
A Man

"The mushrooms are everywhere!"

"Who is this woman?"

" Is the poor thing even alive? "

" They can be removed by hand, so just pluck them all off!" A woman ordered Marguerite and Sweet Pea. Her name is Belladonna and she is the doctor of the island.

She has black hair and eyes and her skin tone is the same as most of the Kuja warriors. Another noticeable feature is her high cheek bones.

Like most Kuja warriors, she wears revealing clothes that are made of animal hide but she is mostly seen wearing a purple laced blouse and matching bottoms. She wears a green bandana over her forehead and pinkish-red lens-less glasses over the bandana.

"But they leave these stubs behind." Marguerite muttered while plucking off the mushrooms that were growing on Luffy's body.

"Those can just be burned off afterwards." Belladonna explained.

"This certainly is a strange one we've found, Marguerite. " Sweet Pea commented while lighting up a match. She threw it at Luffy and he was instantly caught on fire.

"Aggh!!!!" Luffy opened his eyes in pain as he was burned alive. He unconsciously leaked his Haoshoku Haki which scared the ladies treating him and the ones watching outside too.

Luffy fell unconscious again because his healing wounds were injured once more and he couldn't take the pain he was currently feeling. What's worse is that it just started healing and now it's reopened and burned.

"Belladonna, isn't this too excessive? And she's lost consciousness again!" Marguerite looked at Belladonna.

"Sorry Marguerite, but if we do not burn them, they will grow back. Oddly enough, it seems that this woman's body was covered in wounds even before the mushrooms took root. She's got them from some terrible battle, we must treat them. " Belladonna decided and looked at Marguerite.

" I'm sorry you two, but could you spare some of your time and go wash the woman's body in the river?



"So it looks like she isn't from the village at all, Sweet Pea." Marguerite commented as she was washing Luffy's chest with a sponge. She is also topless, not wanting to get her bra wet at all.

"Hmm? What's this? It looks like there's still a mushroom stuck down here between his legs. We must have missed it. One was overlooked. " Sweet Pea muttered. Marguerite looked at it.

"It's long and it has this red colored tip. It certainly doesn't look like any mushroom grown on this island. " Marguerite pointed out.

" It won't come off too!!! It just stretches!!! " Sweet Pea grunted as she struggled to pull out Luffy's 'mushroom'.

"How long are you people going to be standing here staring? This isn't some kind of show! " One of the women watching the scene scolded the rest of the women watching.

Her name is Kikyo. She is a slim normal-sized Kuja woman with tan skin and long black hair arranged in a ponytail.

Like all Kuja, she wears revealing clothes and carries a snake weapon. She also wears a white cape.

"Maybe we should just burn it like Belladonna did to her body." Kikyo grumbled while lighting up a match.

"This woman is really flat chested, and she looks kind of 'angular' too. And what's with these eight square looking buttons on her stomach? " A girl named Nerine commented. She was talking about Luffy's buff muscles and his rock hard eight pack. Nerine is a brown haired, wide headed lady who dresses in purple skimpy clothes.

"Nyow then.... What do we have here?" An old woman approached them slowly. Everyone looked at her. The old woman's name is Gloriosa and she is a former empress of the Kuja tribe. She is more commonly referred to as 'Granny Nyon'.

She is remarkably diminutive in height, with very thick lips, and is wrinkled from old age. She also wears some kind of sea-green bubble belt apparently meant to hold up the spotted-print short skirt that all Kuja wear. Also like most Kuja, she wears a cape. Her hair is white and she wears a pink flower on the left side of her head.

"Granny Nyon! One of the mushrooms on the woman's body won't seem to come off!" Marguerite reported to her. Elder Nyon hummed as she looked at Luffy closely.

"Let's see nyow...who exactly is—" Granny Nyon suddenly widened her eyes in shock and disbelief.

"This woman...is not a woman at all!! Why, it's a man!!! " Elder Nyon shouted out loud, shocking everyone in the vicinity.

" WHAAAAT?!!!!!! " They all shouted loudly while having facial expressions of pure disbelief.

"This.... This is a man!? I've never seen one!! He's looks.... He looks so scary!!!" Marguerite squealed, feeling embarrassed and flustered because it was her first time seeing a man.

She backed away from Luffy with Sweet Pea doing the same, leaving Luffy floating in the river water.

The thing about the Kuja tribe is that the tribe consists entirely of women. Due to most of them being isolated on their island, the majority of them are unfamiliar with men, particularly their anatomy.

The women are raised in the ways of the warrior and are often burly and strong, but they also have an air of elegance about them as well.

