
One Piece: Luffy's Redo.

When Luffy was 7 years old, his future self appeared before him, he said all his nakama died at the hands of Admiral Akainu right after he managed to defeat Kaidou one of the Yonkou. Follow the adventures of a stronger and smarter version of Luffy, repeating his journey from East blue to New World, hoping not to repeat the same mistakes and correcting the mistakes he made.

Mitsuyakun · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: The Pirate with the Big Red Nose

Nami was running away from some pirates who were chasing her, when she heard a cannon shot. After a while, a man actually fell from the sky and created a small crater.

"H-Hey, are you okay sa- LUFFY?!"

"Arara, hello again Nami!" greets Luffy.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this. You deal with them boss!" She says. Luffy turned around, while Nami ran.

Luffy saw three pirates. They tried to fight him off, but he dodged all of their sword slashes and punches thanks to his Observation haki. He saw Nami on the roof and smiled broadly at her, while still dodging the enemy's attacks. Then he activated, for the first time since he last used it when he was seven years old, King's haki. The three men immediately fell down, foam escaping their mouths.

"H-Hey, what did you do to them?" Nami asked, slightly dumbfounded by the events she saw.

"Ever heard of the Haki of the Conquering King?" he asked. Nami shook her head.

"Well, that's how it is. It allows one to overpower someone with weaker will." he replied.


"I am hungry." said Luffy. Nami was sweating but she decided to treat him to food. They then arrived at an empty house and Luffy started eating.

"What are you doing here, Nami?" Luffy asked while eating.

"Why should I tell a Pirate like you?" Nami asked back, irritated.

"Because it's obvious you want to do something with me, right? Otherwise you won't feed me? I'm a bad pirate, right?" Luffy answered. Nami stared at him.

"Maybe something involving ropes, another pirate group, and a map?" he teased, already knowing what Nami was thinking. Nami's eyes widened.

'How did he know?'

"But don't bother with all that!" Luffy continued and swallowed a piece of bread. "I'll kick this pirate's ass for you if you joined my crew, at least for a while. And you can have the treasure, because you might need it."

Nami considered his words for a moment. He could definitely protect her, with his strength she'll be safe. And he didn't seem to want to hurt her even if he was a pirate.

"Okay" She finally said and Luffy beamed. "I'll join you if you defeat Buggy the clown while I get the map and treasure!"

"Let's go then!" Luffy grinned and ate the leftovers in one gulp.


A few minutes later …


"HEEEY, BIG WIDE RED NOSE!" Luffy shouted loudly in front of the pirates. The pirates wore terrified expressions and Buggy was of course furious.

"You dare say that to me, stupid thief!" Buggy threatens.

"I'm not a thief! I'm a pirate captain, you Stupid Red Nose!" Luffy replied fearlessly. Nami, who was behind him was horrified.

"WHY... ARE YOU... STRAW HAT STUPID!!!" Buggy tried to insult him again. But Luffy just laughs.

"I'm proud of Shanks' straw hat, Buggy!" he replied.

"WHAT? That hat belongs to that obnoxious Red-Hair Bastard!?" Buggy shouted angrily.

"He's not a bastard, Buggy, he's a Yonkou!" Luffy answered, still laughing. Nami was surprised to hear those words. How did this nobody pirate know one of the Yonkou? "And he told me about you, when he visited my village! He said you had a big red nose and you dressed and acted like a clown!"

"SHOOT A BUGGY BOMB! I WON'T HEAR THIS ANYMORE!" Buggy orders his Crewmates and the guys start loading the special cannonballs in the cannon and lighting the fuses.

Nami urged Luffy to start running but he didn't listen. Everyone watched in horror as Luffy used his Gomu Gomu no Fuusen to push the cannonballs back and back towards the Buggy pirates.

"What was that?!" shouted Nami. Luffy answered while laughing.

"I ate Gomu Gomu no mi. I'm a Rubber man."

"So you ate a devil fruit, just like me." said another voice. Both Luffy and Nami looked up where the voice was coming from and saw Captain Buggy, who was protecting himself using the bodies of his two underlings.

"Right, Red nose." Luffy replied, not stopping his 'insults'. Buggy's face darkened once more from anger. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by a nearby voice.

"You sure know how to cause a scene, Luffy." Said the voice. Everyone turned to their original places and saw a green-haired man with three swords with a big smile on his face.

'So he managed to recruit him.' Nami flinched.

"Oh hey Zoro. Glad to see you found us." Luffy said, but then he looked to his left, where an orange-haired girl was standing. "And this is Nami, she will be our navigator once we defeat Big Red nose."

"I WILL KILL YOU, FLASHY BASTARD!" Buggy shouted in a high pitched voice.

"Allow us Captain Buggy!" said someone to his right. He was standing on a unicycle and had a sword in his belt.

To his left stood an unarmed man, who had hair shaped like animal ears. He jumped on a huge lion. The three of them walked forward, Luffy and Zoro ran towards them too.

"Zoro, you face the swordsman. I will fight the lion and the guy with the weird ears." Luffy orders. "Nami, you can look for the treasure and the map."

Cabaji tries to attack Luffy, but Zoro blocks his sword. Luffy prepares to fight Mohji and Richie the lion. The lion with the man on it jumped and pounced towards Luffy but Luffy punched the lion when he got close enough.

The man managed to jump off the lion before Richie took flight and crashed into a nearby wall. Mohji backed away in fright, but then Cabaji kicked him in annoyance. Mohji shot straight at Luffy who only easily dodged his attack, causing Mohji to crash towards a nearby house.

"I guess I'll relax and watch for a bit." he said casually and turned his attention to the fight between Zoro and Cabaji. The swordsman easily blocked all of Cabaji's attacks, despite his cunning. Luffy was of course forced to intervene, when Buggy tried to help Cabaji by using his devil fruit power. The fight lasted a few moments longer, but then Zoro ended it with a 'Santoryu Onigiri' attack.

Buggy was very angry when his first mate was defeated by the Pirate Hunter Zoro and prepared to fight, however, he saw an orange haired person with a bag of gold on his back. He is of course determined to get her back at any cost. But that's a big mistake.

"You have to pay attention to the people you're fighting." said someone behind him. He turned around and with a fright, Luffy's face was right beside his.

"Gomu Gomu no Bazooka!" Luffy shouted and with that attack Buggy flew high into the sky. After a while, some villagers approached the three pirates and asked who they were. Luffy said they were pirates and said he had kicked Buggy's ass into the sky. Then he gives the mayor one of the bags Nami stole, which Nami protests of course, but he tells her they need the money for repairs. After that they left the island together, headed for Syrup village, where a long-nosed sniper lived.