
Simon's skills

Simon held his beloved rifle steady, wisps of smoke curling from the barrel after he fired five shots, taking down seven of the Flower Nation's naval forces with headshots.

These naval forces of the Flower Nation, rather than true navy personnel, were more akin to pirates under the Flower Nation's banner. Yet, even with tactics more aligned with a military than a typical pirate crew, they fell prey to Simon's sniper rifle, each shot claiming a life.

Simon reached for bullets to reload, but at that moment, he swiftly drew his sidearm and, without hesitation, fired into the nearby bushes. A Flower Nation naval soldier fell, his body lifeless as bone fragments scattered silently.

"Huh, spotted again? Seems like my Observation Haki training still has a long way to go. If only I had Observation Haki at the level of a captain," Simon muttered as he holstered his sidearm and began reloading, simultaneously shifting his position quickly. Extended use of Observation Haki had strained him, allowing the enemy to close in on him and almost pinpoint his location.

These Flower Nation soldiers harboured a deep hatred for Simon. How many of them had come this time? Yet, before even engaging their target, they had lost a tenth of their fighting force to Simon's bullets. It was a humiliating setback!

And what better way to wash away humiliation than with the blood of their enemy!

Clearly, the Flower Nation's strategy to encircle and squeeze Simon's movement space was sound, but they had underestimated the tenacity of this sniper even when cornered.

With each shot fired by Simon, a Flower Nation soldier fell, and the atmosphere among the naval forces grew tense. None dared to venture too far forward after witnessing the deadly accuracy of his shots.

As minutes passed, the rhythm of gunfire gradually quieted. Among the Flower Nation's naval forces, hiding behind trees, glances exchanged revealed the fear in their eyes.

"Has he run out of bullets?" the soldiers whispered to each other, their lips barely moving.

"I don't know. Why don't you go check?" one replied.

"Why don't you go, damn it?"

Meanwhile, not far from there, Simon loaded his rifle, raising it as another Flower Nation soldier dared to show himself, only to fall to a bullet through the head.

"Truly an impressive individual," a robust figure emerged from the shadows of the trees, speaking loudly towards Simon's position.

"Heh, sending your men to die for you?" Simon tightened his grip on his sidearm, as his sniper rifle had long since run out of bullets.

"They won't die in vain. Their families, part of the Flower Nation's naval forces, will be cared for. And I will use your head to appease the souls of these fallen warriors. Remember, the one who will take your life is Sunflower Naval Reserve's backbone, Majiao!" The robust figure flexed his fists, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What gives you the confidence that a sniper without bullets is a pushover to be toyed with?" Simon looked at Majiao with calm eyes, while inwardly, he was preparing to face the upcoming threat.

"Do you think your puny body can win in close combat against me?" Majiao sneered. To Simon, it seemed that facing an opponent in close quarters was no different than facing a fish on a cutting board.

Simon clenched his fist gently, conveying his readiness to act through action rather than words, as if he couldn't be bothered to engage in further debate.

This action undoubtedly provoked Majiao, who promptly covered his hands with Armament Haki.

Then, with a burst of strength, Majiao lunged towards Simon, a fierce wind trailing behind him.

"Ever seen bullets that can turn corners?" Facing Majiao charging at him, Simon smiled slightly. In the blink of an eye, he drew his flintlock pistol from his waist and aimed it directly at Majiao's heart.

It's a well-known fact that the heart and the brain are the most vulnerable spots on the human body. While the brain is protected by the skull, the heart has only the chest to shield it.


Simon pulled the trigger, a special bullet shooting out.

Although Majiao had trained well in Armament Haki, his proficiency in Observation Haki was lacking.

However, being one of the backbone members of the Sunflower Naval Reserve, Majiao's arms, covered in Armament Haki, crossed in front of him, shielding his vital organs.

For a master of Armament Haki, unless facing a bullet coated with Armament Haki, regular bullets posed no threat.

Soon, the bullet enveloped in searing heat arrived in front of Majiao.

"I said it's useless!" Majiao's confidence seemed unshaken, despite the bullet's trajectory veering off in a peculiar way.

Yet, to Majiao's surprise and horror, the bullet, which should have struck him head-on, suddenly changed direction, bypassing his shielded arms, and pierced his temple.

"Why... did it change direction?" The shock and disbelief on Majiao's face were evident.

Though primarily a close combat specialist, Majiao, born into the Flower Nation's naval forces, had a decent knowledge of firearms. He knew that many marksmen could perform incredible feats with their rifles, some even making shots across mountains. However, a bullet that could turn was beyond his comprehension.

"Are you puzzled?" Simon's voice echoed in Majiao's ears.

"I'll tell you. It's a technique passed down to me by someone. By rapidly shaking the wrist during the moment of firing, a horizontal acceleration is imparted to the bullet as it leaves the barrel, creating a curved trajectory. He calls it Gun Kata! That's why snipers are dangerous not only at a distance but also in close combat."

"I see..." Majiao wore a bewildered expression to his death, unable to comprehend the shaking and horizontal acceleration.


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