire Big Mom Pirates, Katakuri is the most amazing.

Maybe in a few years, Katakuri will be the next Redfield.

What a shame!

"Well done, you saved his life, or I would have had to kill him to save it."

Pudding lowered her head in silence.

"I'll arrange a new living environment as soon as possible, and you can still visit them sometime in the future. To be honest, I have considered taking the memory fruit into my own hands, but I'm not a murderous person, so you know what I mean?"

Pudding bit her lips and nodded, knowing that if she died, the memory fruit would be taken away by the man in front of her.

And once he got hold of the memory fruit, then her brother and the others would probably become puppets of the Faceless Pirates, serving the enemies who killed their mother, what a terrible thing to do!

So she would rather bear this suffering all by herself,  and fulfill all Will's requirements with due diligence.

Only by showing her own value can she live, she can keep the fruits of her memory from falling into the hands of the other party, and she can ensure the safety of her family.

Even if her life or death was in the hands of the man in front of her, she could only put all of it on the line to gamble on the future!

After reporting all she needed to report, Pudding left in silence.

Perhaps the best thing about living here is that no one will look at her third eye differently, because there are pure three-eyed tribes in the  Faceless Pirates.

After Pudding left, Will once again contemplated whether he had done the right thing.

He wanted to control his power, not let it control him!

Of course, he will not be converted to a holy mother.

All the people whose memories have been wiped have been placed in special islands by him, and they are all free, but only within certain limits.

As long as these people are not allowed to leave their sphere of influence, even if someone tries to use them to cause trouble, they will have to pay a much more painful price!

Shaking his head to stop thinking about these troubling matters, Will began to study the Soul Fruit again.

In the process, he discovered that the 'Homies' that was given life with ordinary soul power, its strength or lack of strength all depended on its state before it was activated, which meant that there was no potential to speak of, a tree was just a tree, and a flower was just a flower.

But if Will is willing to divide a part of his soul and use it to create a 'Homies', then the activated 'Homies' will have the characteristic of being able to grow!

For example, the original 'Prometheus' was just a miniature of a fire, so it was very small when it was activated.

But after being 'fed' by Big Mom for many years, it grows larger and larger, both in size and power, than ever before!

However, it is impossible to divide a person's soul indefinitely, and if he divides too many souls, he will die first!

So without compromising himself, this has to be done carefully!