
The marine's stratergy!

Amidst the furious roar of the Golden Lion, there was no expression on Sengoku's face. He wouldn't be called the strategist Sengoku if he acted rashly just because of the opponent's words.

His incredibly calm mind was swiftly analyzing the battlefield situation.

"Garp, be ready to act at any moment. Although this old man Golden Lion's power has declined, he's not someone that Borsalino and the other two young ones can easily handle! If the situation allows, we can directly kill him. As for Golden Lion's abilities, let the World Government deal with that headache."

Sengoku spoke solemnly.

Meanwhile, facing Golden Lion, Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Kuzan decisively took action after a brief confrontation. The three of them swiftly rushed towards Golden Lion's location almost simultaneously.


On the pirate ship, many pirates shouted in fear as they watched the three powerful Admirals charging towards them.

Looking down from above, Golden Lion narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, several sword lights flew out from Golden Lion's position, covering the area where the Marines were located.

Lion Thousand Slashes!

Almost as soon as Golden Lion made his move, Sengoku acted.

His body suddenly radiated Golden light, transforming into a massive Golden Buddha figure. Then, with a gentle step, he leaped into the air. The massive weight of his body even caused the rear of the warships to rise, and then he fell heavily.

Buddha Impact!

The giant Golden Buddha leaped high into the air, simultaneously making a striking motion with its shining Golden body. The enormous shockwave formed almost instantly in his hand, amplified by his Devil Fruit ability and his own strength, making this strike incredibly powerful.

As the air surged with waves of energy, the unstoppable shockwave dispersed several sword lights unleashed by Golden Lion and directly smashed a nearby pirate ship not far from Golden Lion's flagship into splinters.

In the air, Sengoku's back against the sunlight was awe-inspiring, instilling no sense of resistance in anyone who beheld him.

Looking at Sengoku, Golden Lion sneered, "Sengoku, have you finally decided to make a move?"

"No!" Sengoku replied, looking at Golden Lion. "You're not my opponent."

With that, Sengoku changed direction and began attacking other pirate crews on the ice.

As the highest fighting force of the Marine Headquarters, he slaughtered the other pirates mercilessly, knowing full well that this battle was not a show, and he was the MVP of this battlefield.

"Now is not the time to be distracted! Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

As he spoke, a kick came from behind Golden Lion's angle, aimed at the helm. If this kick landed, Golden Lion would undoubtedly be seriously injured.


Just as Borsalino launched his Light Speed Kick, a huge mast, as thick as several people's embrace, came crashing towards Borsalino's position from the side. Helplessly, Borsalino had to turn into light and disappear to dodge the attack.

"Haha, it really makes one furious! Who do you think I am? I am Golden Lion Shiki!"

Floating in the air, Golden Lion's expression became fierce.

As the battle intensified and Sengoku was ignored, he unleashed the full spirit and ferocity of a great pirate. Despite facing most of the Navy's forces and feeling that he might not survive the day, Golden Lion had no intention of fleeing. This was his final battle with Roger, and no one could stop it, not even Garp, Sengoku, Tsuru, and the elite Marines along with the three Supernovas.


"Take them down!"


With Golden Lion's arrogance, the Golden Lion Pirates roared like they had been buffed. Figures leaped from the bow of the ship onto the ice, swiftly advancing towards the Marines. Seeing this, other pirate crews around them also converged, realizing that scattering would only make them easy pickings. Only by uniting did they stand a chance.

On the Navy side, there was no fear in their hearts as they saw the pirates gathering to charge. They only roared loudly to boost their morale.

Before coming here, they already knew what they had to do. Almost every Navy member here had made their peace.

The atmosphere on the battlefield became increasingly intense. There was no exhilarating music here, only the sounds of pain, screams, and battle.

It was only after completely defeating the enemy that they could vent their emotions.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides collided.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The cannons roared, and massive explosions rang out instantly.

The clash of swords, the sound of guns firing, and the cries of battle filled the air almost instantly.

Meanwhile, Nicholas, who was silently observing from a distance, felt none of the battlefield's excitement.

As an observer, his experience was vastly different from those immersed in it.

Here, there was no thrilling, adrenaline-pumping music. There were only painful moans, screams, and the sounds of combat.

It was only after thoroughly defeating the enemy that they could vent their emotions.

In the chaos of the battlefield, a Marine might have just slashed the neck of a pirate with his sword when, before he could withdraw his blade, he was shot in the head by a pirate with a gun from afar. And before that pirate could turn his gun around, he was punched through the chest by a powerful Marine.

It could be said that in this chaotic battlefield, unless you were one of the handful of people at the top of the sea, you could die at any moment.

As the clash continued, both sides began to rapidly deplete their forces. However, the pirates were falling much faster than the Marines.

Even though many pirates were stronger than the Marines, the presence of Sengoku, who had transformed into a giant Buddha, made the battlefield a meat grinder. Every shockwave took away large numbers of pirates. Even the captains of the Flying Pirates were taken out with just a few moves.

Unlike the Top War, where the Navy's lineup was aimed at wiping out the Whitebeard Pirates, with Garp, Sengoku, the three Admirals, and tens of thousands of elite Marines, the Whitebeard Pirates had no chance. The reason why the Whitebeard Pirates were not completely wiped out was most likely due to Monkey D. Luffy's sudden interference. One could say that Monkey D. Luffy alone distracted more than half of the Navy's top forces, leaving only Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, and Aokiji to handle the advancing round.

"Sinful act, I will not tolerate it! Scorching River Eruption!"

With Sakazuki's voice, a massive lava fist formed from molten rock flew towards Golden Lion in the sky.

"You are truly arrogant, little brat! Lion's Majesty: Lion's Pride!"

With Golden Lion's words, he reached out and grasped the ice below, causing a tremor. Suddenly, the ice around Sakazuki surged, and five lions, each tens of meters tall and made of ice, pounced towards Sakazuki.


The massive lava fist collided with the ice lions, instantly forming a large cloud of steam that enveloped Sakazuki's figure, obscuring his situation.

Just as Golden Lion was about to turn around,

A more chilling coldness suddenly swept over, accompanied by the high-temperature water vapor in the surroundings. Golden Lion's eyes narrowed, and his body suddenly turned, preparing to leap away.

At that moment, a deep voice echoed from within the steam.

"Ice Age!"

"Crack! Crack!"

The water vapor enveloping Golden Lion was instantly frozen into ice, and Golden Lion himself was encased in ice.

Almost simultaneously, as Kuzan exerted his control, a hellhound made of lava broke through the ice from below and lunged towards Sakazuki to bite him. At the same time, Borsalino in the air also assumed an attacking stance.


Just then, Kuzan's brow furrowed.

"Lion's Majesty: Sovereign Earthly Conquest!"

"Crack! Crack!"

With a single grasp of the hand, the ice encasing Golden Lion shattered, and the broken ice swiftly converged around him, forming a massive lion. Its head shook violently, swallowing up the 'bugs' before it.

Seeing the unfavorable situation, Borsalino swiftly shifted sideways, moving out of the attack range.

Meanwhile, as Sakazuki charged forward, he was instantly swallowed by the massive ice lion, crashing heavily onto the ice.

The gigantic ice surface began to crack and split, with seawater faintly seeping out from the crevices.

The tremendous shockwave from the attack also sent Kuzan flying, rolling tens of meters across the ice surface before finally steadying himself.

Upon landing, Kuzan immediately activated his ability once again, resealing the shattered ice surface.


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