

"Honesty, you're a fucking liar..." Luffy whispered solemnly as he was looking at Marguerite kneeling beside him.

He had told her about him fighting Kizaru and Kuma. He also told her that Kuma was the one who sent him flying here. He then requested nicely that he wanted a ride of her pirate ship to Sabaody. Hancock did not believe him at all, he kinda expected it to be honest.

But Marguerite interrupted and started defending him. She was looking at Hancock who was looking down at her coldly.

"The simple act of entering this country means death for any man. Who do you defend him, Marguerite? " Hancock asked her.

" I feel I have a debt to him! The one who brought him to this country was me!!" Marguerite declared truthfully. The Kuja warriors were in outroar.

"Hebihime-sama! There is an explanation for this!!" Sweet Pea stood up and shouted. Aphelandra stood up with her.

"That's right, Hebihime-sama!! We found this man covered in mushrooms in the forest! We thought he was one of the villagers, that's the only reason why we brought him here!!" Aphelandra added loudly.

" Sweet Pea.... Aphelandra..... " Marguerite whispered while looking at them with a shocked expression. The two warriors knelt down beside Marguerite, facing Hancock.

"We are as much to blame!" Sweet Pea said. Luffy shook his head and gritted his teeth, they were extremely stupid for doing that. Hancock started walking towards them.

Marguerite looked down at the ground while kneeling in front of Hancock. "Raise your head, honest Marguerite." Hancock smiled a little as she put her finger on Marguerite's chin and raised it so that she was looking at her.

Marguerite blushed a little as Hancock stood back and formed a heart with her hands. "Mero Mero Mellow!!!" She shouted as she fired a heart-shaped beam at Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra.

In an instant, the three Kuja warriors were petrified. Luffy watched in horror as their stone statues showed them in suspended animation, which was them having shocked faces.

"You fools!" Kikyo gritted her teeth and palmed her face. Luffy gritted his teeth and looked at Hancock who was silently walking away.

"What's wrong with you?!!! I'm the prisoner here!! These people saved my life!!! " Luffy shouted at her.

" Indeed, for that reason. They have been punished. Bring Bacura to the arena!" Hancock declared after nonchalantly replying to Luffy's shouting. She looked back at him.

"This is the warrior nation Amazon Lily where strength is beauty. You shall did fighting for your life as we watch you go to your doom. " Hancock told him as she sat back onto Salome.

Luffy gritted his teeth and looked at the snakes tying his hands and legs. He used his strength and tore them into shreds with a simple pushing outwards motion with his limbs.

His show of strength surprised the warriors watching them. "Those snakes can only be barely bent by even the strongest warriors. And that man just tore them into shreds with just a simple push....." Nerine whispered with her pen and notebook in her hands.

Luffy looked up at the black panther that just entered the fighting arena. Hancock smirked arrogantly. " He is the executioner of the Kuja tribe, and has been serving the tribe for generations. " Hancock explained to Luffy as he stared at the black panther growling back at him.

The Kuja warriors started cheering for Bacura while booing at Luffy. The boos directed at him were a lot louder than the cheers at Bacura.

Bacura made a feral roar as it pounced towards Luffy who just stared emotionlessly at it.

The black panther then opened its mouth widely, intending to bite Luffy into pieces. Luffy raised his hands and grabbed Bacura's nose and its jaw. He forcefully shut it tightly and proceeded to hold Bacura by the nose with one hand.

Everyone watched the in pure horror as Bacura started roaring painfully as it kept trying to escape Luffy's graso but failed horribly.

Luffy looked at Bacura darkly as he kept increasing his grip strength on the panther, making it scream louder in agony. He then did a simple twisting motion with his hand.


That simple motion shattered all of the bones in Bacura's body, killing him in an instant. It then slumped down while having a lifeless stare.

Luffy huffed a little. He casually threw it high into the sky and far far away from the village. Bacura landed in the jungles of Amazon Lily, creating a loud explosion that was heard all throughout the now silent arena.

Luffy looked at the crowd with an angered expression. "When she turned your nakama into stone, how the hell can you just sit around and laugh as if nothing happened. " Luffy asked then with a deep voice. The Kuja warriors then started heckling him again, saying that what Hancock did to them was 100% justified.

"No matter what I do, I will always be forgiven. Why, you ask? It is because I am beautiful! " Hancock declared coldly while tucking her hair behind her ear.



The Kuja warriors started cheering at their empress crazily with hearts in their eyes. Hancock chuckled and pointed at Luffy.

"And you too. You'll forgive me, don't you?" Hancock asked him with an arrogant smirk on her face. Luffy sneered at her.

" Shut up!!! You really piss me off, ugly bitch!!!! You better pray that I don't come up there and beat you up!!! You may look good and all, but you're the ugliest woman I've ever met in my life!!!!" Luffy shouted back angrily while having a dark aura around him. Hancock gasped and collapsed dramatically at his insults. She could not bear the existence of someone completely invulnerable to her powers.

"Ah....." Hancock groaned while covering her face with her hands. Marigold looked at her sister in concern.

"This is simply impossible.... There cannot possibly exist a man immune to my charms....That man's existence, I cannot bear it!!! " Hancock shouted. The crowd was in shock at Luffy's abusive words at their empress.

" How dare he speak that way to Hebihime-sama!!!"

" Hurry up and execute him!!"

" Execution!!! Execution!!!! Execution!!!! Execution!!!" They chanted repeatedly at Luffy who remained unfazed by their heckling.

