
One piece: I am Crocodile!

Waking up in the world of One Piece as none other than Crocodile is not a very pleasant experience. Watch as a shut-in neet rises to the peak of the One Piece world.

yoshikage_kira9 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Discussing Plans

[Crocodile pov:]


In front of me are all the members of the crew that I managed to form so far: Nico Robin aka. Miss. All Sunday, my partner. Daz Bonez aka Mr. 1 along with his partner Zala aka. Miss. Doublefinger. Nami...still haven't thought of a nickname for her. And finally Gem aka. Mr.5 along with Mikita aka. Miss. Valentine.

The reason why I chose to include Mikita is quite simple... she is perfect for my crew. I won't always be the good guy, I'm pretty sure that my path from now on will be full of death. Nami had to get used to the idea that in the future she might be asked to take a human life.

I'm not Luffy, I can't make friends with anyone, I don't have that ability. I'm sure that along my journey many will come to hate me.

On the other hand Mikita is used to blood being spilled.

There is one thing I don't like about her though....Overconfident, she does not take her opponents seriously and greets any situation with a lighthearted laugh. She generally allows her partner Mr. 5 to do any necessary talking. Being a Baroque Works officer agent, she is quite confident in her abilities.

Until now I didn't see a reason to stop it, but if we are to go in New World she needs to start taking things seriously, or it could lead to her death.

Another reason why I decided to recruit her is because of her devil fruit. Mikita ate the Kiro Kiro no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows her to freely manipulate her body weight at will. She can make herself weigh anywhere from 1 to 10,000 kilograms. She uses this power to make herself heavy enough to easily crush her opponents, or to make herself light enough to glide through the air by catching a breeze with her umbrella.

Basically a downgrade version of the Ton Ton fruit.

I believe that if she can awaken her devil fruit, then she could obtain the same destruction power as the Ton Ton fruit eaten by Machvise, by getting rid of her weight limit. And if she manages to select the parts of her body that are being affected by her devil fruit, she could really be a fearsome fighter.

"First Mikita, you need to stop being so overconfident, you may think you're strong but I can assure you there are far stronger people out there, stronger then me, real monsters."

"There's nothing wrong with being confident in one's abilities but overconfidence has lead many to their grave. You should also start training both in Haki and with your Devil fruit, who knows maybe you can awaken it."

Although reluctantly Miss. Valentine responded "Yes Boss." I know the reason why she is so hesitant and frankly it's a stupid one. Apparently from what Robin told me when I asked for information about all the members of Baroque Works, the reason she doesn't want to train is because she is afraid to gain too much muscles and lose her beautiful appearance.

"Now, every single person here is part of my crew, so you should know my plan for the time being. Mr.1, Miss. Doublefinger, Nami you will come with me to Water 7 in order to get ourselves a ship.

For those who don't know Warer 7 is a oceanic metropolis famous for their shipwrights.

Our job is simple, find one such shipwright to join us, and to issue a ship from the Galley-La Company."

"While we do that, Robin I need you to pay close attention to the news from North Blue and from South Blue, more specifically about two rockie pirate crews, one lead by Trafalgar Law while the other by Jewelry Bonney."

"Yes Boss, but I am curious why don't you want me to come along?"

"Haaa...from what I heard, the members of CP9 seemed to have located in Water 7. I don't know the specifics of their mission but I'm sure that if they knew that you will show up they would abandon their mission in favor of capturing you."

"I see... " She says looking gloomy.

[Well being chased all your childhood by Marines and CP agents can't be a fun experience.]

"Also Mr.5 and Miss. Valentine, while we are gone I hope you two will give your all to training. I don't know exactly for how long we will be gone but I expect you to do something in the meantime."

"We will leave tomorrow morning, Robin by then make sure to find a decent ship that can carry the recently bought Treasure Adam wood."

After that not much else happened, we discussed some things like how much we managed to make with the casinos but that's about it.

[Nami pov:]

As I go back to my apartment I see Robin and Miss. Valentine.

[over the past month me and Robin became friends as for Mikita... let's just say we don't get along very well.]

"I can't believe it, just some months ago I was struggling to find money in order to help my town and now we literally spent 200.000.000 berry on wood. I know that we need a good ship especially if the second part of Grandline New World is anything like Croc said but still..."

"Croc? Fufufufufu..."

"What? I think it's a fitting nickname, also what is with this CP 9, you know them? I saw your reaction there."

"Thank you for worrying but it's nothing, you should go to sleep." And she walks away.

"If you say so."

{Authors notes:}

{Yo, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Also I you like this story help me with some power stones.}