
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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623 Chs

Formal greeting!

With the sound of the Falcon's cry from above, Kaido instinctively looked up to the sky.

Thanks to his terrifyingly keen eyesight, Kaido quickly spotted the immense wingspan of the falcon and the figure standing on it—Brook.

"Yohohoho... It seems I arrived just in time."


Wearing a top hat and dressed in a black gentleman's suit, Brook leaped off the phoenix and descended toward Kaido.

Before hearing the Falcon's cry, Kaido hadn't noticed Brook's arrival immediately.

Kaido rested his kanabo on his shoulder, turning to Brook with an amused expression, "Not bad, little mouse. Your ability to conceal your presence is quite impressive."

"Yohohoho, speaking of age, that's a long story, but it's just a trivial matter. I have official business this time."

Meeting Kaido's gaze, Brook remained composed, though his face lacked flesh to show expressions.

After spinning his cane sword elegantly, Brook planted it into the ground, resting his hands on it.

Brook then straightforwardly stated his purpose, "Apologies for the intrusion. If possible, please allow me to convey our captain's message to Captain Kaido."

"Hmm? A message from that guy Nicholas!?"

Hearing this, Kaido's demeanor shifted, his gaze turning cold as he looked at Brook, seeming ready to attack at any moment.

Ignoring Kaido's icy stare, Brook continued speaking calmly.

"According to our intelligence, the Whitebeard Pirates are currently heading towards Wano, with former Nine Red Scabbards, including Kiku no Jo, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, Kawamatsu, and Izo, who didn't return after leaving with Oden, and now serves as the commander of Whitebeard's 16th Division. Their goal should be clear to you, right, Kaido-san?"

Brook looked at Kaido calmly.

If it weren't for Nicholas having a grand plan that prevented him from staying in Wano, Brook wouldn't have come to Kaido. Though the Whitebeard Pirates were notorious, a full-scale war could go either way, especially with Kaido's forces in Wano.

After listening to Brook, Kaido grinned menacingly, "Is that old Whitebeard coming to avenge Oden? How touching."

Kaido's words carried a mocking smile, recalling how he had feared attacks from either the Roger Pirates or the Whitebeard Pirates when he took over Wano. But after executing Oden, neither group had responded, making Kaido grateful for Oden's foolishness.

As for the Whitebeard Pirates, Kaido considered only Whitebeard himself a threat, viewing the rest as weaklings playing at piracy.

"Oh, by the way. As a gesture of goodwill, we're willing to release King and Queen. Also, our captain mentioned that if you still want to make it to Loguetown for Roger's execution showdown, you'd better resolve Wano's trouble quickly."

Kaido's eyes turned sharp, his terrifying aura pressing down on Brook as he said coldly, "Don't get too cocky. No one can order me around..."

"Yohohoho, those were our captain's exact words."

Brook didn't falter under Kaido's terrifying aura. He merely pressed down on his top hat to keep it from blowing away, his tone remaining light and unaffected.

"Well, the message has been delivered..."

Brook's voice abruptly stopped.

Kaido had suddenly attacked, swinging his kanabo from his shoulder toward Brook.

Seeing Kaido's sudden move, Brook's eyes widened briefly, then a smile appeared on his skeletal face.

The immense kanabo, covered in Armament Haki and carrying immense power, struck Brook, resulting in a booming explosion.

"Yohohoho, quite the temper, Kaido-san."

Through the smoke, a figure slowly emerged, surrounded by a few floating green flames, revealing Brook in his soul form.


Kaido looked at the shattered skeletal remains of Brook on the ground, a puzzled expression on his face.

Seeing Brook holding his soul-transformed Soul Solid, Kaido grew even more perplexed.

Brook, however, didn't bother explaining. He chose to leave, recalling Nicholas's advice that only fools reveal their abilities to give their enemies a way to counter them.

"Hohohoho, surprises never cease with you, Nicholas."

Watching Brook disappear, Kaido laughed heartily.


A warm, sticky substance with a distinct odor splattered onto his head.

Furious Falcon: Achievement +1

Meanwhile, in a room at Nicholas's base in Hakumai, a skeleton's eyes suddenly lit up with green flames.

"Ah, using my own body is still the best. Now, I should report to Miss June and the others."


On the seas near Wano.

Aboard the Moby Dick, resembling a giant white whale, the lookout was observing the surroundings through his telescope from the crow's nest.

The silhouette of an island appeared in the center of his view.

"Papa! Wano has been spotted!"

On the deck, Whitebeard set down his sake cup.

The atmosphere on the Moby Dick grew tense.

"Papa, something is approaching in the sky!"

The lookout reported, his voice soon filled with alarm, "Papa, it's Kaido and King!"

Hearing the report, Whitebeard, resting his bisento on the deck, stepped towards the bow.

Marco transformed into his phoenix form, hovering above the Moby Dick.

"Big Brother Kaido, it's indeed Whitebeard."

Seeing the Moby Dick and the fleet of subordinate pirate crews, the pteranodon flying alongside the blue dragon reported to Kaido.

"Hohohoho~ It seems that guy was right. Let's give them a proper greeting!"

Kaido released a terrifying Conqueror's Haki, pressing down on Whitebeard's fleet.

"He possesses Conqueror's Haki like Papa."

Members of Whitebeard's fleet exclaimed in shock.

"Gurararara, what a reckless youngster."

Whitebeard laughed, baring his white teeth, his Conqueror's Haki surging forth to meet Kaido's.


As their Haki clashed, black and red lightning crackled, and the air seemed to compress under the pressure. The sky above them appeared to split, with clouds on either side rolling and churning.