

∆ Earth, 13 November 2003, U.S.A

∆ 44.4280° N, 110.5885° W, Yellowstone National Park, 5 miles underground (8.05 Km)

∆ An underground basement

"Sir, I have finished the report." A man wearing a labcoat entered the room.

"Good evening, Professor Walker. Please do tell me what you have discovered." A man wearing a Lieutenant General army suit said.

"Ah, yes. Test subject XY42069Z,Codename: Demon, has started showing signs of an ability." Said the man identified as Professor Walker.

The Lieutenant General smiled. "Good, did he wake up yet?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. There is a small problem though. XY42069Z has been showing an extreme form of aggression and has made several attempts to escape. We speculate that once the subject fully awakens it's ability that it will escape and cause a huge problem for us." Walker said with a grim expression.

"Tch, have you identified it's ability yet?" The General asked looking a bit troubled.

"Yes sir, we have identified the ability as 'Respawn'. This is sort form of immortality. Which we have been looking for."

The General widely opened his eyes before coughing and saying. "Really? Heh, good. With this we can make an immortal army and become unstoppable."

"Y-yes, that was the good news, sir." Walker said a bit nervous somehow.

"Hm? I assume there is other news then?" The general said, frowning.

"Yes, the bad news is that the subject has another ability."

"Huh? Another ability? Did you identify it? And how is that bad news?" He began to frown more.

"W-well y-yes, we ha- BOOM" A loud explosion could be heard inside the room.

Sirens went off and an employee came panicked the room in.

"S-sir! Test subject XY42069Z has escaped!" The employee said while trembling in fear.


"It actually escaped…" The general began to laugh like a maniac would.

At that moment another BOOM could be heard. It was closer this time…

You could hear more and more gunshots and explosions with every second that passed.

Suddenly the employee that just came in started screaming. They looked at him and saw his skin was starting to boil, he was swelling up. More and more bumps of skin showed on him. He was screaming in pain with tears of blood streaming down his face.

Fingers started to fall off and soon his eyeballs got pushed out of his head. His skin began to pop and blood spat out in all directions.

The rest of his skin began to wither and started to slowly fall off.

"I don't want to die this way..." Were his last words. Understandable, who in the world would want to die this way? Well maybe a Masochist would want to die this way…

Finally, his head exploded. Pieces of brain flew in every direction and blood began to rain down.

Both the General, Walker and the other employees had widened their eyes. Some began to puke, others fell unconscious.

The general was the first to step out of the shock and yelled "Everyone ready your weapons and stay calm. If we do we can survive this incident."

Most started to calm down while others were still having panic attacks.

"Okay! If you don't calm down right now I will shoot you down!" The general said looking very serious.

One guy said "Shoot me down. It's better than dying that horrifying way."

Before the general could react the guy shot himself in the head.


More and more employees started to panic. Some did the same as the guy and committed suicide.

Then it came. The door got blasted open. A humanoid creature slowly walked through the door. His eyes were completely white with blood streaming out from them. It had pure black hair.

Those that stood in a five meter radius of it had turned into a lump of flesh while those within ten meters started to have their skin boil and swell up.

They began to shoot at it. The bullets disintegrated when they came in contact with it. It wasn't bothered and kept walking forward. Once it reached the center of the room no one was alive. They were all dead.

The creature looked around but it suddenly disappeared.


Huh? What the f*ck was that messed up shit. I enjoyed seeing it but still. I woke up from a dream. It was really weird. There was a scientist and some other guys testing on people and then this creature just completely annihilated them…

It was a good show. Maybe I should try to do something similar sometime in the future…

I wonder what that thing could have been…

I looked behind me to see the island I was on for 5 years for the last time...

The f*ck? Where did it go?!?

It was gone... Like it never even existed...

This is just a short side chapter I made while I was bored. Should I change some things about it or not?

I think it is fine but suggestions are always welcome.


PinguGod_creators' thoughts
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