

"Yo ho ho...?"

As the mysterious music drew closer, the people on the ship grew increasingly tense. After all, in a place like the Devil's Triangle, shrouded in legends and ominous fog, the atmosphere was palpable.

"Is it here?"

A hint of red flashed in Nicholas's eyes as he saw the silhouette of a large ship breaking through the thick mist and drifting toward them.

Soon, the outline of a dilapidated giant sailboat emerged from the fog in front of everyone.

"Yo ho ho...?"

"Yo ho ho...?"

Accompanying the appearance of the ship was the eerie music, clearly emanating from the dilapidated vessel.

What was eerie about this suddenly appearing ship was that its sails were tattered, its masts were filled with signs of decay, and it seemed on the verge of collapse, as if they might snap at any moment.

There were huge gaps on both sides, allowing a glimpse of the interior of the ship through the massive openings.

Even more eerie was the absence of any signs of life on the ship, yet there was inexplicably music drifting from it.

"It's here!"

"The legendary Ghost Ship of the high seas!"

"May Nika protect us!"

"Mom, I don't want to die!"

"We're done for, we're going to be taken by the Ghost Ship!"

"Don't listen, cover your ears quickly. It's the cursed ship song of the spirits!"

"Even if you see ghosts, or even if they say something, don't uncover your ears, or you'll be taken to the depths of the sea!"

"These spirits loathe the breath of the living; they'll find a way to drag anyone they see into the water!"

"Change course, what are you waiting for!"

Although the captain shouted hoarsely to change direction, none of the crew responded. Their hands were all over their ears, blocking out the eerie ship song, and it was too late to change course at such a distance.

They were about to encounter the legendary Ghost Ship that roamed the Devil's Triangle!

Soon, the massive Ghost Ship brushed past their ship, and even the people on board could clearly see the layout of the Ghost Ship, filled with various signs of damage from cuts, burns, and many worn-out swords embedded in the decrepit deck.

Through the large holes in the hull, one could even see the broken spiderwebs in many rooms, as if spiders themselves, due to the absence of living creatures, were nonexistent.

Suddenly, trembling words rang out: "T-There...there are people on board!"

The captain, who hadn't covered his ears, naturally heard these words. When he followed the gaze of his companion, his pupils dilated instantly, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

Because through the mist, one could see the silhouette of a figure standing on the deck of the Ghost Ship facing them.

It looked like a demon from hell, seeking prey to drag into the depths.

"H-ho...ho ho...there are really people up there!!!"

The captain was so nervous that he could barely speak clearly.

"...Binks' Sake...?"

"...Sea wind blows...to where who knows..."

Just then, the singing on the ship became clearer.

And then Nicholas also saw a skeleton wearing a suit and hat with an explosive head standing on the deck, holding a cup still steaming with heat and looking down at them from a high vantage point.

"Yo ho ho ho~ Would you like a cup of hot tea, everyone?"

It seemed the skeleton on top also noticed that the people on the ship had spotted him, and he took off his hat with his hand, asking the people on board.


The people were slightly surprised, mechanically turning their necks to look at the laughing skeleton.

After a moment,

"A ghost!!!"

"A moving skeleton!"

"Truly a demon of the sea, may Nikka banish evil spirits!"

"Mom, save me!"

Many were startled, and even two with smaller courage rolled their eyes and fainted.

Seeing the reactions of the people below, the skeleton seemed unfazed.

"Yo ho ho ho~ I'm not a ghost, but a talking skeleton."

The skeleton defended himself with a laugh, then added somewhat belatedly, "Although a talking skeleton seems to be a kind of ghost. Of course, compared to ghosts, I prefer if you call me Brook. Yo ho ho ho~"


At this point, Nicholas, who had not spoken, suddenly spoke up.


The people on the ship were surprised to see Nicholas approaching. They all made astonished sounds.

"Yo ho ho ho~ Truly a distinguished guest."

Seeing Nicholas accept his invitation, Brook also seemed quite surprised. After all, he had become like this after eating the Devil Fruit, but others wouldn't see it that way. In their eyes, he was just a talking skeleton, a ghost.

Especially in the Devil's Triangle, the perpetually dissipating eerie fog, and the long-standing legends only cemented his identity as a ghost.

So when some ships lost in the Devil's Triangle encountered him, even if he wanted to point out the way for them, he wouldn't have the chance. Their first reaction upon seeing him was to flee at full speed.

As time went on, Brook didn't bother to care anymore.

"Stay here and don't move. I'll be right back."

After telling the captain of the ship below, Nicholas flashed and appeared on the Ghost Ship.

First, Nicholas took a look at the ship that had drifted for many years. Although the ship was somewhat dilapidated, one could still see many repair marks on it.

One could even see a tea table beside Brook, with several well-preserved but slightly yellowed books on it.

"Yo ho ho~ Would the guest like some tea?"

Brook looked at Nicholas and asked warmly.

"I dare not drink your tea brewed with seawater."

Nicholas waved his hand and refused directly. Jokes aside, who knew how long those tea leaves had been there, or if there were even any tea leaves. And after drifting on the sea for so long, where would Brook get fresh water? Most likely, he boiled seawater casually.

"Yo ho ho..."

Brook didn't say anything about Nicholas's words, laughing for a while before pouring the hot tea, which was still emitting steam, into his mouth. Soon, the hot tea spilled out along his somewhat hollow jawbone.

This scene left Nicholas somewhat speechless.

"Yo ho ho ho~ I forgot I don't have a mouth."

After putting down the cup, Brook said with a smile.

"To maintain the nature of being human, right? The Rumbar Pirates, Humming Brook."

Nicholas didn't mock Brook's antics but spoke up.

After all, years, decades, even dozens of years of drifting alone in the sea, the feeling of loneliness was easy to drive one insane.

Upon hearing Nicholas's words, Brook fell silent for a moment before seemingly reminiscing and said, "It's been a while since someone remembered the Rumbar Pirates."


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