
Chapter 1: Prologue

I always wondered what comes after death. Would I go to heaven or would I end up in hell for my sins? Did god even exist or would there simply be nothing after death? I certainly didn't expect those mediocre isekai fanfictions to be an accurate representation of what happens after you die. Yet here I am, standing in front of an omnipotent being who has given me a choice. Although 'standing' would be an inaccurate word to use in this situation considering I am just a floating soul at the moment. It feels so wrong yet so right at the same time.

"So what will it be?" the cosmic being said which interrupted my train of thought.

'A choice between being sent to heaven or reincarnated into a fictional world of my choice'.

Both options had their pros and cons. If I choose to go to heaven I could finally meet my late grand-parents, and reunite with my dog since there is no way that tiny pug didn't go to heaven, unless dogs go to a different heaven than humans. But on the other side, I died at a measly eighteen years old. After being diagnosed with bone cancer at ten years old I felt as if I had so much more to do. I missed out on a lot of experiences. My parents are still alive so I wouldn't be able to see them either way. If I choose to be reincarnated into a fictional world I could go on an adventure, I could finally live.

"I've come to a decision, but I have one final question before I tell you what I decided. Will I go to heaven after I die in the fictional world?" I asked the completely white androgynous being.

"Unless you end up as an evil and selfish person you will go to heaven where you can reunite with your parents" it answered with a soft yet powerful voice.

"Alright, then I choose to be reincarnated into the world of One Piece" I said.

"A fine choice, what three abilities do you choose to be reborn with? Remember not to choose anything too overpowered." it said.

There are so many abilities so choose from, and while what I decided to wish for may not make me the strongest person in One Piece instantaneously, I believe it's enough for me to fulfill my dream. My dream to go on the most exciting adventure ever.

With that being said I told God what three wishes I had.

"Firstly, I wish to get the Magu Magu no Mi." I informed it.

"That is an acceptable wish, though there will be some changes to the world of One Piece since there can't be two people with the same devil fruit at the same time. I will change it so that Sakazuki won't find the devil fruit. This will cause a butterfly effect so not everything will happen as it does in the original story. Do you still wish for the Magu Magu no Mi?"

"Yes, I do, I wasn't planning on following canon anyway, as for my second wish, I want to have an extreme talent in haki."

"That is acceptable, but bear in mind that you still need a teacher to master haki, you can only get so far on your own. Having a teacher would speed up the process tenfold. Your growth when learning haki will simply be faster than everyone else. Your haki will also be naturally stronger than others as well." it said.

"I expected that, anyway, for my final wish I want to have a perfect memory of the One Piece lore." I told the god.

"As you wish, have you decided when in the timeline you want to be born and do you have any specifications on where to be born or who your parents are?" it asked me.

After pondering the question for a while I decided to be reborn as Rayleigh's grandson, three years prior to Luffy's birth. Now in the original timeline Rayleigh isn't stated to have any children but in this timeline he had a daughter. For my father I decided to have him be an absent one and I told the god that I wish to have my new mother die while giving birth. The reason for this is because it would cause a lot less problems in the future since I don't have to constantly act like a child. I also believe that my original parents are irreplaceable. I don't want to act like somebody else's child. My hope is for Rayleigh to take me in and raise me because that opens up a lot of opportunities. I could've become Luffy's brother but that would raise a lot of death flags, if I reincarnated as Kaido's son to have his physical prowess I would've been heavily restricted. Being born as a celestial dragon was also a tempting option but I didn't want to start at the top. I want an adventure filled with challenges and difficulties. With that being said I informed god of my choice.

"Well then I wish you luck in your future endeavors young man, live your life to the fullest!" were the last words I heard before it all went black.

AN: This is my first ever attempt to write a fanfiction. I have no idea how frequent updates will be or how long I will write. I'm a seventeen year old student so I have a lot on my plate since it's the last year before I graduate. Tell me what you think of it so far, reviews are appreciated as long as it's real criticism.

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