90 An Era Stranger Than Imagination II

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Chapter 89: An Era Stranger Than Imagination II


"Hundred thousand you bitch!? Look at me! I Laffitte, am gorgeous! Like, look, how do you not pay a few Billions for my fabulous form!! Look into my eyes goddammit!!" Their stupefaction was instantly canceled out by Laffitte.

"Guys, I think we accidentally made some trouble." Yovan suddenly found himself standing right next to Kaku and Kalia.

"We?" Kalifa questioned.

"Hmm, It's all Kaku's fault. You accidentally hurt some idiots." Yovan nodded.

"No, I didn't? I made sure no one but the Pacifista is severely hurt?" Kaku firmly denied the accusation.

"Severely?" Kalifa arched her brow in exasperation.

"Hey Cap, apparently this dude is a King?" Laffitte pointed out as he dragged an unconscious man, "But he's so stingy, like, no way, right?"

"My man, he's adoring a crown," Yovan said, eyeing Laffitte like he was looking at an idiot.

"It's surely fake, right? Why would he bid just a hundred thousand Beli for me!!?" Laffitte responded, hoping to hear a yes.


"Pfftt Hahahahahaha!"

The two couldn't hold back their laugh. Yovan, on the other hand, was eerily silent as he looked in a certain direction, "Strangers!! Depart, now! And take Antarisa with you!"

Without hesitation, Laffitte and Kaku vanished from his sight, making their way back to Seizon No Hono.

In fact, Kaku didn't hurt the idiots at all, specifically, the World Nobles. They were just a tiny bit mad at Yovan, so they summoned the Pacifistas to catch him.

They were truly easy to trigger, but Yovan threw all the responsibility on Kaku to teach him to be careful in the future! He definitely doesn't condone chaos!! He swears!

Kalifa stayed beside Yovan as she released a small transparent bubble from her mouth. The bubble expanded quite a bit until she was able to comfortably sit on it.

It started floating until she was face to face with Yovan, "What do you think of my new tricks? I borrowed it from some old friends."

"Hahaha," Yovan couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he eyed her. Her blonde hair was freely falling down, looking absolutely gorgeous. She was even adorned in a silver dress, suiting her voluptuous form.

"You're looking gorgeous, huh?" He remarked with a smile.

"Curious why you only saw my unrivaled beauty only after losing an eye? Your head must not be right," Kalifa let out a giggle and added, "And you're finally healthy... I'm happy."

As she spoke, she brought out a small black box, a box he handed to her long ago before the Veil Of Darkness. She opened it and picked up what was in it.

There were two exquisite earrings, one with the symbol of the moon, and the other with a graceful wings symbol. She gently put them on for Yovan, "I kept them safe."

"Thank you," Yovan ruffled her hair as he turned his attention elsewhere, "But you really should go. Things are about to go sideways."

And she did as her bubble flew her away towards Seizon No Hono. Yovan was left alone, well, not for long as another Pacifista appeared before him.

This Pacifista, however, seemed different. Yovan could sense it, the sheer monstrous aura coming from him was different than all the other Pacifistas, and a lot more Pacifistas started appearing.

"Kuma," The special Pacifista said, introducing himself before inquiring, "Are you the Pirate known as the Stranger?"

"Yovan Night, a pleasure to meet you." Yovan nodded at him. He really changed a lot to the point he was unrecognizable due to his un-updated bounty poster.

But well, the Strangers gave it all away. Still, Yovan didn't mind as allowed himself to be surrounded by the Pacifistas.

"Then excuse me," Kuma murmured, his words triggering the Pacifistas around him to attack.

There were about a dozen Pacifistas, all able to release beams from their mouths, and hands, and they did so at the same time.

Exactly thirty yellow beams were released at Yovan with a speed few should hope to react to, but this is where Observation Haki comes in.

Normally, The more killing intent exuded by a given enemy, the more predictable their attacks, although great enough Observation Haki experts can predict enemy moves whether there is murderous intent or not.

The Pacifistas were odd in that way, as in their actions are hard to predict considering they're programmed to perform certain actions, but they're still part human.