Hancock sat up straight again, regaining her cold expression. "Go! Marigold! Sandersonia! Take that man's head for me!!" She declared loudly. Sandersonia and Marigold jumped into the arena.

"You just leave it to us, sister...." Sandersonia whispered as she and Marigold started transforming into snake hybrids.

Sandersonia ate the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Anaconda which is a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allowed her to transform into an anaconda hybrid and a full anaconda at will.

Marigold ate the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: King Cobra which is a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allowed her to turn into a king cobra hybrid and a full king cobra at will. It can also give her the ability to create and spit venom.

The Kuja warriors cheered loudly at the two sisters' transformations. Sandersonia and Marigold started their Snake Pit Dance in which they both battle an opponent which in this case is Luffy together.

"Kill him! Sandersonia! Marigold!! For the crime of entering the island and for the sin of insulting us!! Show him the 'art' of our death penalty!!" Hancock declared.

" Ufufufu~~Perhaps I should drink all his fluid from his body. " Sandersonia suggested darkly while hissing at Luffy with a teasing smile on her face.

" Perhaps I should strangle him." Marigold suggested another idea.

" Oh great, these two like BDSM." Luffy whispered as he approached the petrified Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra. Everyone looked at Luffy with confusion in their eyes as he moved the statues and gently put them down at the lower parts of the arena.

"Just wait here. I'm sorry you guys became like this because of me. But I'm gonna fix this! I can promise you that!" Luffy grinned at the statues.

" Shouldn't you be worrying about yourself right now?" Sandersonia asked while waving her tail. Luffy looked at her seriously.

" Shut up. I'll do what I want. They're more important." Luffy replied as he hopped back up and prepared to defeat the sisters.

He cracked his knuckles as he looked up at the two. "I just have to beat you guys up right?! That's all I have to do right?! " Luffy asked them.

"To make people laugh at his execution! He's funny! Men are funny!! " The crowd started laughing at his expectations. Sandersonia and Marigold giggled to themselves before looking at Luffy.

"Now then, let's begin!!" Marigold declared as she started attacking Luffy with her halberd. Luffy casually sidestepped or leaped over her attacks.

Marigold then started spitting purple colored poison at Luffy. He dodged them too, and stretched out his hand to grab the railing of the arena.

He launched himself towards Marigold while pulling back his fist. Marigold smirked as she held up her hands, her hands were coated in Busoshoku Haki.

"Gomu Gomu no..... BULLET!!!!"


Marigold gasped as Luffy overpowered the strength of her Busoshoku Haki with just a simple punch. She staggered back a little as Luffy grinned at her while in midair.

"Woah!" Luffy shouted as he used Geppo to dodge the tail sent by Sandersonia who was hiding at the lower parts of the arena.

"Why not just accept your faith, man?" Sandersonia asked him as her tail chased Luffy to no end.

She then stood up straight, her height towering over Luffy's as she looked down at him. "Gomu Gomu no..... GATLING!!!!!"

Sandersonia smirked as she prepared to use a move called Snake Dance, which was to dodge he attacks using her Kenbunshoku Haki with her snake body. The way she moves about using this technique resembles belly dancing.

"ACK!!!!" Sandersonia widened her eyes and gasped in pain as she felt Luffy's fist hit her. Even though she had Kenbunshoku Haki, she was too slow to dodge the attacks.

"Heavy Stick!!!" Marigold shouted as she used her Busoshoku Haki imbued tail to stab it towards Luffy who ended his attack on Sandersonia.

Luffy slid back a little as he blocked the attack with his hands. Marigold widened her eyes at Luffy who was just blocking her attack casually.

"But how? He should be using Busoshoku Haki to block it." Sandersonia muttered in disbelief as she looked at the straw hat wearing captain with a surprised expression.

"Sonia, Mari!! What are you doing?! Stop playing around! " Hancock shouted. Luffy looked at her while still holding Marigold's snake tail.

" Come down here and help them then, ya dumb lady!" Luffy shouted, making Hancock gasp and collapse dramatically again.

" Hah~ I can't take it anymore!~" She muttered while leaning back and covering her face. She then gritted her teeth and pointed at Luffy.

"Sonia! Mari! Make haste and end that man's life so I'll never hear his disrespectful talk again!!!!" Hancock shouted arrogantly while in her 'looking down' pose. When she looks down on people, she leans backwards so she faces the ceiling (or the sky) above her, apparently looking down on people so much she is looking up.

"Oi! What the hell do you think you're doing, dumbass!!!" Luffy shouted at Sandersonia who giggled while picking up the petrified Marguerite and throwing her up and down, catching her with her snake tail when she fell down.

"Don't joke around! This is between me and you only!!!" Luffy shouted at Sandersonia. She hissed at him.

" Such vulgar words, 3..... 2..... 1"


Everyone widened this eyes in horror as they all felt an overwhelming pressure dominating them. Most of the Kuja warriors watching the fight started foaming at the mouth and falling unconscious.

"Impossible! This man has Haoshoku Haki?!" Hancock stood up in shock as she stared at Luffy who was glaring at her.

Sandersonia quickly set down Marguerite as she and Marigold stood side by side, blocking the way to Hancock.

The Kuja Pirates were the only ones that were barely conscious after Luffy's short but powerful burst of Haoshoku Haki. Luffy pointed at Hancock.

"You wanna see me do it again? But I gotta warn you though. Cuz this time, I'll take all of you down. "

To be continued...

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