
One piece: I can Repel Everything

Ethan is pleased. It's the year 1519, which means he's finally going out to sea. After transmigrating to the one-piece world, he obtained the paramecia devil's fruit of repulsion. This devil fruit, which was considered a Trash fruit, was brought to its maximum potential by Ethan, thus developing various abilities: Shinra Tensei, Repel Damage, Repel Space, Repel tiredness, etc... He is destined to become the strongest in this world! No one can stop it. His story begins here...

_Ni_ck_ · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Ethan caught Whitebeard's attention.

The first half of the Grand Line, in a specific area of the sea.

Inside an elegant room, a Beautiful woman stood before the window.

"Ethan, I miss you so much, I miss you dearly!"

A gentle breeze caressed Hancock's long, ebony hair, causing it to sway gracefully. Her crimson dress fluttered slightly in response, enhancing her already mesmerizing beauty.

"What am I doing? Am I indulging in thoughts of my beloved? Absolutely."

"Shall I call Ethan now?"

"No, no, Ethan must be deep in his training; I mustn't disturb him."

Hancock's captivating gaze fixated on the horizon, where the endless blue sea met the sky. She seemed lost in a world of daydreams, murmuring to herself.

To be honest, if it were anyone else, this behavior might seem eccentric or foolish, but Hancock's unparalleled beauty made even such quirks enchanting.

"Knock, knock, knock..."At that moment, Marigold's voice echoed from beyond the door. "Sister, there's news regarding Mr. Ethan."

"What?!" Hancock was taken aback.

Utterly surprised.

Soon after, her expression shifted to one of ecstatic joy.

Hancock spun around quickly, her radiant eyes sparkling with excitement. She eagerly beckoned, "Come in..."

With a creak, Marigold and Sandersonia entered the room promptly.

Both were well aware of Hancock's keen interest in Ethan and didn't dare delay.

"Tell me..."

Before they could utter a word, Hancock interjected eagerly, "If there's news, share it with me immediately."

Sandersonia stepped forward, presenting a newspaper with a smile. "My lady, we procured a newspaper and found information about Mr. Ethan."

"Please, have a look."

She handed the newspaper to Hancock, who wasted no time opening it.


Upon spotting Ethan's image in the newspaper, Hancock's captivating eyes immediately lit up. A look of astonishment crossed her alluring face.

"Ethan is in the newspaper? How marvelous!"

Marigold and Sandersonia nodded approvingly, grinning. "Indeed, it's a wonderful development that Mr. Ethan has garnered newspaper attention."

Both sisters held a favorable view of Ethan, akin to regarding him as a brother-in-law.

However, Hancock seemed oblivious to their remarks, engrossed in Ethan's photo.

"So handsome... Truly handsome."

Hancock scrutinized every detail in the photos, from top to bottom, left to right, ensuring she had the complete picture.

"As expected of the man my heart desires. He never ceases to amaze me."

"Oh, I adore him to no end."

Marigold and Sandersonia exchanged knowing glances and shrugged, finding themselves at a loss.

Their elder sister's unwavering love for Ethan often led her into daydreams.

They had reported this behavior to Granny Nyon and asked for advice. Granny Nyon's response had left them speechless:

"In East Blue, they say love is always tempestuous!"

Now that Granny Nyon had spoken, there was little they could do except let Hancock indulge in her musings.

After some time, Hancock's eyes sparkled with delight. Her face, flawless and radiant, was adorned with a joyful expression. She spoke with a smile:


"Ethan is the best, far superior to my concubine."

"My first bounty was a mere 80 million."

Hancock's admiration was evident as she continued, "I've never heard of such a high initial bounty in the world."

"Ethan, you are exceptional, the best of the best. No one can compare."

"I adore you, I adore you. I wish to fall into your embrace."

As she spoke, she drifted into another reverie, her fair face blushing with infatuation.

Marigold and Sandersonia refrained from reminding her this time, allowing their sister to continue her daydream.

After a while, Hancock snapped back to reality, noticing her two attendants watching her expectantly. She stated firmly:

"Marigold, Sandersonia, we must expedite our plans."

"Ethan has gained worldwide fame, and the world now knows his name."

"We cannot lag; we must follow him closely, walking in his footsteps."

"In the future, we too must make a name for ourselves, ensuring Amazon Lily's reputation is known far and wide."

Hancock turned slowly to gaze out the window at the blue skies and white clouds. Her determination was resolute as she continued:

"I must not hinder Ethan in any way. Not."

Marigold and Sandersonia nodded in agreement, echoing her sentiments.

"Sister, you are right. We should inform the others and hasten our journey to the New World."

Having said their piece, the two exited the room.

Hancock, perched atop Salome, reopened the newspaper and reread the article about Ethan.

When it came to news concerning Ethan, she was incredibly attentive, committing every word to memory. When it came to her beloved, not a single detail could be overlooked.

"This title, 'Ethan The Black King,' I like it..."

"Oh, the angle from which Ethan is photographed is so charming..."

"Indeed, if we have Ethan wear white attire someday, I wonder what that would be like..."

"In the future, I'll wear a white wedding dress, and Ethan will wear a white suit. How romantic..."

And so, Hancock's soliloquies filled the room as she continued to immerse herself in thoughts of her beloved.


In the New World, above a certain stretch of sea, a massive ship named the Moby Dick sailed swiftly through the waters.