The killing intent they exude was fleeing, extremely hard to detect, but Yovan not only could catch their killing intent, but he could also predict their intent without it.

So the beams found themselves colliding with an unbreakable barrier, a bunch of large feathers surrounding Yovan.

His weakness was always how frail his feathers are. They're as strong as bones, but that's certainly not enough to stop the bones, so he always considered them very frail.

However, the awakening of his Armament Haki changed everything for all the large feathers surrounding him were hardened with Haki, Haki so intense it gave them a golden hue, the flames of his will.

In fact, his Haki seemed so utterly strong that it formed flame-like patterns on the feathers.

The spiritual force that fuels Armament Haki seemed to come from his Willpower and Mind, a combination of the two, and his Willpower was especially monstrous.

[Willpower: 2956/∞]

[Mind: 2050/∞]

But he still needed to gain mastery over his Armament Haki, and he did in his limitless battles against Hancock. She was able to infuse her Haki with her Conqueror Haki, so he had to progress quickly to keep up with her.

It was something extremely difficult to do considering just how strong the Infusion was, but Yovan being Yovan, kept up with her.

[Armament Haki (Hardening. Imbuement. Survival's Instinct): 1750/∞]

Armament Haki users can imbue their hardening onto any object they touch, thus allowing them to give their weapons the same boosts as they do their own bodies.

It's an advanced technique that Yovan took a step further because the flame-like pattern of his Haki wasn't normal. It wasn't something anyone can do.

Only particularly strong concentrations of Armament Haki in a body part will cause the edges of the coating to take the shape of flames.

But he was able to manifest such a phenomenon on his feathers without needing to touch them as if they were part of his body.

"Not bad," Yovan murmured, seeing no damage on the feather shields. It was almost instant as more than a dozen small feathers appeared above him, all gleaming with a golden pattern, hardened with Haki.

Behind each feather appeared a crack, forming into a shockwave that sent the feathers with a speed even the Pacifistas couldn't react to.

In fact, the shockwaves were continuous, accelerating the speed of the arrow-like feathers further.

The moment the feathers came in contact with the Pacifistas and started going through them like a knife through butter, they expanded. It was an instant process as they became many times larger, basically devastating the pacifistas' heads.

The feathers would then go on to explode into numerous other feathers while inside the Pacifistas, turning them into numerous scattering pieces of flesh and metal.

The only one to escape such a fate was Kuma because despite being Pacifista himself, he's different. He's the original Pacifista, and most important of all, he is a Devil Fruit user.

And he used his Devil Fruit powers to simply touch the feathers coming towards him with his hands, and they turn back. It was simple as if with a mere touch, he ordered them to be repelled.

"Such a dangerous power," Kuma murmured as he approached Yovan, "But every power can be dangerous in the right hand."

He vanished and not a split second later, he was beside Yovan as the latter narrowed his eyes, focusing his Observation Haki on Kuma's hands, trying to sense the level of danger emanating from them.

And he strangely allowed himself to be hit, getting thrown through one of the Archipelago's colossal trees before getting his balance back.

His shirt was ruined, giving a clear view of two distinct paw marks on his chest, quite the deep marks.

"Hmm, it's a different type of shockwave... You repelled the air to create a burst that would've certainly killed me." Yovan remarked with a contemplative look, "It's a different type of shockwave than mine."

'What a monster,' Kuma thought in his mind with a peculiar look. Yovan seemingly measured the strength of his attack and used just enough Haki to allow himself to be hurt and feel the depths of the attack, maniac behavior.

So Kuma closed his eyes for a split second before the entirety of his arms turned inky. He was capable of using Armament Haki.

Yovan lifted his hand, and squeezed it tightly not only hardening it with Armament Haki, but also using his strongest means of offense as cracks started spreading outwards of his hand.

[Kiryu Hasshoken: The use of force and mind to Produce and control Vibrations: 2650/∞]

His Kiryu Hasshoken has evolved to become something it's not supposed to, becoming eerily similar to one if not the strongest Devil Fruit in the world! Its evolution gave him even more hope for the Everless Crows.

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