
One Piece: I Will Wipe Out The Tenryubito!

Never again. I will never again allow myself to be subjugated. I will never again become a slave. In their arrogance and folly, the Tenryubito fed me a Devil Fruit. Now, I will dismantle their reign, piece by piece. I will eliminate them all. Not a single Tenryubito will remain. [No system, no golden finger, just exploiting the Devil Fruit and training in physical combat and Haki.]

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 11: Overzealous Teaching Method

Early chapters here and unreleased novels here: pa.treon.com/FFAddict

Hancock, now dragged to the corner by her two sisters, buried her face in her hands, guilty about her earlier outburst.

With Hancock's influence gone, Hiro again used his absorption ability to heal all the wounds on his body, then threw the energy ball onto the ground.

The stone bricks on the floor exploded into fragments.

Hiro stared at the bricks on the ground, deep in thought. It seems that the absorbed damage can not only act on people but also non-living things. This significantly broadens the range of uses for his absorption ability. The problem now is that the absorption sphere's speed is too slow. It's not suitable for use in battle and can only be used to heal injuries after the fight.

'However, with such an amazing healing technique, future external injuries for me would simply serve as a method of launching attacks. Who would've thought that the randomly acquired Devil Fruit power would be so powerful!'

After healing the whip wounds, Hiro felt deeply exhausted, as if he had overexerted himself. This body is still too weak! Afterward, Hiro collapsed on the ground, falling into a deep sleep as if he had fainted. Hancock, seeing Hiro's exhausted state, sat beside him and draped a cloak over him. She watched Hiro sleep, with a silly smile on her face.

The next day, Hiro was again taken to an open area by Sword-wielding CP0 for training, but this time, CP0 brought a wooden sword. "Today we learn about Observation Haki!" After speaking, Sword-wielding CP0 threw Hiro a piece of cloth. "Cover your eyes; you cannot see anything!" Hiro knew that Observation Haki is about enhancing sensory ability, so he didn't ask any further, directly folding the cloth to cover his eyes.

"Next, I will launch an attack on you. You can dodge based on your feelings, but you must not dodge blindly, nor use your Devil Fruit power to withstand the attack, understand?" Hiro nodded, signifying his understanding. But just as he finished nodding, the wooden sword had already landed on his head, raising a large bump. "Hiss~"

Even though it hurt, making him draw in a sharp breath, Hiro didn't say anything, instead carefully feeling everything around him. "Observation Haki and Armament Haki are not the same, although both originate from the body, they represent different energies. If Armament Haki is physical energy, then Observation Haki is spiritual energy. Open your mind, feel this energy hidden in your brain, and let it be released."

Spiritual energy? After hearing Sword-wielding CP0's words, Hiro didn't tense up; instead, he relaxed his body. Hiro's state made Sword-wielding CP0's eyes widen slightly. Unlike Armament Haki, which requires intense concentration and a tensed body to feel more easily, Observation Haki is different. To awaken Observation Haki, one needs to first relax and let the mind wander. The more one empties their mind, the more easily they can sense everything around them.

One has to say, Hiro is a genius, a natural-born talent suited for Haki cultivation. As soon as he heard his words, he made the most correct response according to them. As such, Hiro's Haki cultivation speed would far surpass others. When Sword-wielding CP0 first understood this principle, it took him a full month, and even then, his teacher praised him for his quick learning.

At that moment, Knife-Wielding CP0 wondered what his mentor's reaction would be if he knew that Hiro had instantly grasped the basics of Observation Haki. Would the mentor go crazy with excitement for Hiro? Even as Knife-Wielding CP0 was lost in thought, he continued to attack Hiro with his wooden sword from various angles.

At first, Hiro just stood there, allowing Knife-Wielding CP0 to strike him. However, after sensing for a while, Hiro began to perceive a slight disturbance in the darkness, like a ripple heading towards him. Just then, Hiro moved, swiftly dodging the attack from the wooden sword.

Knife-Wielding CP0's eyes widened in astonishment, he stared at Hiro, too stunned to continue his assault. Had Hiro understood it that quickly? What a genius! Hiro's talent for learning Armament Haki was already astonishing, but his ability to learn Observation Haki seemed even more incredible. In less than half an hour, Hiro had already mastered the basics of Observation Haki.

It's important to note that Observation Haki is much more difficult to master than Armament Haki! While almost everyone in the New World can use Armament Haki, only a few have mastered Observation Haki. This fact underscores the difficulty of mastering Observation Haki.

However, the better Hiro performed, the more Knife-Wielding CP0 felt the regret. What a waste that such a promising student had been spoiled by the Celestial Dragons. If he had met such a talented individual outside, he was confident he could have trained them to become an Admiral, or even a hero like Garp.

Knife-Wielding CP0 launched another attack, this time faster and from more complex angles. Hiro, who had just grasped the basics of Observation Haki, tried his best to dodge the sword attacks, but most of them still hit him.

Only when Hiro was panting heavily and covered in bruises did Knife-Wielding CP0 stop his attack. "Rest for ten minutes, reflect on your shortcomings, and ask me any questions during this break," he ordered.

Catching his breath, Hiro asked, "Master, I was able to sense the direction of the sword, so why couldn't I dodge it?"

"Observation Haki can also be deceived. Therefore, do not trust it fully. It's like the feints in our attacks, they're meant to deceive. At such times, you need to judge for yourself what's feint and what's the real movement you've sensed."

Hiro was puzzled. He had just started learning Observation Haki. Why was the basic teaching process being skipped, and he was being taught advanced lessons instead? Although this was helpful, it felt a bit like forcing a plant to grow.

However, Hiro didn't say anything. Knife-Wielding CP0 was tasked with training him, so how he was taught was up to CP0. Hiro couldn't demand more. If Knife-Wielding CP0 decided to stop teaching out of frustration, there would be nothing Hiro could do.

At this moment, Hiro silently accepted the training from CP0 with the blade, and diligently continued to learn, akin to a sponge soaking up every aspect of the teaching.

He wondered, if he had been this serious about studying in his previous life, getting into the top universities of his previous life would have been a breeze. "Time's up, let's move on to the practical training!"