

After a month fighting a pirate, as a bounty hunter.

Hector gained another 2% of experience, thus consolidating some fundamentals in the handling of the spear.

As a person who seeks happiness, in a simple life, Hector does not usually get the reward of pirates.

He only takes the money that is necessary for food, the rest usually stays for the villages where the pirates destroy.

This attitude at first caused suspicion, but in time the rumor of a hunter who leaves the money behind spread.

Arriving with his 'golden ticket' (The boat) on a new island Hector goes down the beach.

"A new island to explore today

Hector usually sails without a certain destination, he simply follows the balance of the waves.

It's not that he doesn't know how to sail, as Hector has a riding ability or is driving any vehicle or animal.

He is simply in no hurry to reach his destination, he just enjoys the trajectory.

Arriving at the village Hector walks towards the bar/restaurant.

"Welcome sir, to the anthill restaurant".

Says a boy the moment Hector passes through the doors of the establishment.

"Thank you, could you bring me the special of the day"

"Yes sir, just hold on."

After this light conversation Hector sat down at a table.

On the other side of the restaurant there is a group sitting.

"Hey, does anybody know that guy?" "He's no stranger to me, but I can't remember."

"Green clothes, tied hair, carrying a spear" "I know who he is!" "speak soon who he is"

"They say there is a new hunter in the area who fights with a spear"

"but in the rumors this guy is strange" "strange?"

"Yes he doesn't get the reward" "Maybe he just hates pirates"

In the meantime when the food is ready, Hector closes his eyes to rest.

At the same time a group of pirates arrives at the door of the restaurant.

"Waiter brings his best drink and food. Today we will celebrate!"

"Yes, sir"

Seeing that there is not much room in the restaurant, the crew sees Hector at a table sitting alone.

Watching the captain walk to a table the crew starts laughing.

"Hey boy, how about you get out of that table"

Hector opens his eyes and says "no, but I don't mind if you want to sit there".

He says pointing to other chairs he did.

"Me and my gang are celebrating, so I want this table".

"I said I don't mind, but if I insisted on standing it's not my problem" Hector closes his eyes again.

In the captain's forehead a vein jumps because of anger, the whole restaurant is whispering about what happened.

"Hey, this guy's finished." "I've got a problem with him."

The captain thinks that his fame is great, when he hears this and decides to act.

"Your shit gets up soon, before I kill you"

The gang smiles at it, knowing it's not the first time. Their captain has a habit of taking other people's things.

Hearing the insult Hector opens his eyes, only at that moment the temperature of the restaurant drops.

In Hector's gaze it seems that there is a beast looking at his prey.

"In the last month I've been holding on to hunt you pirates, I only fight the ones I meet on my journey.

Lift from the chair he was in, Hector grabs his spear, which was stuck on his back.

"Let's go outside"

"You're not the boss of me"

Hector grabs the pirate by the neck and throws him out the door.

"Wow!" "I said this guy was finished hehe"

Getting close to the gang Hector says "you have five seconds to get out of here"

Everyone starts running.

Hector starts to walk to the restaurant exit.

On the outside is the captain and the crew waiting Hector.

"You caught me inattentive, now it will be your end"

"I don't have time for you, I'm going to end it now"

Hector takes his lance and throws "starfall"

At that moment a flash appeared and I hit all the pirates.

From inside the restaurant it was only possible to see the flash and hear the noise.

Sounds of steps could be heard.

"Mr. waiter, I'm broke, can I pay with the pirates? Hehe"

Everyone in the restaurant opens their mouths like a cartoon.

Says Hector as he scratches the back of his head and laughs.

I hope you like it and don't forget to comment

Kusanagiicreators' thoughts
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