

Lucifer was ready to leave and explore the grand line. But before he left he said goodbye to all the apes and expressly to Rhaus who help out a lot.

Since Lucifer has no ship his way of getting somewhere is quite easy he is just using the moonwalk to get somewhere. He has no orientation what so ever he got himself a log pose to find the next island that hopefully is outside of the calm belt and civilized by humans.


"Vice Admiral Comil there is a report that a human is flying in our direction and he is no Marine."(Random Marine

"Get ready to shot him down right now."(Vice Admiral Comil


While Lucifer was still moonwalking in the sky he finally saw an island on the horizon. But the island wasn't an island is was the marine base G-2. Lucifer directly knows what he would do.

The moment Lucifer gets in shooting range, he hears multiple loud bangs.

'These fuckers a shooting me already and with all, they have got. My lord how many canons do they have.'

He then uses his finger pistol to shot the cannon balls down.

But they just shot at him from everything they got again.

Now he just uses observation haki to avoid the cannon balls. Lucifer is pissed off. He uses Shave to appear on the main deck of G-2.

"One step more or I will kill you right now."(Comil)

But Lucifer didn't stop he just transforms into hybrid form. With his horns and his hybrid physics, he looks like a demon from hell. His crimson red eyes are shining.

Comil draws his sword and charges at him. Lucifer didn't really do anything until the last moment and avoids his slash. Directly after Comil is visually confused from Lucifers reaction. In that gap of shoots Lucifer his finger gun at point-blank range hat him even powered with haki. Comil has no time to react to it and gets hit in his right shoulder. From the impact and the power behind Lucifers finger gun, Comil gets blown away by 25 meters and while flying hitting the ground. When he stopped flying he was lying on the ground not moving. He passed out.

" No Vice Admiral Comil." Screamed all the marines.

Lucifer used Shave to get behind a random marine and uses Shave once again to get inside the main building.

"You tell me where the vaults are."

"Yes, the vaults are at the heart of the building at the 3 basement floor."

Lucifer used Shave again and some times more and finally arrived at the vault room. Here there are 6 vaults. Every Vault is gigantic and has a big door. But that is no problem for Lucifer he takes out his nameless weird and cuts the doors into Little iron and seestone blocks. The vaults inside them self are not that big but they are almost unbreakable. Inside are lots of berries and devil fruits. Lucifer takes all of it in one giant backpack he made back on his island and gets out of the vault room where 20+ marine soldiers wait for him.

He takes them out with his finger gun leaving holes one is able to see thru in there body's. Know he is on a killing spree. Every time he turned over a corner some marines wait there. But they all follow the same destination. Some of the soldiers are way too terrified to do anything from his appearance without him you using conquer haki.

On the main deck, there is Comil how now has his shoulder bandaged. He is unable to fight any longer.

"Who the fuck are you." Shouted Comil

"I am Lucifer. Like the king of the Underworld." Said Lucifer and disappeared into the distance using a combination of the moonwalk and Shave leaving an afterimage behind.

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