Despite being a warrior tribe, the Kuja cultivate a surprisingly peaceful existence within Amazon Lily, and only engage in battle amongst themselves in arranged competitions held in the local arena for the general public's entertainment.

No man was allowed to ever set foot on their island. There is no place here for greedy, foolish men at all. They believe that men are useless and that women are superior in everything.

Amazon Lily is a place no man should ever set his foot on if they still value their life. In this land, the strong are beautiful. Should a man ever approach this country, eradication is all that awaits him.

Luffy's hands clenched tightly, his small action made everyone quickly stay far away from him.

But the ladies were still surrounding him in a large circle. They were extremely curious, this is the first time they've seen a man before.

Everyone was cautious about him though. Luffy yawned, scaring all of them. He grunted as he sat up and looked at himself.

Marguerite gulped as she looked at Luffy's eyes.

"Where the hell did my clothes go?" Luffy grumbled to himself and looked at his wound which doesn't have the bandages on it anymore.

"And who the hell tore off my bandages?!" He palmed his face and groaned.

" I shouldn't have eaten that mushroom. " He mumbled as he grunted. He started applying pressure to his stab and puncture wounds because they started bleeding again.

"Ah fuck." Luffy cursed as he started coughing out blood violently, his sudden coughing scared the women even more.

He looked at the women surrounding him and were watching him warily. He smiled warmly at them, making them gulp dramatically.

"Hey ladies, do you think you can help a guy out?" Luffy asked before falling unconscious again and fell back into the river. He had lost too much blood.




"Let's see! Let's see!!"

"I wanna see too!!"

Luffy rubbed his eyes as he sat up on the bed he was lying on. He has bandages wrapping around his torso and other than that he was completely naked.

"Look, he has a chest but it doesn't look like a woman's! And he has those eight square rocks on his stomach!! "

" Such a ruggedly unusual beast!"

" He looks so weak with that short, scruffy looking hair! "

" But he's so big and tall! That must mean something right?! "

"Ugh, what's all this racket? And where's my hat and clothes?" Luffy looked around him. He was in a jail cell, which was weird but he was in their territory so it's logical they would put him in here.

"Oh! He can talk!!"

Luffy looked at the women who were all gathering around the jail cell and observing his every action. He grinned broadly at them. "Hey ladies. Thanks for bandaging me up and letting me rest here!! But can you guys give me back my clothes please?" He requested nicely as he looked at Sweet Pea who was wearing his straw hat.

"Ah, there's my hat." Luffy muttered as he stretched out his right hand at her. He grabbed the hat and the hand retracted back into place.

The women squealed in shock at his unusual ability. "EHHHHH?!!!!"

"His arm stretched! What on earth is his body made out of?!" Marguerite asked while looking at Luffy who sighed in relief as he put his straw hat on his head.

"So men..... they have arms that stretch! What a surprise!! This is so interesting..... must note it down... " Nerine whispered while writing it down in her notebook with a pen.

"Uh, I don't know who you are. But you're wrong about that part. Only I can do it." Luffy looked at her, this new piece of info surprised Nerine greatly.

"So what can the other men do?!" Nerine asked excitedly. Luffy grinned at her.

"Well, from what I've seen. One guy can change into a human leopard hybrid. There's also another who can transform into a human giraffe hybrid. Oh and also, there's also a guy who's an Ice Human and another that's a Light Human. Meanwhile, I'm a rubber man. My body is made out of rubber, see? " Luffy stretched out his arm and gave Nerine a peace sign. His words greatly amazed everyone.

"Wow!!! How can you do it?!" Nerine was unable to contain her excitement and asked him.

"I ate something called a Devil Fruit. It permanently grants me superhuman powers and an equally permanent inability to swim. I can only eat one though, if I eat another, I'll explode and die." Luffy explained as he stretched and twisted his rubber hand around himself.

"Woah!! So cool!!" The ladies were looking at him with awe in their eyes. Luffy grinned and blushed in embarrassment. He was used to getting praised by people, but getting praised by so many beautiful women is something else entirely.

"What's your name?!" One of the Kuja warriors asked him.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy! Nice to meet you all! Shishishishishi!!!" Luffy introduced himself cheerfully.

" He's so polite for a man! " Aphelandra commented. Marguerite pointed at his dick and testicles.

"Before we give you back your clothes, can you tell us what on earth is that long meat and sack in between your legs?" She asked him, making Luffy freeze and laugh nervously.

He cleared his throat and composed himself. He should not make fun of someone's cluelessness, even though it's funny as hell.

"This is my penis and these are my testicles. This is used to pee and make a baby with a woman. "

" EHHHHHHHHHHH???!!!!!!! "

To be continued.....

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