"Come one, come all, the morning newspaper has arrived. Gather 'round if you wish to peruse its contents," announced Marco, as he approached Whitebeard with a stack of newspapers, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Vista, known for his perpetual calm demeanor, smiled serenely and commented, "Marco, there's only so much to see out at sea. What could be worth our attention?"

Izou, busy wiping his flintlock gun, chimed in, "The sea's been tranquil for quite some time now. Is there any noteworthy news at all?"

Marco, reclining on the deck with half-closed eyelids, as if he had just woken from slumber, responded, "Well, as it turns out, there is some fresh news. It seems the world has issued a bounty for the highest-ranked pirate."

"Indeed, and for the first time, that bounty has reached a staggering 100 million Berries. It's unprecedented," he added.

The team captains paused, their activities momentarily halted. stopped what they were doing and inquired further.

Jozu, typically a man of few words, questioned, "Marco, are you sure you read that correctly? In the Four Blues, rewards seldom exceed tens of millions."

Tatch nodded sagely, "I've never heard of such a thing either. The world government rarely offers bounties of this magnitude."

At this point, Teach leaned in, a hearty laugh escaping him upon seeing the reward amount in the newspaper. "It's a bounty of 100 million Berries, my friends! Zehahaha!"

Fossa shook his head, a perplexed expression on his face. He still couldn't believe it and remarked, "To offer such a substantial bounty without even setting foot in the Grand Line is astounding."

Blamenco, wrapping his arms around himself with a smile, offered his perspective. "The Marines have always been meticulous with bounty amounts. This suggests that this young man, Ethan, poses a significant threat."

Rakuyo shrugged nonchalantly, "While that may be true, the Marines are being extraordinarily generous this time. Offering a 100 million Berry bounty for someone from the Four Blues is bound to make other pirates think twice."

Marco, having read the entire contents of the newspaper, added casually, "The North Blue's Overlord has met his end. Facing the Overlord from the East Blue, Ethan didn't even need to lift a finger to conclude the battle."

"Even without the issuance of an arrest warrant, the Marines do not know his abilities or whether he consumed a Devil Fruit."

"Curious, indeed. This young man remains a mystery."

Kingdew, with an impassive expression, offered his thoughts, "The crew members collectively have bounties exceeding 400 million Berries."

"Even in the New World, that's not a trifling sum."

Vista nodded, concurring, "Both the Logia Miasma Fruit and the Paramecia Sonic Fruit are exceptional Devil Fruits."

"It's undeniable that this group is poised to make waves upon entering the Grand Line."

Jozu crossed his arms, speaking calmly, "Yet another potential contender. It all hinges on their growth and development."

Harta, wearing a smile, asserted confidently, "I believe this group won't fade away quickly. In time, their names will resound once more."

At this point, Whitebeard, seated on his chair, interjected with a deep voice, "Marco, hand me the newspaper."

"Even I'm interested in this," he chuckled.

Teach, standing up with arms outstretched, burst into hearty laughter, his booming voice filling the air. "If he caught Dad's attention, even if this Ethan meets his end, he'll have no regrets."

Fossa smiled, his eyes filled with anticipation. "Izou, you're right."

"Dad, what do you make of this young man, Ethan's potential?" Marco inquired, handing the newspaper to Whitebeard as his trademark droopy eyelids hinted at his languor.

Whitebeard didn't respond immediately, engrossed in reading the newspaper's contents. After a moment, he set it aside and looked at his sons with a hearty laugh. "You've all underestimated him, Gurararara..."

The captains exchanged bewildered glances, failing to grasp Whitebeard's meaning.

It appeared that Ethan might not possess the strength or potential that Whitebeard was typically drawn to.

Vista regarded him with a polite smile and ventured, "Father, do you imply that this young man lacks potential and is destined to falter?"

Kingdew, adopting a serious demeanor, nodded in agreement.

Harta furrowed his brow, expressing doubt. "Could we have misunderstood? I believe this young man possesses formidable strength and potential."

Marco waved a dismissive hand and spoke casually, "I believe Father sees something special in this young man something we may have underestimated."

Whitebeard grinned excitement in his eyes. "This kid is even more remarkable than you think."

"It's been quite some time since I've seen the gaze of a young strongman. This young man, Ethan, possesses the aura of a true powerhouse."

"What an intriguing lad. Another notable figure will emerge in the seas, Gurarararara...."

The captains were left in awe.

Whitebeard was renowned as the world's strongest man. His words carried immense weight, leaving no room for doubt.

It seemed that Ethan was far from ordinary.

"As I suspected, this young man is extraordinary," Harta said with a satisfied smile.

Atmos, bore a rare expression of anticipation, speaking calmly, "Father's ability to judge character has never faltered."

"This young man merits our continued attention in the future."

Vista nodded, his customary smile intact. "It's been quite some time since Father praised a newcomer so earnestly."

"Ethan, we shall keep a watchful eye on your journey," he declared.

Marco leaned back in his chair, appearing half-asleep. "It's been a decade since Father last praised a newcomer. Ethan might just be the one to become a commander."

Teach glanced at his fellow captains, chuckled, and added, "Isn't this intriguing? The new era requires fresh faces. Zehahaha..."

Fossa shrugged, a wry smile on his face. "Though I don't fully understand why Father is so certain, we can't ignore his judgment. It's truly astonishing. This young man possesses immense potential."

Blamenco chimed in, "Fear not; we'll be waiting for them in the New World. I have no doubt they'll arrive soon."

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